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Doom: The Dark Side of Phobos - History

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01. E1M1 - EvilHorde* - Nameless
02. E1M2 - Joker* - Industrial Strength
03. E1M3 - RoeTaKa - The Chemical Imps
06. E1M6 - Beatdrop* - Reprocessed
09. E1M9 - TO - Secrets and Lies
11. E2M2 - ArseAssassin* - This Can't Be Good
12. E2M4 - Mythril Nazgul* - Ghosts of Mars
18. E3M3 - analoq - Demon Con Gusto
20. The End - TO - ElectroCute Bunny


07. E1M7 - DJ Carbunk1e* - JDBC Request
08. E1M8 - DJC* or Prophecy - Nameless


04. E1M4 - Sir Nuts - The Red Moon
05. E1M5 - Richter*/Dan B - Nameless
10. E2M1 - Dan B - Nameless
13. E2M6 - Adhesive Boy - Nameless
14. E2M7 - Bill - Nameless
15. E2M8 - EvilHorde* - Nameless
16. E2M9 - nousentre* - Mystery Meat
17. E3M2 - Larsec - Nameless
19. E3M8 - Prophecy - Nameless
21. Text Music - Larsec - Nameless

Alright, since today is the 31st, I'm going to be PMing, AIMing, etc, mixers to get project updates. Here's what we have so far. By the way, I'm looking at an Early March release date now. ;)I want this project to sound GOOD.



Wow. I like our threads new title ; Mixers, now!

It has that ACTION feel to it... Hehh...

Well anyway, my E2M8 remix is almost complete, I just have to consider if its any good, cause I´m getting kinda bored with it. But I haven´t listened to it in quite a while so... Well, I´ll send it here some time soon.



01. E1M1 - EvilHorde* - Nameless
02. E1M2 - Joker* - Industrial Strength
03. E1M3 - RoeTaKa - The Chemical Imps
06. E1M6 - Beatdrop* - Reprocessed
09. E1M9 - TO - Secrets and Lies
11. E2M2 - ArseAssassin* - This Can't Be Good
12. E2M4 - Mythril Nazgul* - Ghosts of Mars
18. E3M3 - analoq - Demon Con Gusto
19. E3M8 - Prophecy - Steel Cathedral
20. The End - TO - ElectroCute Bunny


07. E1M7 - DJ Carbunk1e* - JDBC Request
08. E1M8 - DJC* or Prophecy - Nameless
15. E2M8 - EvilHorde* - Nameless


04. E1M4 - Sir Nuts - The Red Moon
05. E1M5 - Richter*/Dan B - Nameless
10. E2M1 - Dan B - Nameless
13. E2M6 - Adhesive Boy - Nameless
14. E2M7 - Bill - Nameless
16. E2M9 - nousentre* - Mystery Meat
17. E3M2 - Larsec - Nameless
21. Text Music - Larsec - Nameless

I just got Prophecy's track in. Waiting on others.

By the way, from this point on, no more tracks will be released. ;) If you have WIPs on VGmix, take this time to delete them. Please clean any links you may have in WIP or anywhere else. The project goes secret from here on in. PM or AIM me the songs. When the time comes, I will host them as an exclusive .rar file for the project members to listen to and evaluate.

Finish up your mixing, guys.


Finished the Text Music a few minutes ago... Gonna get the bio/picture thing in place as well... I'll send you the link for the track once I have uploaded it. The connection at this place is not all that fast... Very slow actually :)



01. E1M1 - EvilHorde* - Hangarmageddon
02. E1M2 - Joker* - Industrial Strength
03. E1M3 - RoeTaKa - The Chemical Imps
06. E1M6 - Beatdrop* - Reprocessed
09. E1M9 - TO - Secrets and Lies
11. E2M2 - ArseAssassin* - This Can't Be Good
12. E2M4 - Mythril Nazgul* - Ghosts of Mars
18. E3M3 - analoq - Demon Con Gusto
19. E3M8 - Prophecy - Steel Cathedral
20. Text Music - Larsec* - Darkness Dawning
21. The End - TO - ElectroCute Bunny


07. E1M7 - DJ Carbunk1e* - JDBC Request
08. E1M8 - DJC* or Prophecy - Nameless
15. E2M8 - EvilHorde* - Nameless
17. E3M2 - Larsec - Nameless


04. E1M4 - Sir Nuts - The Red Moon
05. E1M5 - Richter*/Dan B - Nameless
10. E2M1 - Dan B - Nameless
13. E2M6 - Adhesive Boy - Nameless
14. E2M7 - Bill - Nameless
16. E2M9 - nousentre* - Mystery Meat

also, make sure you guys keep your song files! When all of this is done, and I begin work on the webpage, I will need wav files of the songs, so I can mass convert them to a set bitrate.


Myth what about the other unconfirmed tracks, it would be nice to know what's going on for time and such. I'll get you my bio soon I need to get a picture/s and whatever. For confirmed tracks would it be best to start getting some ideas of improvement and such now? Would save alot of time for the projects release.


I am in the process of reconfirming, however, I will release all the tracks to the mixing team at once, for some reasons. ;)

We have a lot of time, trust me. Sonic project comes out march 1st. Kirby will probably come out either before or after that one. I dont want our projects 15 minutes to be infringed on, nor do I want theirs to be infringed on by ours. We will wait, for we have time.


Don't worry on the confirmations. They are coming in, slowly but surely.

Very cool, nuts. I only have ONE concern about your song, and that is that, based on the demo i got, it seems a bit HAPPY? heh.

yeah.. I tried to go for a more Dark mood, but I couldn't get it right.

Anyways, an update:

I'm still not happy with some things here, I might change a lot of them. But anyways, give it a listen. The song I post could be the finished version.


I do admit, it's a great song so far, however, if I may ask you to try and tweak some things to give it a darker feel (to match the general mood of the project). Some minor note changes (no pun intended) could make a big difference for the overall feel. Other than that, I have no complaints. Well done, so far.

Also, I haven't seen Bill in a while. :( Dunno where he is, so for the moment, I'm dropping him from the list. However, Bill, if you do show up, hit me up and I will put you back on. Until then however, TO and Bladiator are working on a song for that track, so the updated list is as follows:


01. E1M1 - EvilHorde* - Hangarmageddon
02. E1M2 - Joker* - Industrial Strength
03. E1M3 - RoeTaKa - The Chemical Imps
06. E1M6 - Beatdrop* - Reprocessed
09. E1M9 - TO - Secrets and Lies
11. E2M2 - ArseAssassin* - This Can't Be Good
12. E2M4 - Mythril Nazgul* - Ghosts of Mars
18. E3M3 - analoq - Demon Con Gusto
19. E3M8 - Prophecy - Steel Cathedral
20. Text Music - Larsec* - Darkness Dawning
21. The End - TO - ElectroCute Bunny


04. E1M4 - Sir Nuts - The Red Moon
07. E1M7 - DJ Carbunk1e* - JDBC Request
08. E1M8 - DJC* or Prophecy - Nameless
13. E2M6 - Adhesive Boy - Nameless
14. E2M7 - TO/Bladiator - Nameless
15. E2M8 - EvilHorde* - Nameless
16. E2M9 - nousentre* - Mystery Meat
17. E3M2 - Larsec - Nameless


05. E1M5 - Richter*/Dan B - Nameless
10. E2M1 - Dan B - Nameless



01. E1M1 - EvilHorde* - Hangarmageddon
02. E1M2 - Joker* - Industrial Strength
03. E1M3 - RoeTaKa - The Chemical Imps
06. E1M6 - Beatdrop* - Reprocessed
09. E1M9 - TO - Secrets and Lies
11. E2M2 - ArseAssassin* - This Can't Be Good
12. E2M4 - Mythril Nazgul* - Ghosts of Mars
15. E2M8 - EvilHorde* - The Leaning Tower of Babel
18. E3M3 - analoq - Demon Con Gusto
19. E3M8 - Prophecy - Steel Cathedral
20. Text Music - Larsec* - Darkness Dawning
21. The End - TO - ElectroCute Bunny


04. E1M4 - Sir Nuts - The Red Moon
07. E1M7 - DJ Carbunk1e* - JDBC Request
08. E1M8 - DJC* or Prophecy - Nameless
10. E2M1 - Dan B - Nameless
13. E2M6 - Adhesive Boy - Nameless
14. E2M7 - TO/Bladiator - Nameless
16. E2M9 - nousentre* - Mystery Meat
17. E3M2 - Larsec - Nameless


05. E1M5 - Richter*/Dan B - Nameless

Richter, Dan B, I need to know if you two are still planning on collaborating on e1m5. If not, I'll put it down as a solo arrangement, and you can toss that extended version of the WIP back at me.


How are things looking you may ask? Let's take this step by step.

04. E1M4 - Sir Nuts - The Red Moon

I got the previously posted link, but I need to know 100% if this is your final version or not. ;)

05. E1M5 - Richter*/Dan B - Nameless

I have a song from Richter and a WIP from Dan B. I need a consensus as to whats happening with this track pretty soon.

07. E1M7 - DJ Carbunk1e* - JDBC Request

I have a WIP and hopefully a more complete update soon? ;)

08. E1M8 - DJ Carbunk1e & Majin Geodude - Nameless

Waiting on this one. Spoken to both.

10. E2M1 - Dan B - Nameless

Waiting on this one. Spoken to Dan. Should be coming soon.

13. E2M6 - Adhesive Boy - Nameless

Waiting on this one. Spoken to AB. Hopefully, he can get something in this weekend. ;)

14. E2M7 - TO/Bladiator - Nameless

I got TO's background section. Waiting on the final version with Bladiator's piano.

16. E2M9 - nousentre* - Mystery Meat

I got an almost complete WIP that just needs some fixing now. Post the link in here, dude.

17. E3M2 - Larsec - Nameless

Waiting on this one. Hit me up, soon, Larsec.

When i have all the tracks, two things will happen. I will send some of you a zip file with all the tracks, for evaluation. Please be constructive, as we are looking to make this project sound as good as we can possibly make it.

Secondly, I'm going to go through and try and figure out a track list. This means that a)I want to try and get the mood of the songs to create a progression, as opposed to B) following the game's level list. I'm still debating between the two choices.

NO! its not my final version lol!

how much time do I have to make this song? because I still need to finish it and I have to fix my headphones, which I'm going to do this weekend.

anyways gotta leave now, but don't use that one! its incomplete hehe.

Aight. Can I expect something more by the end of the weekend?

05. E1M5 - Richter*/Dan B - Nameless

I have a song from Richter and a WIP from Dan B. I need a consensus as to whats happening with this track pretty soon.

It's tough to get Dan B to say more than two words about such a thing, but his WIP is amazing, and I don't think any help of mine is needed.

I withdraw my track. Good luck with the project.

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