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Welcome to the OCR thread for OverLooked ReMiX's competition, OLRmageddon! In a nutshell, we are basically like Dwelling of Duels, except without the live instrument requirement and the addition of bonus points. Each month there is a theme, and if you choose to do the bonus, you can get extra points to help your mix become the winner! If you do win, you get to pick the theme and bonus for the next month, and your mix gets directly post to the OLR archive. More info about the rules and past contests can be found in this thread: http://olremix.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=6603 (any questions you have can be directed to me).

Since nobody likes Batman (or, at least the music that represents him), Tarrasque has given us our theme for this month, which is Non-Famous Composers! He wrote up this long list of people who don't qualify, so it basically boils down to indie games and obscure titles. Of course, there are games like Ducktales which are eligible, since nobody is sure who did the music! But I digress.

The bonus is the Wilhelm Scream! Use it in your mix for those juicy +2 points. AND, there's an XO's Challenge this month! If you make a Nico Nico Douga style remix using only the Wilhelm Scream as a sound, you'll get +4 bonus points, extra voting points (amount to be determined from number of entries), and a custom forum title (obviously at OLR, not here)! More info can be found in the thread at OLR.

The current thread at OLR can be found here: http://olremix.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=9678

The OLRmageddon website: http://sites.google.com/site/xenonodyssey/olrmageddon

Come join us for some shenanigans!

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

So after a little delay, we have our new theme! Any game in the Breath of Fire series is eligible for remixing this month. The bonus is inappropriate lyrics, either in subject matter or in juxtaposition to the music.

It's also our fiftieth competition! That's like a milestone or something right?

  • 4 weeks later...

This month is the return of a recurring theme we have in the competition, BEER/EAR Month! Basically, we follow the rules of the old contests BEER and EAR (whose history can be read in the rules thread) and have certain songs to remix instead of letting you choose your own. The songs are as follows, in case you didn't want to go all the way over to OLR to hear them:

Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge - Breegul Beach

Mega Man Legends 2 - Nino Ruins

The bonus is having a dubstep wobble in your mix, regardless of genre (flute trio with bass drops? yes plz).

  • 1 month later...

This month has us with an extremely broad theme, Games with Water! Basically, any game that has water in it is good for remixing (so you can remix Wily Stage 1 for the umpteenth time cuz Bubble Man is all about da agua). Pretty much every game under the sun is elligible, so you can finally do that mix you've been putting off due to busyness/lazyness! The bonus this time around is having a jazz influence to your mix, which I explain more in the OverLooked thread.

Also, there is an XO's Challenge this month! If the game you select has a dedicated water theme, such as Bubble Man mentioned above, should you decide to remix that particular theme, you'll earn an extra +1 point on your mix. Remember, remixing the water theme is not required, unless you want an extra point. Just want to keep that clear; you can do Hot Head Bop from Donkey Kong Country 2 if that tickles your fancy. We just want entries plz (´;ω;`)

  • 4 weeks later...

This month brings us the theme of Castlevania! Basically, any game in the beloved series is eligible for remixing, from the heralded original to the puzzle game on the iPhone.

Our bonus this month is Oktoberfest! If your mix is in the style of a polka, and/or features sounds of drunk people, mug clanking, or general festivity, you'll receive the extra two points on your mix.

This month brings us the theme of Castlevania! Basically, any game in the beloved series is eligible for remixing, from the heralded original to the puzzle game on the iPhone.

Our bonus this month is Oktoberfest! If your mix is in the style of a polka, and/or features sounds of drunk people, mug clanking, or general festivity, you'll receive the extra two points on your mix.

SO if I can fit bratwurst and beer belches into a mix...that counts?

  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry I couldn't take part this time (was buggered down with more stuff on my plate, and would be moreso with the Wily Gauntlet coming), but I shall at least be able to stick around and vote.

For the record, I DID have an idea to down an entire bottle of Smirnoff Ice and write/perform a polka cover of 'I Am the Wind' in the space of one night. Guess the world may never see it now xP

  • 2 weeks later...

This month, our theme is non-motorized sports! So put away your ExciteBikes and Wave Racers and grab a pigskin or golf club, and get ready to remix!

The bonus this month is Jokes! If you include the telling of a joke in your mix, you'll get the bonus points. Obviously, it's preferable if you were the one doing the telling, but if you're microphone shy, a sample will do.

  • 4 weeks later...

This month is Snow & Ice! Any music that is unique to a snow or ice level/stage is fair for the mixin'. Unique being that if it plays elsewhere (like the New Super Mario Bros. Wii stage music), it doesn't count. Gotta be exclusive yo!

The bonus is a live instrument! Making this one really easy this month, especially because the definition is ANYTHING THAT ISN'T SEQUENCED. Therefore, beatbox, banging on a table; as long as the sound is recorded and not sequenced, it'll count! As always, just make sure you point it out so I don't overlook it by mistake...

And we have an XO's Challenge this month! If you do your remix in a tropical style (i.e. steel drums, nylon guitars, ambient seagulls, etc.), you'll earn +3 bonus points and an extra +1 with your vote! So you have the opportunity of earning FIVE bonus points this month, plus an extra point to vote with! That's enough for your participation, right? Right?? ;_;

  • 4 weeks later...

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