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Hehe fun video :-D It does look labor intensive, like the commenter said...

OK people we have 4 weeks left until the deadline!! How's everyone's videos going??

We are shooting again this weekend, and that will (hopefully) be the final session. Vinnie (Palpable) and I will be editing this together, possibly with the help of others involved in our SUPER COLLAB video. It will be interesting because we will be moving out before the deadline, so we will have to deal with packing/moving in addition to editing and the rest of everything else going on in life. So we'll all see how that turns out.

I haven't started it yet. But I am confident I'll have it done before the deadline, I started my last one only 3 days before the deadline.


I'm making a promotional video for OCRMV4 because I need demo footage to land me a job. If anyone wants to send a clip of your video for me to use in the promo please PM me.

You can also get hold of me to contribute ideas. What I know for sure is that it won't be longer than a minute and it'll be done with 2D motion graphics. Style-wise think "MTV" because even though their shows are stupid anymore, they have fantastic motion graphics.

That is all.

EDIT: Oh! Help with sound design would the most helpful kind of help! If it's done REALLY well, I mean professionally, I would consider making it a paid job...



I have taken the liberty of creating a YouTube account for the OCRMVC! http://www.youtube.com/user/ocrmvc?feature=mhum Please subscribe, link, RT, etc.

I made playlists for each of the past OCRMVCs. However, the first playlist has a lot of omissions because I couldn't think of where to find some of the videos off the top of my head and my brain is absolutely fried right now so I don't have the capacity to go digging around through the logs and forums. However, if you submitted a video in the first OCRMVC or know of the link offhand, please feel free to share here and I'll update it. Otherwise at a later time I'll go digging around.

Modus, do you have a YT link to your video that we viewed on Vimeo? Just so I can link it to my playlist.

I thought of putting up a simple webpage for the OCRMVC too, just to have a single place to store all the info, logs, video links, etc. Maybe when my brain is a little more unfried.


The Crysis one is only on Vimeo. I'll have to upload it on a second account because the subscriber base I have on my first account doesn't like that sort of stuff.

Side note:If anyone is looking for inspiration, check out the Vimeo Staff Picks. I think our goal should be to eventually achieve that level of quality or close to it.

I have a question.

Are we allowed to trim down the remixes to make them shorter, or do the music videos have to be "as-is" for the songs?

I made a short edit of analoq's "sonik metro" remix for my video last time. Not only was this a non-issue, but analoq actually liked how I shortened it. :)

The Crysis one is only on Vimeo. I'll have to upload it on a second account because the subscriber base I have on my first account doesn't like that sort of stuff.

OK, well it's not a big deal if it's too much trouble, I mean it's really up to you.

Chernabogue: I added your video to the playlist .)

And yeah, we are pretty lax here. Trimming remixes is fine.


I subscribed to the ocmvc channel.

Ok, I now know why I shouldn't reveal the remix I'm doing anymore, because I may change my mind and leave the remixer disappointed. I think I'll still do Snow Motion, but I'm not revealing the mix next time.

I can't wait to see these promo videos. I'll be sure to spread them everywhere I can, if only I had thousands of subscribers I could really help us out, lol.


I hesitate to say that there is a possibility of moving the deadline when we still have 3 weeks to go, because I feel that may encourage people to procrastinate and then hope for an extension >.> However, we have been lax in the past and I suppose it is a possibility, if everyone agrees they'd like an extension and we don't have any videos to show by that date. Vinnie and I are also extremely busy and we're not sure if we'll get ours done in time, but we are also prepared to just show what we have so far if that's the case. I just don't want people to get upset because I know in the past, some people have worked really hard to make sure theirs was done by that date, and then felt it was unfair when there was an extension given for other people, and I agree that's unfair to those who worked so hard to meet the deadline.

Argh how do I always end up making these things tl;dr. To sum: Yes there is a small possibility the deadline will change, but I would like to avoid that if at all possible. So assume it will be May 1. :razz:


That's understandable. If I don't have my video done by deadline when we had 2 or 3 months, that's on me. I just refuse to submit rushed videos anymore because that's what I did last time with the Crysis one and I wasn't too happy with it. I'll just have to take all the time I need to finish a video the right way and submit it regardless of when deadlines are.

Maybe when summer comes around, I can plan more accurately.


Wow do I ever regret revealing my mix before making it, because now I have decided not to go with Snow Motion. Apologies to SkyHigh who may have been looking forward to it. When I was walking home listening to random OCRs on the way. I heard one that got me so motivated that I started working on the video as soon as I got home and already have it 30% done as I speak in the same day. I was procrastinating on Snow Motion, because my motivation for it fizzled out after I waited so long to start and had heard several more motivational mixes afterwards.

So bottom line cancel Snow Motion, and put me up for a mystery mix. I've learned why it's not a good idea to reveal the mix your doing. I will probably have mine finished before the end of the weekend at this rate. It's great when you finish well before schedule.

So I'm voting for no extension, unless an extension nets us several more videos and remember you can also show a partially finished video, like I did. I was not burned at the stake for it.

Good Luck everyone I am soooo looking forward to showing my video, it's going to be amazing and my best work to date.

I will give everyone a one word hint as to what's coming...




I agree, my idea of revealing mixes was a bad one because I find myself being motivated to do a certain one sometimes and then I switch to preferring a different one. I still fear picking the same mix as someone else, but the risk is pretty low with the amount of remixes available.

And yes, I am still working on the promo video and I think it'll come out decent. Protodome digs one of the designs I did so it can't be too bad :D

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