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OCR01328 - *YES* Super Mario Bros. 'Bowser is Pissed'

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ReMixer name : PriZm

Real name : Pascal Jette

E-mail : prizm_shard@hotmail.com

Website : http://www.audiostreet.net/prizm

Name of game remixed : Super Mario Bros

Original song : Castle theme

Name of ReMix : Bowser Is Pissed

This is an IDM / metal mix of Super Mario Bros Castle theme as requested by Evil_Ice. I was surprised that nobody took a shot at ReMixing this one, but I gotta admit it was kinda hard, since the actual song is three measures long and that it's hard to fit in anything original. Anyways the site that hosts my song kinda screws up my ID3 tags evertyime I get something posted, so here goes:

4.2.1 TCM Composer ALWAYS = Exact Original Game Music Composer(s) -> Koji Kondo

4.2.1 TCR Copyright message ALWAYS = Exact Game Publisher E.G.

-> Nintendo

4.2.1 TOA Original artist(s)/performer(s) ALWAYS = Exact System/Platform of Game ReMixed -> NES

4.2.1 TOT Original album/Movie/Show title ALWAYS = Exact Name of Game -> Super Mario Bros

4.2.1 TP1 Lead artist(s)/Lead performer(s)/Soloist(s)/Performing group ALWAYS = Exact ReMixer Name -> PriZm

4.2.1 TT2 Title/Songname/Content description Super Mario Bros. Bowser Is Pissed OC ReMix

thanks for your time


Lots of original material... too much material. I don't understand why single measure songs like these are chosen to be "rearranged"; at most, you can make a brief reference to the source and then fill the rest up with inspired shit. Creative expansion here, but somewhere after the synthage and guitar solo this stops being a "mix" and just becomes a tribute song.



http://www.zophar.net/nsf/smb1.zip - Track 4 ("Castle BGM")

I heard the rearrangement apparent throughout the major majority of the mix, though a lot of the middle involved a very subtle bassline as well as dragging out the note pattern of the source with the slow-playing glassy-sounding notes.

The samples were handled fairly well, but the sample quality itself was definitely not up to par here, as there was no realism in the sounds (the organ, vox, percussion or the guitars). For example, the synth guitar riffage at 3:24 was there in spirit but sounded really tacky.

Also, the arrangement had no particular thematic direction. The changes in direction here came across as being there for the sake of being there.

Learn how to get your samples sounding more realistic and focus the ideas of the arrangement more. Keep at it, bro.



i was ready to no this the first time i listened to it,

but i hear a lot of effort after a couple listens.

it's not great, but it seems passable.

really i have a difficult time imagining a better remix of this, given the source material.

not to say that the limited source material makes up for everything -- but there are plenty of ideas here that i wouldn't have thought of had i been mixing this.



I think i'm on the analoq side of things here. There is an obvious (And successful) attempt at re-envisioning the original and makes it an interesting ride for a full 4+ minutes. Larry whined about realism, but realism is only really necessary when one is partaking in a "realistic" genre. Orchestral? yes. Rock n Roll? Probably. But off-the-wall dnB-esque electronic offerings? Nope.

Very nice work with the processing overall, both with the volume/stutter FX, the panning, and overall synth programming. The same riff is basically repeating through the entirety of the tune, but it's so warped and transmogrified that it doesn't get boring for a second. This would be enough to get through already, but then some of the sickest guitar I've heard in a long time comes by to say hello.

One of the most creative arrangements based on the simplest of original material i've heard in many moons.

Nicely done.



p.s. Be sure to get this considered to be the castle music in the "I, Mario" project.


Yeah, gotta give larry a big ? on the realism comments. It's dnb-esque electronica. What exactly is supposed to sound "real?"

This is a very creative arrangement. I like the development throughout. Lots of tricky percussive stuff, and the guitar that comes in halfway through brings a nice quality to the overall texture. Good job taking a little-substance original and making something substantial out of it.

Good sound, creative arrangement. YES


Sorry about that. Realism's not necessarily the right word to use, but I feel it's applicable on some level. I thought the percussion sounds used were really flimsy & tame and could have used some processing or different samples to beef it up. And yes, the guitar work sounding so synthetic hurt the performance in my opinion. Starting at 2:47, anything that could have been done to make the electric guitar, and later the synth guitar, more humanized would have bolstered the piece I felt. /DnB bias

Sometimes, I hang out in Hollywood and give away my home-made maps to the star's homes. What they don't know is that way in the upper-right corner, right by Cher's house, I penciled in my phallus and wrote, "The Tower of Yo!". That, dear friends, is how I gets mines

Jesus, Larry, your posts and making less and less sense everyday...


There was another song up on panel that went for the chaotic route, but where that one failed in my eyes, this one succeeds. If you are going to craft a chaotic song, it must have this in ample surplus: variation and detail. In this regard, this song for teh win. I love the sudden starts and drops, and the nice attention to progression. This song is essentially and very-well thought out rollercoaster with conscious peaks, troughs, curls, and loop-de-loops, and death.

Very nice.

Your NO is in another castle



I've rearranged this very theme, actually. The reason mixers enjoy doing such short themes is because the process of trying to expand such a small idea into a full piece, *without* simply filling up the time with original material, is quite challenging.

And for the most part, I feel this mix meets the challenge pretty well. Nice.



PriZm just messaged me to let me know he just now uploaded a new version of his mix under the same link. Since he told me the changes were sample/mixing ones, I told him it wouldn't change any votes except for maybe one.

[20:46] Digital Coma B: if you tell me what all you changed, i can make a note and everyone can update their votes

[20:46] pk jive: mostly sounds... I didn't change anything in the structure

[20:46] pk jive: I changed the horrible organ soundfont in the beginning, make the bass more present, changed the bass drum sound so it got more oomph

[20:47] Digital Coma B: ok, so you didn't make any arrangement changes?

[20:47] pk jive: well yes in the intro, I made some velocity changes and added some instruments, but the main idea remains

Larry, redownload the mix and see if you still have the same complaints regarding the samples.


I'm very borderline on this mix. It's a fairly cohesive piece. perhaps a bit repetitive and linear, but the piece is fairly solid. My decision is based, then, on the fact that the majority of this mix is a tribute. it's a DnB/metal vamp that occasionally has the mario riff thrown in. I just dont think it qualifies as an arrangement.


however i wont be torn apart if it passes.


The new version's organ opening was poorer and with the strings replacing the electronic sounds until :11, the string sample sounded poorly used as well. The drumwork in some spots was thicker, but the track's a lot quieter and slightly muffled the whole way through for some reason. Just compare the two versions. Keep the old/first version and vote on that, I say. The old version ended up sounding a lot better by contrast. Like Jesse said, I've got no big problem with it passing. Someone put down a closing vote on it already.


The volume levels have been lowered a little, but I don't see how that minor change makes this update with improved samples inferior. The artist obviously intends this samples update to replace the previous version, so if no one else had a problem with the samples to begin with, there's no reason why we should post the older version if this passes.


i don't think we should discredit the arrangement on the basis of the length of the source. this may be on the opposite end of a midi-rip on the see-saw but there are a lot of great arrangement ideas in it.

i love the guitar tone, its edgy and rough. the player can clearly shred the instrument and i personally dig the experimental approach to what is a quintessential "short" source tune. with enough listens, i've come to appreciate that. the path back into the group after the cleverly syncopated breakdown is lined with a lot of metal... and eventually a bitchin solo

the drums are good. i'm digging the DnB thing you're doin as much as the guitar and the two go well together very nicely.

this is a definite YES in my book.

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