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you know, it's not always a lack of talent or ability that begets obvious autotuning. some of us happen to think that it sounds pretty darn cool and see it as a stylistic modification with a lot of fun possibilities

This is true. But that doesn't change how it's become vastly overused, be it for style or corrections. It's just a personal preference mind you, but unless the singer's GLaDOS, I don't enjoy the sound of it at all.

not to mention pitch correction is used on virtually every single instrument and vocal track nowadays

And THAT is part of why I hate it. Tune your instruments before you play them, learn the parts, and you'll be fine. It worked for scores of years before autotune came about, didn't it? As for singing, practice more, or just go with it like so many others have. If it's good enough for Alice Cooper, Weird Al and Frank Sinatra, then why fight it?

oh, blah blah blah something on-topic

And yada yada yada on-topic reply.


No. No, I think he's all tuckered out now. It's not easy spewing that much bullshit, even he would have to take a break now and then.

But since this is an actual discussion about an actual topic, let us continue to proceed with genuine enthusiasm and vigor.

DLC is not bad. Valve has great DLC for most of their games. Even with the recent TF2 crate key thing, where you pay to unlock items that drop in-game, it's still not that bad. You can choose to not get the key, and (I have to go b what I read, feel free to correct me if I have this wrong) you aren't missing out on anything that will affect your ability to play the game, ie: better weapons or stats or something. In fact, I heard that you can sometimes get normal weapons instead, so it's kind of random.

If i have this wrong, please correct and elaborate.


I agree with alot of key points here on both the approval and disapproval of DLC. Plenty of games have done it wrong.. definitely.. But there are some games that have done well with it. I'm surprised it hasn't been mentioned but Dragon Quest IX stands as a fine example of DLC done extremely well. Slews of quests, the DQ shop feature extra characters.. All of it free and still running a bit into this year. As mentioned earlier "Little things for free." and those little things add up to alot, so kudos there.

But then we have the bad.. A good example I can think of recently is Red Dead Redemption. Game was well done, I enjoyed it.. but it was so barren with no one around at times to me it felt a tad rushed. Then came the DLC... Small multiplayer map packs, some fleshing out on the mini games already in the game that could have easily been set up for online play from the get go, and then finally the Undead Nightmare. All of which had no less than a 10 dollar price tag on it for a few additions with Undead Nightmare running at the rate of an expansion pack when very little was actually added into the game to warrant the price tag.

And then the ugly.. Fable.. Time and time again we've been promised so much variety and scope with that game and everytime I see a rushed, half-assed product where we get expansion packs and such rammed down our throats with content that could have easily been put into the game from the get go if they'd stop rushing the product and taking time with it. To me DLC in more cases than not looks to be nothing short of a way to rush us a product by a "due date" to edge out the competition regardless of how weak the game is and make us pay for their laziness later.

To me DLC in more cases than not looks to be nothing short of a way to rush us a product by a "due date" to edge out the competition regardless of how weak the game is and make us pay for their laziness later.

Yes. DLC is the gaming equivalent of communism. It looks really good on paper. Don't trust the people, they're stupid. Bleck. DLC theory is fantastic and I'm sure that they'll be several companies that use it to wonderful effect (just like sometimes autotune can be useful...sometimes)

Unfortunately, companies due what works, and using DLC as a means to increase the quantity of games a company can put out AND increase the amount of money a company gets for each game...well, that vampiric method will continue. IMO, the gaming community at large needs to create some kind of counter measure to help diminish the effectiveness of DLC vampirism. Once it's less profitable to do it the wrong way, companies will start to do it the right way. Much like China and they're newfangled commu-capitalist hybrid economy they got over there (aka socialist)


I think relyance put it best

there are some DLCs out there, even paid, that is well done and doesn't otherwise fit into the game

eg. The Shadow Broker stuff in Mass Effect 2

and then there's stuff like Soul Calibur 4 where you have to pay money to unlock characters that are already on the disc

I think relyance put it best

there are some DLCs out there, even paid, that is well done and doesn't otherwise fit into the game

eg. The Shadow Broker stuff in Mass Effect 2

and then there's stuff like Soul Calibur 4 where you have to pay money to unlock characters that are already on the disc

Oh yeah, THAT shit pisses me off. If I see DLC thats only 128kb, that means whatever I'm paying for is already on the disk and this is just an unlock. To hell with that...and they wonder why people have started turning to piracy more and more.

Hell, another thing with DLC just came to mind. XBox states that, with their achievements in a game, all of them must be accessable without purchasing further content (besides online multiplayer awards, where you're paying for that). Fable made it where you had to buy a specific item, I believe the table top game pack, to get a specific item to unlock an achievement. It was the only way to get the item, and specifically required purchased content. XBox let them get away with it. I'm not just talking the extra points that you get with most DLC, I'm talking the original 1000pt setup could not be completed if hadn't purchased other content. Essentially, for point chasers, they forced another $10 out of you for a single achievement.

Sadly, I can't bring myself to say I want to see DLC gone completely. I do like the possibilities it brings to the table. I just wish most game companies wouldn't sit and abuse the hell out of it.

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