hobo Posted April 17, 2005 Posted April 17, 2005 I agree. Pull yourselves together and make this project happen. Or I will be sending ninja monkeys.
k u n g f u c h i c k e n Posted April 17, 2005 Author Posted April 17, 2005 Eon, only 3 people have complained to me so far out of who knows how many. Everyone on the project is cool. You are one of the only people beefing. And you aren't on the project. Just wait and see what happens. I just can't sit and let someone bad mouth the project that isn't finished yet. I hope you can understand that. Also, I have said some things that may have made me out as a jerk. But this is the internet, some of the stuff may not be as serious as you think. Everyone who talks to me and knows me knows I don't have an attitue problem.
k u n g f u c h i c k e n Posted April 17, 2005 Author Posted April 17, 2005 Thanks for the good luck. Just don't think I'm not doing anything. Don't think that every single detail of the project is taking place in this thread. Cause you'd be VERY VERY VERY wrong.
hobo Posted April 17, 2005 Posted April 17, 2005 Argh, this project better not die, the WIPs are sounding better than the other projects already (to me anyway).
k u n g f u c h i c k e n Posted April 17, 2005 Author Posted April 17, 2005 That other forum isn't what I'm talking about. Look, fuck all the bullshit, it's time to get to work.
k u n g f u c h i c k e n Posted April 17, 2005 Author Posted April 17, 2005 Instant messaging has been the driving force of this project.
k u n g f u c h i c k e n Posted April 17, 2005 Author Posted April 17, 2005 Also, I have to say one thing. I have no intention of seeing this project go down. I am going to see this to the end, and the commitment I show to this project will be plentiful. I putting my all into making this project rise to the top. So let me assure that to all you nano talkers who seem content on breaking me down.
Rexy Posted April 17, 2005 Posted April 17, 2005 Well yeah, it's by here that I'm starting to feel some light concern. o_O I often thought that I should at least have a stab at getting onto a project made accessible right across OCRemix. Now given the light bashing on either side, I'm now concerned on whether this is going to happen or not. It's almost arguments like these that are making me concerned of dropping out. But yeah, we need thought and support to be able to get through this. I know that we can do it because we managed to sign up for the project in the first place. Even if KFC does end up dropping out from the strain, I'm sure that much of us will be able to help push the project further forward. *cue brief nod* Anyhow... thanks for your commentations on the mix. Can't really seem to go into your critiques in depth at this stage having just come back from a long 12-hour musical rehersal (you hear me, I'm going to be involved in a musical comedy on Thursday night), but I hope to be able to take them to heart and apply them within the stages of the mix. Thanks all! It's a shame to hear you'll have less time to tweak this mix, at least until summer that is. Unfortunately, from the end of May onwards I'd be at home - I won't be able to access Cubase over the Summer break. That shows how strainful for time I am. But I do hope to clear a (hopefully) finalized version by at least the middle of next month. We'll be sure to advance on, believe me
k u n g f u c h i c k e n Posted April 17, 2005 Author Posted April 17, 2005 Rexy, I can't even get in touch with you out side of the forums. And KFC isn't dropping out of anything. I put the quality section in the front to give people an idea about what could be worked on. I will also take the time to keep heavy contact with all the mixers to insure they create the worst they are capable of.
GrayLightning Posted April 17, 2005 Posted April 17, 2005 As entertaining the last pages of tit for tat are, the points have been made then. There's very little, if anything to be gained at this point. Kungfu has just expressed the dedication. Whether or not the project will be successful or not remains to be seen, but ultimately it's up to him/mixers involved in this. There are other methods of reaching Kungfu on this topic, this manner is only proving distracting to him and this thread. A healthy exchange of ideas is certainly important, especially at this stage, but going in circles in this negative way is just pointless. Let's move on, shall we?
Rexy Posted April 17, 2005 Posted April 17, 2005 Rexy, I can't even get in touch with you out side of the forums. There's always my email - bev.wooff@gmail.com And yeah, I'm sure we can be able to move on in piece. Gray has managed to raise a valid statement with his contribution on hold - if we keep arguing in this manner, this project will end up going nowhere o_O
AMT Posted April 17, 2005 Posted April 17, 2005 Rexy, the link to your WIP is dead. Angelfire problems?
Rexy Posted April 17, 2005 Posted April 17, 2005 Oh funk... Who thinks I should put it up at VGMix as a WIP? (although that in itself may have to wait until Friday because I put forward a Jak and Daxter WIP a couple of days ago) Or at least point me in the direction of other suitable file space?
Rexy Posted April 17, 2005 Posted April 17, 2005 I don't have AIM (in fact, that buggered thing hates me X.x); I could email it to you if your mailbox is big enough for a 5MB+ file.
analoq Posted April 17, 2005 Posted April 17, 2005 my experience with the management on this project hasn't really been much different from say... my experiences on kong, sonic2, doom, kirby, or even smetroid. i only speak for myself... but i can't say he's been doing anything 'wrong' or 'terrible' from my perspective. though if you're so vehement that you want to try and convince me otherwise, contact me on aim and not pollute this thread. thanks. cheers.
AMT Posted April 17, 2005 Posted April 17, 2005 Alright Rexy, got it up. http://myweb.cableone.net/rebelart/divided-grace3.mp3 Not much better of a host, but it shouldn't go down. Nice sounding song, I like it, although I agree with the others about the part at 2:17; it's really out of place. Great work, can't wait to hear more!
Rexy Posted April 17, 2005 Posted April 17, 2005 Well I know for a fact that I'd be re-writing that area from scratch, as well as taking out the strange sweep-accordion part beforehand. I hope to provide a gradual and more dimented panicked segment to be able to replace it (think those orchestrated builds in "A Day in the Life" by the Beatles), although given work deadlines and a few other future provisions I may struggle to do much mixing before going home for the Summer. Thanks very much for the commentation, and the alternative hosting.
Metal Man88 Posted April 17, 2005 Posted April 17, 2005 Ah yes. I have been watching this project for a while, and I really hope to see what it's like when it's finished. However, there is one thing I'm curious about. You see, I have to page through the topic manually to find the links to the WIPs, and that can be inconvenient. You don't have to listen to my idea or even give me a response, but I was thinking, if it is possible, you could try to link to the WIPs in the first post? (Even if the links may or may not get outdated rather quickly; and one may even have to ask the remixer's permission first)
Xelebes Posted April 17, 2005 Posted April 17, 2005 Ah yes. I have been watching this project for a while, and I really hope to see what it's like when it's finished. However, there is one thing I'm curious about. You see, I have to page through the topic manually to find the links to the WIPs, and that can be inconvenient. You don't have to listen to my idea or even give me a response, but I was thinking, if it is possible, you could try to link to the WIPs in the first post? (Even if the links may or may not get outdated rather quickly; and one may even have to ask the remixer's permission first) This sounds like a very good idea. I might suggest you do it sithlord.
AMT Posted April 17, 2005 Posted April 17, 2005 I'm pretty sure he already said he wouldn't already...
Xenon Odyssey Posted April 17, 2005 Posted April 17, 2005 You know, I'll probably get slapped for asking this... Is there any chance that we can post links to the remixs in the first post? I'll even go hunt down all the links. I don't want to make links avalible like that. I want the remixes to be low profile.
Terial Posted April 17, 2005 Posted April 17, 2005 This bashing of this project is getting fucking ridiculous . It's not doing anything but aggravating people and wasting pages. If you're going to bitch at KFC, do it in PM or instant messenges. If you want to motivate the mixers, motivate them by encouraging them to do their best or give constructive critism, dont shit in the topic. I doubt anyone will give this more than a glance after looking at my post count, but I hope someone will. I may not be mixing or really doing much of anything, but i am commenting on a few mixes that I feel like I should, and I consider that helping a bit. To those flaming, you're NOT helping this project.
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