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It depends on how it's mixed. The problem with short songs is they don't leave a lot of room for dynamics, and if you have a buildup only to end the song 10 seconds later, people tend to have a problem with it.

It depends on how it's mixed. The problem with short songs is they don't leave a lot of room for dynamics, and if you have a buildup only to end the song 10 seconds later, people tend to have a problem with it.

good point :P

now that you mention it i do hear some short demos with those kinda problems


There's nothing wrong with a short song. There's also nothing wrong with a long song. Unless, of course, it's really just a short song that repeats itself. I prefer songs that don't just loop through again just to appear longer.


I'm a prog fan, sooo the longer the better.

Seriously though, how much development can you really have in 1 minute? When you have a really epic long experience, the end is just a bit more satisfying. Try this one on for size if you dare, longer then most:


I mean obviously sometimes you want something quick, which is fine too.

This thread is gonna be packed with 'that's what she said's.

sooo the longer the better..

that's what she said

When you have a really epic long experience, the end is just a bit more satisfying.

that's what she said

Try this one on for size if you dare

that's what she said

longer then most:

that's what she said

I mean obviously sometimes you want something quicky

she said it


"that's what!" she said.


Depends what kind of song it is, if it's a main theme I want them to be long. If it's a battle theme I don't mind them being 1-1:30 minutes. If it's a boss battle around 2-3 minutes is good. Longer songs can feel more repetitive than shorter ones. I don't think a song should be long just to be long. Loss of Me from FFIX is a good example. It's short and sweet.

Soul Blade also has excellent but short songs.

I do love long orchestrated main themes.

I'm a prog fan, sooo the longer the better.

Seriously though, how much development can you really have in 1 minute? When you have a really epic long experience, the end is just a bit more satisfying. Try this one on for size if you dare, longer then most:


I mean obviously sometimes you want something quick, which is fine too.

This thread is gonna be packed with 'that's what she said's.

How did I KNOW you were going to post that link as soon as I saw you'd posted in this thread? :P


I love short tracks too (hey, I listen to old videogame music!). No joke, >4 minutes is often a bit of a warning sign to me (depending on context, of course, and I'll always have a listen to the content anyway).

Also do feel that sometimes short tracks get annoying "criticism" just because of being short. Maybe it could've been "expanded" or whatever, but maybe longer tracks could've been trimmed? Maybe maybe maybe? Who cares, the artist/s/ did what he/she/they wanted to do and you either like it or not, but "you should have expanded on it" is not good or objective criticism IMO unless the criticism itself is also very expanded upon. Else that's just, like, your opinion, maaan.


I like shorter songs. I'd rather have 1-3 minutes of sheer freakin' awesome that I can enjoy listening to repeatedly than 10 minutes of Dream Theater wankery. Yes I said it, I don't like Dream Theater.

Never head of Frost* before, but that song is amazing. Good recommendation :)


I'd rather have 1-3 minutes of sheer freakin' awesome that I can enjoy listening to repeatedly than 10 minutes of Dream Theater wankery. Yes I said it, I don't like Dream Theater.

Get out.

I like shorter songs. I'd rather have 1-3 minutes of sheer freakin' awesome that I can enjoy listening to repeatedly than 10 minutes of Dream Theater wankery. Yes I said it, I don't like Dream Theater.

Incoming! *ducks*

I listen to both. Frequently. My favorite bands are metalcore, and in that genre, you usually average about 3-4 minutes for a song. I listen to a lot of punk bands that have a good minute-thirty before the end up in the next song. And then of course there's stuff like BTBAM, who can only fit a so many 15-minute songs on a single album.

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