Flexstyle Posted December 7, 2015 Posted December 7, 2015 I just got a Wii U! Add me! NID: Vortexxian Quote
Arrow Posted December 8, 2015 Posted December 8, 2015 So is anybody else falling madly in love with Xenoblade Chronicles X, or am I the only one?I'm currently stuck in one of the story missions for Chapter 5, the first time I ran into a real stickler point so far. My party's all around level 21, but the enemies surrounding these three targets I'm going after are anywhere from 18-26, so I can't manage to sneak around to the final remaining target without getting stomped into the ground. Think I'll go explore the entire northern portion of Noctilum that you don't touch during Chapter 4 in an attempt to plant some more probes and grind some levels. Even despite being stuck, though, I'm still having mad fun just exploring this entire world at my leisure.EDIT: Beat Chapter 5 last night. I was on pins and needles the whole way through, but once I got to level 22, as long as I was taking on the larger targets at level 26 on their own and not pulling any other nearby enemies into the fight, I was able to take them down. Some of those same enemies that were level 26 could spawn at up to level 30 randomly when you scroll them onto the screen though, so I had to do a lot of running back and forth at the edge of their pop-up radius until they specifically appeared at 26. Hopefully that helps other people that get stuck there too. Though there was one giant enemy in my way who never spawned below 29, so I had to very carefully sneak past that one. Quote
Kat Posted December 9, 2015 Posted December 9, 2015 I've been addicted to Xenoblade Chronicles X since it came out. I just got to Chapter 5 myself yesterday, but I'm in no rush. Having a blast exploring the massive world, even if I have to do some monster avoiding. Really keeps you on your toes, not segregating everything by level. Not to mention how most hostile enemies are visible, but some are disguised as terrain and can ambush you if you aren't familiar with them. But how about that music? I dislike some of it(particularly some of the NLA music), but then there's some golden pieces like Noctilum's day theme: Seriously though, this is one kickass game. Quote
Arrow Posted December 10, 2015 Posted December 10, 2015 Not to mention how most hostile enemies are visible, but some are disguised as terrain and can ambush you if you aren't familiar with them. lol, the number of times unassuming plants in Noctilum have tried to eat me so far is off the charts XD Yeah, the music is gorgeous; Hiroyuki Sawano knocked it out of the goddamn park. That Noctilum day theme is also one of my favorites, and I'm starting to get more partial to Oblivia's day theme too. New LA's day and night themes... they're ridiculous, but they're actually growing on me, and I'm kind of afraid of that, lol Oh! Another protip for everyone here that I stumbled on last night. Follow Ball (R + X) is pretty great, but don't forget your Aerial Cam! R + up on the D-pad. You launch a camera super high in the air directly above you, and can twist the camera around to look at all the surroundings for a long distance. Follow Ball remains great for pathfinding, but Aerial Cam is also super useful in spots, like in Noctilum when there's so much greenery around that even the Follow Ball is difficult to follow. I also tend to use it a lot when I'm in an area looking for a nearby treasure, relic, or FrontierNav spot and can't find it; that extra height helps a lot. Especially in FrontierNav spots in Primordia that turn out to be on mountain tops, so the Aerial Cam at least lets me realize it's on a mountain top and I have no way to get up there without a flying Skell so I can quit wasting my time. Quote
Kat Posted December 10, 2015 Posted December 10, 2015 lol, the number of times unassuming plants in Noctilum have tried to eat me so far is off the charts XD Yep. I was going through Chapter 6 and I walked right into a disguised Lv.40ish or so Tyrant right outside a certain cave, positioned so that if you didn't see it and turn early it would get the jump on you.. I should have seen it coming because I ran into tons of them in lower Noct. Freaked me the hell out. I have learned though, and now I know exactly which "rocks", "plants" and "branches" are actually trying to kill me. I knew about the aerial cam, I don't use it that often though. When I see some out of reach treasure I usually do some old fashioned sleuthing until I find a route upwards. Or I see if I can use my Morrowind/Oblivion/Skyrim skills to jump up a mountain or three. It's actually really fun trying to find alternate ways up and around terrain and I swear there are some routes you can take via jumping that seem intentional. I'm going for my Skell License now, though, but I hear I won't actually be able to fly until a lot later in the game. Quote
Mirby Posted December 11, 2015 Posted December 11, 2015 I just got to Noctilum (in Chapter 4, grinding to deal with those battles) and I had to jump off a cliff near Whale's Nostril to avoid those damn plants. And then the robot in that lake woke up and killed me lol Quote
Arrow Posted December 11, 2015 Posted December 11, 2015 I haven't been keeping up with other players' experiences, but I can't help but assume that robot in the lake woke up and killed ALL of us. XDFrom what I've heard, getting the flight module for Skells happens via an Affinity Mission you can accept anytime after chapter 9. So it's not too horribly far off. Quote
Mirby Posted December 11, 2015 Posted December 11, 2015 Damn I don't get to fly right away. Did not know that. There's so many data probe points that I can only access by flight, dammit. WHY MUST YOU MAKE ME WAIT GAME?!? Quote
Jamphibious Posted December 11, 2015 Posted December 11, 2015 Xenoblade Chronicles X so good. That robot in the lake got me too, hah. Couldn't target him so I figured it was just some relic or something. I'm a big fan of the variety of cool gear you can get even early on. I like to switch up my parties fashion gear to keep things interesting while I'm romping around Mira. Quote
Mirby Posted December 11, 2015 Posted December 11, 2015 I'm currently wearing cat ears, the bargain jacket, and bargain jeans as my glamour. Quote
Kat Posted December 11, 2015 Posted December 11, 2015 Yep, the lake robot got me as well. Funny, because the lake mutant in Fallout 4 also got me. I think lake anythings are out to get me. Currently wearing a set similar to Elma's armor(but purple) as fashion gear, but with asymmetrical shoulders and combat pants. What classes are you all running, anyways? I started as an Enforcer and just mastered Galactic Knight, now I'm leveling up the Commando line. I'll probably be using dual guns and a photon saber(melee focused). I sort of want to try out the javelin though. I'm also interested in the shield, but it acts as a melee weapon. Kind of sad you can't opt for two melee type weapons or two ranged weapons. Quote
Mirby Posted December 12, 2015 Posted December 12, 2015 I went the Commando route and soon realized that was Elma's route. I'd use Sliding Slinger, I'd hear her say SLIDING SLINGER, I'd use Shadowstrike, she'd call out the same attack on her end lol. But yeah, after I master Full Metal Jaguar (Rank 5 Winged Viper currently) I think I'll take the route up to Duelist. Quote
Arrow Posted December 12, 2015 Posted December 12, 2015 I'm currently a rank 7 Shield Trooper, but I've basically been starting at the top of the chart and working my way down, immediately switching to the next item on the list once I master the previous one. Once I've tried them all out, then I'll pick one to stay with. Quote
Mirby Posted December 12, 2015 Posted December 12, 2015 My fiance wants to go for the Mastermind line lol Quote
Thalzon Posted December 12, 2015 Posted December 12, 2015 Just started chapter 6 tonight after going around doing all sorts of side story quests. One in particular drags you out to the far arsehole of Oblivia, through hordes of nasties and giants. I somehow missed a FrontierNav site on the way so I was extra-worried about dying. I'm definitely in love with this game, but there are a couple little nagging points I want to talk about. First off, equipment. Xenoblade did this too, but a lot of the equips you find are ambiguously bad, or some will be terrible but have some GREAT augment on it that makes it so you're unwilling to unequip it, even though stronger gear is available. Relatively minor but still worth harping on, because the game lacks Xenoblade's help notes on what augments actually do. You're in the dark and you might be in the dark forever. Secondly, why is there no means of selling old equipment en masse? I've got 50 guns I have no use for, don't make me sell them one by one (whoa-oh-oh-oh-oh, don't see the sun that sings for me). Lastly, the fact that high-level tyrants roam some common areas and wander into fights with the small fry can sometimes prove annoying, because there's sometimes no way to escape them. But such is life. Still, love it. Can't wait to get my skell. Quote
Kat Posted December 12, 2015 Posted December 12, 2015 First off, equipment. Xenoblade did this too, but a lot of the equips you find are ambiguously bad, or some will be terrible but have some GREAT augment on it that makes it so you're unwilling to unequip it, even though stronger gear is available. Haha, yeah. I'm Lv.29 now and still using a Lv.10 saber I found. Why? It has a TP boosting augment(getting 100 TP per normal attack) and Attack Up VI on it(upgraded from III). No other saber until the Lv.30 sets has been able to compare. Having fun with my skell, even without flying. I don't use it for combat too much though, because I can usually pull off more combo damage than it can put out right now. That will probably change when I get a Lv.30 skell. Kind of hoping there are electric element photon sabers, too. Most of my skills push me towards beam element and I have a couple that boost ether, but I wouldn't mind taking some of the Partisan Eagle/Astral Crusader electric skills and applying them to photon sabers. Bonus to electric damage, chance to inflict Shock on hit, and +200% electric damage to shocked enemies? Yes please! Quote
Arrow Posted December 12, 2015 Posted December 12, 2015 Just started chapter 6 tonight after going around doing all sorts of side story quests. One in particular drags you out to the far arsehole of Oblivia, through hordes of nasties and giants. I somehow missed a FrontierNav site on the way so I was extra-worried about dying. I am at the exact same spot, and I just did that same side quest last night, lol! When I saw the map marker point in Oblivia pop up way the fuck out there, I was terrified. Ironically, what nearly did me in wasn't that sidequest, but another one in Oblivia that took me near the much safer south edge, but still to some areas I hadn't explored. Thankfully, I explored the final target area in full and ran across a fast travel point at Rooney Cavern. Immediately after that, as part of finishing off the affinity mission, I had to fight a level 19 enemy. Not even a tyrant, but the creature was so massive in size, that my party was repeatedly getting wiped even though most of us were level 27. I had to change classes back to one of the more offense-oriented ones and be careful about properly staggering my attacks before I finally took it out. I feel like I've finally gotten to the point where I really need to start paying more attention to augments and choice of arts. That said, I feel duped since the affinity mission let you accept as early as level 19. XD Quote
Mirby Posted December 12, 2015 Posted December 12, 2015 It does bug me that if a monster is huge, it can wipe you out even if you're 10 levels above it. I mean yeah, might be safer to fight those monsters in a Skell, but if that affinity mission is the one I think it is, you need it to do Chapter 6 and you can't get your Skell until after Chapter 6. So you're forced to fight a monster designed to be easier with a Skell at a point when you won't have your Skell. Also I finished Chapter 6 last night. Died a few times to the boss and had to lower the difficulty, but at least that does it for that battle only. Quote
Kat Posted December 13, 2015 Posted December 13, 2015 I dunno, I kind of like it that way. You may have out leveled it, but it's still a huge monster and it's still a huge threat. It happens to me occasionally and it makes me think about engaging things. It's silly how they'd do that in a mission that early, though. And grats on completing Chapter 6. I'm at 7 now, but I haven't started it yet. I went out and explored 30% of Oblivia with some of the other NPCs and leveled quite a bit. Now I need to play catch-up with Elma and Lin, or they'll probably be useless. Quote
AngelCityOutlaw Posted December 13, 2015 Posted December 13, 2015 I just saw footage from FAST Racing NEO that came out the other day. I prayed for 14 years that there would be a new F-Zero and it seems that day has come. I deeply, deeply regret selling my Wii U a few months back now. Fuck. Fuuuuuuck. Quote
Rodok Posted December 14, 2015 Posted December 14, 2015 Boy FAST Racing NEO looks cool! Glad it's only $15. That's actually reasonable. NID: voiceindesert Quote
Thalzon Posted December 16, 2015 Posted December 16, 2015 Still gotta get NEO. It looks like a blast. I will... after I'm done Xenoblade. Quote
Kat Posted January 3, 2016 Posted January 3, 2016 Goddamn, the music in this game continues to amaze me. Quote
Devyn Posted January 3, 2016 Posted January 3, 2016 On 12/16/2015 at 10:16 PM, Thalzon said: Still gotta get NEO. It looks like a blast. I will... after I'm done Xenoblade. It is well worth the investment. I read some reviews about how it is "quenching the thirst for F-Zero fans", and being an F-Zero fan since having the original SNES game, I must say that it's really the best thing fans of that series and of futuristic racers can get right now. The game's file size is only slightly over half a gigabyte, yet it looks and plays more like a full 60 dollar game than a budget indie title. The graphics are stellar, and the game-play is very similar to F-Zero although the boosts are done through a switching mechanic much like Ikaruga's (the Gamecube's most celebrated space shooter). The music is also awesome. There are lots of great tracks, and I personally like the music more than any F-Zero game excluding the first one. It's also hard as hell. Placing first on even the standard league is very difficult, and the speed is absolutely insane. I played locally with a friend the other day and he was like "holy shit this is intense". The level of polish in NEO is absolutely ridiculous for a budget title. Quote
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