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I like the arrangement here, nice work and no complaints for that. I'm not as sold on the production. Right now things feel kind of subdued overall, and it's killing the energy for me. Guitars overall feel a little dry, and I'd like more bass in general. Kinda borderline due to those aspects, and knowing you can make it better, I'd rather throw it back at'cha than see it squeak by.

NO (resubmit)

  • 2 weeks later...

Very cool panning intro - It gets into more of a generic rock groove afterward, and Deia has a point that the drums could be a little more exciting; that snare is a bit weak, and the bass could come up a little. I am not quite sure that's enough to force this into resub territory though; I like the track, and though I think it could be improved, enough is clicking with me for the yes vote.

Yes (borderline)


I agree with the minor issues with the bass and snare, and your lead is a little bit 'nasal-y' sounding, for lack of a better work. but otherwise, I thought this was pretty cool. nice soloing synth. :) performances and timing are pretty solid and the source usage is obvious. overall, a very conservative mix (wow, even the original has a solo?), but it's well varied and personalized with new harmonies and countermelodies.


(flipped vote, see below)

  • 2 weeks later...

These guitars are the tits! The drums not so much. Guitars should be up in front of the drums in a track like this, but not quite so far in front. Also, drums need verb. As it is, the track sounds like some killer guitars with nothing else really going on. I don't think you even have a bass in there. It's fine if you want to make a bass part that mirrors the guitars exactly, but you still need that bottom end information....okay I stand corrected: there is a bass, it's just way too weak.

More of everything but guitars.


  • 2 months later...

Agreed with Vig. Guitars are awesome but loud, while drums are very plain/vanilla, bass is almost inaudible. Organ is good but also too quiet. This mix sounds like it is missing parts up to 0:58. I was waiting for a lead before that. Even when the lead guitar does come in, I would like to hear reverb/delay and/or some kind of stereo effect to really fill things out (some on the synth would be good too.) Good performances overall, but it ends up actually sounding more sparse compared to the original, which is already in the same style. Arrangement is OK but because things don't really change much in terms of the texture and instrumentation, I think it's tied into the other issue.

Beef it up more.

NO, resub


My vote is pretty close to Andy's. While I like what's going on here, the arrangement style is pretty close to the original. There's enough difference that it's not problematic, but I'm not excited either. The drums and bass are barely there and in the section when the guitar drops out, it's really apparent. The song loses a heck of a lot of power. Needs better balance, more reverb or delay to fill out the gaps. I'll just echo what he said: beef it up.

NO (resubmit)

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Pretty fucking badass source tune! Where has this been all my life?

Arrangement-wise, aside from the sparse drum tone and writing being a huge weak link, it's a pretty balls-out cover. It was feeling too cover-ish for a while, but it at least ends up doing its own thing with the soloing. The percussion composition (other issues aside) also provided substance. Fleshing out and further personalizing the drum work in a way that's markedly different than the source is always an easy way to add your own unique flavor to an arrangement, for those of you keeping score at home.

Now for the bad. The drums sound like you're hitting some buckets. The background sounds REALLY empty without some good drums to anchor this, and there's (practically) no bass, making this only sound like half a song. Volume and intensity nonwithstanding, it's still both empty and incomplete.

The drums and bass are barely there and in the section when the guitar drops out, it's really apparent. The song loses a heck of a lot of power. Needs better balance, more reverb or delay to fill out the gaps. I'll just echo what he said: beef it up.

See? My fellow Brown Heat team member summed it up in just a couple of lines. You know what to do.

NO (resubmit)

  • 1 month later...

This track is sporting some pretty nice production and performances, but right away I can tell that it's very much a cover song. Aside from some very minor embellishments, this feels like a straight cover up until the solo section at 1:40, at which point it's just soloing over the same chords. The repetitious chord progression gets a little bit boring and feels pretty uninspired to me, but I'll concede that it works fairly well here so I'm not going to hold that against the mix as a whole. After the first verse/solo, things start to spice up a bit more and the mix goes into something a bit more creative with the melodies/arrangement. Still, I'd feel a lot more comfortable passing this if there was even a bit of interpretation going on for the entire first half of the ReMix.

Arrangement aside, the drums feel slightly pushed back and devoid of energy when they're not being used for fills/transitions. Work on the levels/compression of your drums (particularly the snare, which just sounds wimpy,) or see if you can replace the kit samples outright with something a bit more energetic and powerful, and perhaps spice up the main drum writing a bit more, too.

Most of this mix is spot-on: nice fusion of guitars and synths/organs, some really cool performances. Brandon has proven many times over that he's a competent musician and arranger, but the two aforementioned issues are keeping this one from being quite at the bar. Solid effort, but it could use a bit more effort, personalization, and attention.

NO(please resubmit!)

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