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It's pretty darn awesome so far! The plot seems more character-focused than Origins. Hawk is an awesome character. So is Varric.

Femhawk is gorgeousssss. Next playthough, I'll play as Stev-- er, malehawk.

I've imported one of my Origins files, and I'm curious to see what variables carry over to this game.


Decided to go to the midnight dealy at my local-ish Gamestop. I had to wait in line forever, but was happy to get my game and be out the door at 12:05 A.M.

Yeah, I was the third in line, and I didn't get in line until ten of midnight. I think there was about a dozen people there when midnight actually arrived. I'm sure the folks at the store weren't too thrilled at the turnout, but...

Anyway, got home, installed, used my codes from the preorder... and then found out I had to wait until all the timezones in the U.S. were past midnight before I could activate my game. By the time I was able to do that, I went to bed because it was late. But it's all installed, up to date and ready to go when I get home later tonight.

Oh, and a quick edit...


Anyway, got home, installed, used my codes from the preorder... and then found out I had to wait until all the timezones in the U.S. were past midnight before I could activate my game.

yeah EA's been putting that in their games lately

Man, I watched a few of the makeout scenes... Anders's is downright hilarious.

NOM OM NOM MMMPH *sloppy wet kissing noises*

Yes because DA I wasn't full of cringe-worthy arty sex music and strangely placed underpants.

Oh wait


Y'know what? I just beat Dragon Age: Origins, not including the expansion pack. And after the last 10 hours of the game saying ok, THIS has to be the ending, I got a little DA burnout. I'm thinking of waiting for the Ultimate edition of DA2 as to avoid paying for every little DLC that they have.

Though for the record, I did play the Demo and thought it was quite good. I really liked how the battles were sped up a bit.

So.. you didn't install the hardcore sex mods?

You know that world outside your window? With the trees and flowers and girls that aren't figments of someone else's imagination?

Yeah they're all out there. Go forth, and explore!

You know that world outside your window? With the trees and flowers and girls that aren't figments of someone else's imagination?

Yeah they're all out there. Go forth, and explore!

I just have a preference for girls with lower polygon counts. Show me a girl with a low poly count IRL and we'll start talking.


Different, maybe, but it's actually a good idea. Those who don't have the space to hold the higher detail can opt out without having to download the whole package. Though it is odd that they didn't just put it on a separate disc for physical copies... or did they, and I'm just clueless?

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