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My stepbrother was laying this one on me.

The concept here is that if you're all serious about your gaming and shit like he is, than you have won the game without any aid from friends or family. The stipulation is that you and only you held the controller throughout the duration of the memory/game.

When I got thinking about it like that, I was shocked how many games I haven't won by myself in comparison to how many I have played. There is a lot of games I played and enjoyed when I was a wee boy and in reality don't have any claim to have said that I have won myself because I was playing them with someone else or had help from someone else with some part along the way.

So, try this. List every game you have ever won on your own. That means you know for certain that no one aided you (by way of controlling the character(s), someone telling you where to go or what to do is fine). Cheat codes, save state, etc. count just fine, so long as you personally did all the finger work. You cannot count 2D fighters unless you won them on the hardest difficulty setting with 2 or more characters. Racing games and first person shooters also have to have been won on the hardest difficulty to be counted.

When I look at it like that my list becomes surprisingly short:

Crisis Core

Final Fantasy VII

Mario 64

Mario Kart 64

GoldenEye 007

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Super Street Fighter II HD Remix

Street Fighter IV

Super Smash Bros. Melee

Ninja Gaiden Black

Ninja Gaiden II (XBox 360)

Kung Fu

That's all I can think of I'll add more if they come to me.

If you read this and are thinking to yourself There is no way in hell I could list every game I have ever won then you are like my stepbrother and you play video games A LOT.


I'm probably gonna be a major outlier in this survey, but my total comes to:

Every game I own.

The only person near my age who could have played with me, my older brother, firmly believed video games were for nerds and would hardly ever touch them.

Friends and I would play multiplayer, but if we played story/campaign we would very rarely alternate levels; we'd just have separate save files and watch each other play on their own file.

According to my backloggery I currently own 127 games, so that's my total (I'm not gonna list them, don't worry). Would have been nice to have someone in my household to split that number with though.


My family has never shared save files. I think you can get diseases doing that.

Usually what would happen would be my brother and I would both start playing different files at the same time, and the one of us who was most interested in the particular game would go on to finish it while the other got bored, stopped playing his own file, and just watched.


Usually what would happen would be my brother and I would both start playing different files at the same time, and the one of us who was most interested in the particular game would go on to finish it while the other got bored, stopped playing his own file, and just watched.

This happened with me a lot, too.

But for the most part, I'm like Conan the Barbarian- I must win the game by my own hand and hear the lamentations of the women.

Would have been nice to have someone in my household to split that number with though.

I think that is partly why my list is so small. I have 8 brothers 3 of which are older than me, so when I was younger, getting to play long enough to see a game through to the end without any help wasn't easy.

Now that I'm older and have my own shit and I could actually see them through I just don't dedicate the time to it like I once did.


I finish about 55% of games I buy and completely finish them (100%) about 5% of the time.

Of those games, I've only had assistance with maybe 5-10 of them. That's 5-10 out of about 450, or approximately 55% of my game collection.

I guess the point is that I rarely get anyone's help with games. The only games I remember finishing with someone's help were Super Mario RPG (a friend and I decided we were going to play through it together), Super Mario Bros. (my dad because I was 5 and was unable to finish parts of it), Diddy Kong Racing (the SMRPG friend beat 1 race for me that I was stuck on), and, more recently, Borderlands in co-op.

Other than that, I'm more of a solo gamer, so much so that I've even bought both Pokemon releases when they come out so I don't have to try to find someone to trade with.


Final Fantasy VII

Crisis Core


Pokemon Diamond

Pokemon Sapphire

Pokemon Leaf Green

Super Mario Brothers 3

Kirby Squeak Squad

Kirby Mirror Game thing

Kirby Canvas Curse

Kirby 64 Crystal Shards

Ace Attorney 1-4

Megaman Starforce 1-3

Klonoa 2


Megaman Zero 3-4


Megaman ZX


Rogue Squadron

Star Wars: Clone Wars


Plants vs. Zombies

Megaman X, X3, X4, X5, X8

I am quite sure I'm missing quite a bit.


I guess I'm one of those "too many to count" people. Interesting insight. Although I'll tell you this: most of the games I've won are from past-generation systems, particularly the NES, SNES, n64, and PS1 games. As time passed by, I've been completing less and less games...currently to the point that it becomes "Games I've played vs. Games I own but haven't played". Sad I know.


Damn, I thought this was going to be about completionist behavior and the values of open-ended versus linear and/or directed gameplay.

I had this whole thing ready for it, too. With a bunch of ideas and quotes, and then i was going to get some links for examples.

But now it's not important...

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