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You can download anytime you want. All's you have to do is right click & save target as. Or Save or some crap like that. And, wala. You downloaded. And when the projects finally released, you can use said technique to d/l the songs off the album.

Edit: Well got word from Myth that it was okay to release a little over a minute sampler of my mix. You can use the technique to acquire it.

And now for your enjoyment, & to supplement your patience.

E1M2: Industrial Strength by Joker


When DS and I originally talked a bit back we decided to let Kirby debut first. While their project seems to be slowing, they still look to finish ahead of us. That is why I haven't really been in a VAGINORMOUS (lol) hurry to finish this. I want to give Kirby project a MININININUM of two weeks before we debut.

I apologise for the lack of updates. The last remaining songs are being worked on. I'm keeping in touch with the mixers via AIM and IRC and things look to be finished soon. Then, I go and sort eveyt'ang out.

Thank you for your time and pashuns.

That is why I haven't really been in a VAGINORMOUS (lol) hurry to finish this

Holy crap... didn't know that was a word. But I'm betting when we finally unveil 'dis project. Es gon be vaginormous yo.

I agree. This project is the most vaginormous thing to happen this year.

is there an official site or page for this, or is this thread it?

There will be.

'There will be', as in someone's doing it? Or, 'there will be' as in GOD DAMN WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE GONNA DO FOR A SITE??!~~

I refuse to sift through 30 odd pages to find out. Someone bring that information right to ME.

is there an official site or page for this, or is this thread it?

There will be.

'There will be', as in someone's doing it? Or, 'there will be' as in GOD DAMN WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE GONNA DO FOR A SITE??!~~

I refuse to sift through 30 odd pages to find out. Someone bring that information right to ME.

Last I heard, GlobalTrance is making one.

is there an official site or page for this, or is this thread it?

Someone bring that information right to ME.

I have been commissioned to make the site in exchange for two goats and a comely lass of virtue true.


is there an official site or page for this, or is this thread it?

Someone bring that information right to ME.

I have been commissioned to make the site in exchange for two goats and a comely lass of virtue true.


Richter, hit me up on aim/irc tonight. around 8ish EST.


I'm pretty sure Larsec did it. Though I may be wrong. But I'm pretty sure considering a while back he said he was getting some vocalists to sing an end theme for the album. Friggin awesome stuff BTW. Nuts' track really hit me on how far it's come. It's all Overseer sounding now... which is vaginormously great in my book.

Richter, hit me up on aim/irc tonight. around 8ish EST.
Will do. Prepare a picture of the comely lass.
That's the first time I've ever been stood up by ... um... a guy named Navid.

I was waiting for you to IM me :(


No worries dude :) I was just browsing around, never saw you come off from Away/NA. Hit me up sometime; I'm usually on in the evenings. I'll also be online all fucking day Wednesday (gotta do a semester's worth of work in one day).

Kickass preview btw, great work guys.

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