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Doom: The Dark Side of Phobos - History

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01. E1M1 - EvilHorde* - Hangarmageddon
02. E1M2 - Joker* - Industrial Strength
03. E1M3 - RoeTaKa - The Chemical Imps
04. E1M4 - Sir Nuts - The Red Moon
05. E1M5 - Dan B - The Dark Side of Phobos
06. E1M6 - Beatdrop* - Reprocessed
07. E1M7 - DJ Carbunk1e* - JDBC Request
09. E1M9 - TO - Secrets and Lies
11. E2M2 - ArseAssassin* - This Can't Be Good
12. E2M4 - Mythril Nazgul* - Ghosts of Mars
15. E2M8 - EvilHorde* - The Leaning Tower of Babel
18. E3M3 - analoq - Demon Con Gusto
19. E3M8 - Prophecy - Steel Cathedral
20. Text Music - Larsec* - Darkness Dawning
21. The End - TO - ElectroCute Bunny


08. E1M8 - DJC/MajinGeoDood - Nameless
10. E2M1 - RoeTaKa - Infiltration
13. E2M6 - Hemophiliac - Aria of the Damned
14. E2M7 - TO/Bladiator - Nameless
16. E2M9 - nousentre* - Mystery Meat
17. E3M2 - Larsec - Nameless

New list. Roe, you got some good suggestions in the PRC thread. Your mix isn't finished yet. TO and Larry, amongst others, brought some valid points up. Work on that. Otherwise, congrats.


Wooo. I just wanna say I love the Dark Side Of Phobos... & Industrial Strength is my favorititist track ever.

Waiting for that to be said is what keeps me going. *sniffles*. Why must you deprive me of such nonsense (for right now) Myth? Why!? Anyway, if Larsec does drop out, who gonna do the deed(le)?

I am indeed working on finalizing my second track.. Waiting for some feed back from the Nazgul.... :)

Do you plan to add any backing instruments to it? It sounds decent thus far, but I was just wondering if you plan to add any strings or anything?


I think we should make Myth in a bikini the DSoP cover model!

But on to the business at the hand. Are we still doing th peer review? Or are we just finalizing the tracks in general. Either way I got a newly mastered version of my mix. I'll have it too ya on Friday or Saturday.



01. E1M1 - EvilHorde* - Hangarmageddon
02. E1M2 - Joker* - Industrial Strength
03. E1M3 - RoeTaKa - The Chemical Imps
04. E1M4 - Sir Nuts - The Red Moon
05. E1M5 - Dan B - The Dark Side of Phobos
06. E1M6 - Beatdrop* - Reprocessed
07. E1M7 - DJ Carbunk1e* - JDBC Request
09. E1M9 - TO - Secrets and Lies
11. E2M2 - ArseAssassin* - This Can't Be Good
12. E2M4 - Mythril Nazgul* - Ghosts of Mars
15. E2M8 - EvilHorde* - The Leaning Tower of Babel
18. E3M3 - analoq - Demon Con Gusto
19. E3M8 - Prophecy - Steel Cathedral
20. Text Music - Larsec* - Darkness Dawning
21. The End - TO - ElectroCute Bunny


08. E1M8 - DJC/MajinGeoDood - Nameless
10. E2M1 - RoeTaKa - Infiltration
13. E2M6 - Hemophiliac - Aria of the Damned
14. E2M7 - TO/Bladiator - Nameless
16. E2M9 - nousentre* - Mystery Meat
17. E3M2 - Larsec - Slough of Despair

I've been in contact with all of the mixers left and their songs are all nearing completion.

Considering the time this has taken, I would just suggest mixers use their own discretion and touch up their mixes on their own. Send me the finalized version on AIM or IRC. I would prefer it if you sent me a wav file - I have high speed, so it's not a problem on my end.


OC Remixers, if you would like me to use your OCR mixer bio, please let me know.

Have Both

Majin GeoDood
Mythril Nazgul (duh)
DJ Carbunk1e

Need Pic


Need Bio


Need Pic and Bio

TO *you still haven't resent me that ;)
Danny B

If you had sent me that, I apologize for misplacing it. Please resend? Please? :)

Wavs would be nice. Soon. ;)


Just to let you guys know, I plan to have both individual mp3 downloads from the site (Gonna need some hosts/mirrors) as well as a torrent with lossless .flac files - thanks ana for suggesting it).


When is this baby ready?

I cant wait to listen to these remixes :) Im really looking forward to Hell Keep (tried the RIFF on Metal Guitar, so sweet)


OoooooooooO! *Heads about to pop in excitement*

I got a tease of Hanger Remix, god that was brilliant!!!!

Hey guys, whens the next project coming up? Im thinking about getting involved if its a project im familiar with, like DooM 2 or Sonic 3 etc, I mean, if you guys would take me, im new at remixing, but im learning fast :?


Jesus, I really wish you guys would finish this project soon. I've been incredibly psyched about this for the past... has it really been 7 months?! Come on! What's the hold up?

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