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Gecko, I have to apologize.

Back when Oblivion got out, I ridiculed the game based on my crappy experience with Morrowind. And as such I ridiculed you for liking it.

I tried Oblivion finally when a friend got me the GotY edition on steam. Rather than judging it from my morrowind hating perspective, I went in knowing that I liked Fallout 3, a game that shares a lot IMO with Oblivion. And I have to say, I like oblivion, and Skyrim is on my watchlist.

(Although Oblivion is still far from being my favorite RPG, if only because the leveling system is somewhat broken, either you have to willingly exploit it to get the most out of levels, or you get to raise stats poorly if you go with it more naturally. A revamped leveling system is a good thing for Skyrim.)


I agree about leveling. I wish that for the most part they would just make a realistic battle system. So you're not there hitting a human like 50 times with your sword trying to kill him. I can understand if they block it. But when you're hitting something that many times with a sword, it won'y survive THAT long. Let people realistically stab, slice, even decapitate people and monsters... no ridiculous drawn-out battles based on game difficulty. Yeah, I'm one of those guys who turned the difficulty down at some point because I was more interested in following the sidequests and stuff than getting slaughtered by rogues or cops in the wilderness. I know they've changed the battle system, I just hope they've fixed it.


I'm one of the biggest fanboys for the elder scrolls series, but skyrim has me worried... Morrowind IMO was the best RPG of the time and still the best in the series not taking into account the stupidly bad graphics compared to modern games. The essence of Elder scrolls is - and this is a direct quote from Morrowind's manual - "The goal is whatever you want it to be." Oblivion started to stray from this idea when it introduced the "new" sort of buggy levelling system. Between Morrowind and Oblivion, the developers removed 6 skills, 16 weapon types, and 7 spells. This was an acceptable loss, but an old fan could tell that oblivion felt streamlined in design. Skyrim by the looks of it has taken more cues from oblivion and is treamlining more and more facets of the game going so far to take out hand-to-hand, which personally doesn't matter to me, but it has been a skill in elder scrolls since day 1. I think that the developers are taking a backward approach to the design by removing instead of adding.


  • 3 months later...
For anyone planning to run Skyrim on the PC, here are the system requirements. I think my laptop just squeaks in on the graphics card front, so I'm going to give it a shot.

My desktop meets everything on the Recommended front EXCEPT the graphics. On that, it's only Minimum...

Dammit. I'd be upgrading immediately if I had any money to do so.


Skyrim is looking better than Oblivion in pretty much every way. They're using an upgraded engine, which means not only better graphics but also less buggy overall. They're tweaking the borked level-scaling enemies system to work more like it did in Fallout 3 (ie, not-broken). They're getting rid of classes and letting you develop skills naturally instead of enforcing the major/minor divide. (Not sure how they're implementing levelups, but my guess would be a standard XP system a la Fallout 3.)

Plus, there's dragons 'n' shit.

Hnnghghghg Steam activation.

Yeah, that part is bothering me as well.

I lack money, but it's going to be hard to avoid purchasing this game at launch. I'm going to attempt it by watching someone else play it on launch day for charity instead. Of course, that will probably just backfire on me anyway, but hey, it's for charity!


Oh yeah? Steam activation, eh? That shouldn't affect me since I have it on Steam... To you people who bought it legally... I would say consider pirating it. I know that sounds crazy but I ttthhhhhink it's legal if you own it, and then you could bypass any kind of internet or steam-related requirement. :|

If the concern is bandwidth or filesize, you might be able to just download the crack

Oh yeah? Steam activation, eh? That shouldn't affect me since I have it on Steam... To you people who bought it legally... I would say consider pirating it. I know that sounds crazy but I ttthhhhhink it's legal if you own it, and then you could bypass any kind of internet or steam-related requirement. :|

If the concern is bandwidth or filesize, you might be able to just download the crack

we just love to own our game, without reliying on those decrypting data via steam/internet. that's why we buy hard copy. i own a steam account too, but i would like to keep it for dematerialized stuff. Just cause 2 did that too me too, was desapointed to see it need a steam activation even if i bought the hard copy. Not really a bandwith problem just the old i have the CD/DVD let me install that game wherever. whenever i want, I.E on a non connected PC or when Steam decide to upgrade stuff and don't allow me to download that small file i need to play.

Plus, there's dragons 'n' shit.


I remember years ago when I was on dialup trying to play the original Counter-Strike and they suddenly had the 1.5 update I think it was, and they had just introduced Steam and were forcing people to use it. Prior to that I was on dialup, I'd download the huge patches on fileplanet or something (They were usually around 200mb and it took forever). I was hesitant to join Steam because I just wanted to play my game and I knew Steam wouldn't last forever, just like modern consoles really won't last as long as an NES or a Genesis. I've become submissive and have joined the Steam overlords at great risk to my own health, and I recognize that someday it will be gone, and my games gone with it. So I can understand where you're coming from.

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