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I really really like what you have going on here, but since I tend to be conservative in my expectations, I would say that if you submit it as it is, you will get "No, Resubmit" from the judges. You have a lot of minimalistic elements and parts in this track and while you can get away with that sometimes, it is likely that in your particular mix it will be seen as a weakness. Also, your mix is lacking pump/phatness - maybe well-implemented compression on individual synths and overall mix will do the trick.

Having said that, I think you should probably submit the mix. You will get more specific feedback from the judges. And hell, maybe they will love all that crazy cool automation and LFO action you have going on and the mix will get accepted as is.


I think this has a very interesting sound overall. The shifting synths, the variety of instruments, the dubstep effect, it's all great. However, the soundscape sounds a bit hollow, overall. It just feels like it's missing a bit of the mid-range. I'll intuit that the bass is missing a little bit, too, EQ-wise (it's like the bass you use doesn't cover the lowest range).

I think the arrangement would be acceptable, but it'll be a close call on their part. If you could make the source elements more of a central element rather than a series of background events I think you'd have a much easier time in the submission process.

It's hard to say, but I think this would still land as a resubmit, as is. I know you don't want that again, so perhaps you could give this one just a little more push before submission. It's great, but there's a little you could do to really push it over the edge.

BTW, when it picks up in the last third, it's awesome. Just awesome.


Thanks guy on this one.

From what gario's said, I tried to remove a little bit of bass cause this was getting muddy.

From what ambient said, Each time I get the mid-range a little up, it sounds muddy. I'm having trouble mastering the track cause I started with the soundgoodizer and this IS WHOLE CRAP. Never use this plug-in except on individual channel. I learned that by this song. Now it is pretty hard to get a good overall sound.

And only 1 question for ambient: What does 'Minimalistic' mean? ( I'm french/quebec you know )


Ok been mastering for long and I hope it pays it. This, this is the submission file. Thanks to all who contributed. Maybe I'll be back to WIP if this do not get passed. Or maybe I'll jump to something new. I'll see.

Thanks again to all feedback. Many thanks.

Final :img.php?fid=1237


Ok boss, let me do this, I will listen to the track and jot down my comments. Take them with a grain of salt as some might just be personal preferences. Do as I do, listen to all feedback, and implement what you think will work best for your mix.

0:00-0:10 - this stretch is pretty weak, so at first you think you are in for a couple of minutes of noobie stuff, but it sets the perfect stage for the next section.

0:10-0:37 - awesome automation going on there, lots of movement on the synths, good way to reinterpret the arp from the original. Kick and snare could be more powerful. See if you can sidechain/duck a couple of instruments, and definitely sidechain the bass, this will create even more of a pumping feel for the mix.

0:38 - I really think that lead cheapens the entire mix. You have a lot of badassery going on right before it, and when I get to this part I feel a little cheated. You are doing a good job with changing up the pattern and having some slides there. But the synth is just uninteresting. Try something different, maybe a more layered distorted electro lead.

0:38-1:38 - not a lot of comments on this section. Except for the lead synth, I think it is generally good. You could have some kind sweep or some other effect leading into the transition at 1:39.

1:39-2:08 - awesome section. Great automation, stuttering, and all that good stuff. However, you should definitely do more on the drums here. Some stuttering, short fills, drops will really spice this section up even more. This actually applies to the mix overall - drums are lacking variety and energy. I know, this is mostly a "four to the floor track" (btw, good job taking a 3/4 track and making it 4/4), but you need to throw some interesting percussive elements here and there.

2:08-2:39 - another solid section. Same complaint though - drums. You could really use some fills or snare rolls or stutter effects when transitioning between section. This will build on anticipation and the feeling of urgency and then release once you transition to the next section.

2:39-3:15 - this is a cool section, but, this is what I mean by minimalistic. You have drums, bass, and lead here. Drums are ok, but nothing special, just your typical 4/4 beat. Bass, while notation is cool, the synth is not fat and saturated enough. And once again, that lead is also very basic. My bet is, the judges will probably have similar comments.

3:16-3:24 - you could total do something crazy with the drums here, keeping it 4/4 in this section makes it sound lazy and boring.

The outro is a bit weak, but I wouldn't worry about it that much.

So, if I were you, I would focus on the following:

- Play with sidechaining and compression.

- Make your drums more interesting, add some fills, add some stuttering, and make your kick sound phatter.

- Same goes for your bass, make it phatter. If you were using Reason I would have said use scream 4 (a distortion unit) and some compression on top of it.

- Fix that lead.

- You need to add more percussive and other sound effects. These will spice up your mix.

I hope that you find this at least somewhat helpful.

  • 3 months later...

Old thread. I'm reviving it cause I've obtained only one yes at submisson. So work on again. Thanks for every comment guys!

Now I'm working on it. Rebalanced stuff and redone some eq since I improved in mixing. Redone the kick and snare for dubstep part. Changed completly the kick and snare sound. Now I'm adding drop and removing unwanted sound and artifact.

Please comment!



Probably the best dubstep adaptation I've heard yet.

I'm not too fond of your square wave lead, until it starts playing chords. I think you should always have it playing chords if it's the lead, it just sounds a bit too simple for dubstep as a single line. I feel like dubstep should be as ridiculous as possible, but most people seem to hold back the floodgates and it just comes off as an "attempt" rather than a success. Your's is definitely past that stage, but IMO dubstep should be completely melting peoples faces off.

That's really the only nitpick that comes to mind. You did a really good job of blending the two sources together.

  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for being long on update but my ssd recently blew off and thus losing all project.

I've already ordered another ssd and waiting for it. As soon as it comes, I'm gonna check my last backup if I had all my fl project and sounds. Otherwise this project will be dead for a long time.

Other projects have gone down too.


What happened exactly? SSD's are supposed to be a bit more reliable, I always thought. Got a few myself but just for the OS, so I'm interested.

I think someone else on the forum also had a failure recently. A good reminder to mirror all your music somewhere for safety.

Good luck, hope you don't lose everything.

  • 1 month later...
  • 5 months later...

I need to brush up on my CT sources before giving this a closer listen. There's stuff I recognize as being CT, stuff I recognize as being familiar and... stuff I have no idea what they are.

My first impression of this track is that it's a bit bright... except the muffled kick. I'll give you a mod review later, unless someone beats me to it (and perhaps even then).

I need to brush up on my CT sources before giving this a closer listen. There's stuff I recognize as being CT, stuff I recognize as being familiar and... stuff I have no idea what they are.

Rozo - the arrangement is definitely not too liberal, I don't think there are any large purely original section. Rockos played really well with the source to adapt it to the genre.

Rockos - the main gripes to me would be in the production department. All of your synths sound good, but somehow when they all come together, it just doesn't sound as full and as badass as it should. I think it could be that your bass synths probably do not have enough low end (they sound like they are skewed more towards the mid-range) and your drums need to be more prominent, the kick probably moreso than the rest.

My personal preferences, and take these with a grain of salt, would be to have more prominent sidechaining to add more pump, and maybe overall compression. Also, I think you should play with reverb and delay, as your track sounds a tad bit dry. Finally - 3:20 to 3:23 is a bit too dissonant for my taste.

I think it is really the finer details that you need to iron out here. Can't wait to hear an update!

Rozo - the arrangement is definitely not too liberal, I don't think there are any large purely original section. Rockos played really well with the source to adapt it to the genre.

Rockos - the main gripes to me would be in the production department. All of your synths sound good, but somehow when they all come together, it just doesn't sound as full and as badass as it should. I think it could be that your bass synths probably do not have enough low end (they sound like they are skewed more towards the mid-range) and your drums need to be more prominent, the kick probably moreso than the rest.

My personal preferences, and take these with a grain of salt, would be to have more prominent sidechaining to add more pump, and maybe overall compression. Also, I think you should play with reverb and delay, as your track sounds a tad bit dry. Finally - 3:20 to 3:23 is a bit too dissonant for my taste.

I think it is really the finer details that you need to iron out here. Can't wait to hear an update!

Nice comment. I'll get to work right now.

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