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If I didn't read up about it or see my emails I wouldn't have believed some one decided to create as well as publish something like it.

Exclusive for the PS3


Hyperdimension Neptunia

Basically the entire premise of the game is the following...

The game is a take on the seventh generation era "console war" between the three major consoles: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Wii. The game's battles will take place in a 3D environment using turn-based game play. The game allows players to customize the appearance and combos of Neptune. Players can also summon "guardian angels" from various Sega games or from pictures in the PlayStation 3's photo album ~ Wiki Page

My girl's hounding me to get it and I do see the novelty and charm but...

Okay this part

Players can also summon "guardian angels" from various Sega games or from pictures in the PlayStation 3's photo album

This is saying to me that I could just upload these images into my PS3 and use them..?



I don't know what to think of it all


I had interest initially

then saw various in game footage (thank you youtube) and was less interested

then I start reading stuff like this


those of you that are getting it be aware of that "You can't heal yourself" thing

""With no way to just use a potion or the first aid skill, you instead have to rely on an auto-heal system. Using AP points, you can set it up so your characters heal themselves when their HP drops below a certain percentage. However, this is limited by how many AP points you have. At first, you only have 30, so until you level up, the best you can do is 30%, meaning 70% of the time, your characters will accept the drop in HP.

Now this wouldn’t be so bad on its own–it’s a problem that can be solved by grinding low level enemies until you get enough AP. But there’s another fatal flaw in the system. Your characters are unable to recognize that their health is below a certain percentage unless an enemy hit is the cause. That may sound complicated, but essentially what it means is that you can have the auto-heal set up, but your character will remain stuck at 1HP because the game only “checks” your HP directly after an enemy attack. Furthermore, you’d better remember to set up the auto heals as soon as a character enters your party because otherwise, you’re pretty much screwed.

It’s a prime example of a developer trying to fix what isn’t broken. The manual heal system has functioned just fine since the 1980′s and there was no reason to change that. As a result of the colossally stupid decision on the part of Idea Factory, I ended up getting stuck in the third dungeon with no way to move forward or backwards because two of my characters were stuck at 1HP and I was powerless to help them, despite having over 50 potions in my inventory.""

I had interest initially

then saw various in game footage (thank you youtube) and was less interested

then I start reading stuff like this


those of you that are getting it be aware of that "You can't heal yourself" thing

I was initially worried that it had a fatal game killing issue, such as that locked door bug in Metroid: Other M and Twilight Princess with that cannon room, but then I find this guy beating the entire game. I no longer became worried.

Reminded me of the issue where you could only fight so much in Persona 3 (FES in my case) where each team member would become exhausted, as well as yourself, if you kept fighting and fighting. If you get to where your too weak to go back to Tartarus you're essentially screwing yourself over in the long run.

While this was less of a problem, for me at least, in Persona 4 I doubt that would kill HN for me that easily. :wink:

Went to go pick up my copy today, and gamestop has miraculously fucked up again twice in 2 days, and now HN is listed as coming out the 25th. This is right after delaying my Dragon Quest VI 2 days.

I don't know, Best Buy's around my place don't even list it as a new release or recognize its existence. However Wal-mart supposedly has it.

Edit: Holy shit as of this post edit, I see it as "Out Of Stock" on Walmart's pages

Edit2: Seems even NIS America as of this post says its no longer available.


Maybe something to do with this?

I am sending this e-mail notification to inform you about the status of your Hyperdimension Neptunia Preorder. Some of you may have noticed that your account was billed for your order and I wanted to clear up what exactly was going on. Your order information was sent to our warehouse on Tuesday, February 8th, in preparation to be shipped on Thursday and Friday, February 10th/11th. Your orders have all been printed and our warehouse has completed as much packing as possible. Due to severe weather issues, our game shipment has not yet arrived at our warehouse. As of this e-mail, it is currently stuck in Missouri. We cannot guarantee when the games will arrive, but we are expecting them to get here sometime next week.

From an NISA rep.


Forgot to post last night, but I went in to pick up my DQVI yesterday afternoon and the GS manager brought my copy of HN out with it. They got two other copies in with it. So its out now, at least in my area.

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