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I was gonna give it a shot once the time came to worry about cover art. That time's still a while away.
Same here. I have a few ideas in mind (none of which are similar to the HH art). I do like Eon_Blue's art (so far), keep up the good work!

for the album art, I REALLY think that the Sonic&Knuckles logo should be incoporated somehow. you know, the lil emblem with sonic's and knuckles' head inside of it? anyway, I really think that the album art needs to be rather chaotic, but not messy. (yes, the two go hand in hand, lol)

And im sad that I haven't been able to hear any of the WIPs for a while, but i guess its for the best, as I will be very happy when it is finally finished!

keep up the great (unheard) work guys!

for the album art, I REALLY think that the Sonic&Knuckles logo should be incoporated somehow. you know, the lil emblem with sonic's and knuckles' head inside of it? anyway, I really think that the album art needs to be rather chaotic, but not messy. (yes, the two go hand in hand, lol)

And im sad that I haven't been able to hear any of the WIPs for a while, but i guess its for the best, as I will be very happy when it is finally finished!

keep up the great (unheard) work guys!

I'm never interested in putting anything directly from the game into the covers - I like to think I approach the art the same way the remixers approach the tracks - not blatantly rip anything, but simply make use of the theme.

Rather than take the Chaos route (as you suggest), I decided to keep it more speed-oriented (what with the motion blurring and all... :D). I was actually a little reluctant to even add the images of Sonic and Knuckles (someone convinced me to - KFC, I think?), but I think I managed to make it work.

Considering how damn long it takes me to do pretty much anything, I figure now's as good a time as any to get working on the artwork.

Not that I have anything against Rellik...but since when did boss 1 become closed? I thought it was a free track open to anyone who wanted to mix it... :?

And guess what, nobody took the offer but him. And I'm so into his track right now that I put faith in him and closed it.

*shrug* your call. I was just rather confused about the whole free track scenerio and thought it would be a competition between all people who made a mix for it.

Not that I have anything against Rellik...but since when did boss 1 become closed? I thought it was a free track open to anyone who wanted to mix it... :?

And guess what, nobody took the offer but him. And I'm so into his track right now that I put faith in him and closed it.

*shrug* your call. I was just rather confused about the whole free track scenerio and thought it would be a competition between all people who made a mix for it.

No one made a mix for it. :x


Alright people, I'm gonna be leaving for vacation in a couple days. I'll probably be unable to get online for a week or so, then I should be reachable.

Send any and all PMs and work to KFC only for now. He'll take care of the project till I can secure a good connection where I'm going.

I wont be able to take any of my old projects with me, but I can start new ones there (in GM midi), so when I get back I'll just have to record the tracks and call it done.

Again, everything goes to KFCs capable hands.

I'd apreciate it if all of you musicians started hasslin eachother for work :) Nothing get's a team going like the team itself. So get shit done!


Just letting you know, Im dropping from the project. I just dont have any motivation to continue anymore... :(

if anyone is interested, this was my wip: Link

And just for the record, at least 3 people were doing a wip for boss 1, including myself, DJ Notte (I think thats who it was) and Blue Magic.

And just for the record, at least 3 people were doing a wip for boss 1, including myself, DJ Notte (I think thats who it was) and Blue Magic.

Sure, but nobody stepped up and actually said "I'M CLAIMING THAT TRACK!" At least, as far as I saw.

And just for the record, at least 3 people were doing a wip for boss 1, including myself, DJ Notte (I think thats who it was) and Blue Magic.

Sure, but nobody stepped up and actually said "I'M CLAIMING THAT TRACK!" At least, as far as I saw.

I ... thought it would be a competition between all people who made a mix for it.

Might as well answer for him as he's not likely to check back here soon.


Like stated above. Nobody claimed Boss 1. KFC was not happy with any of the WIPs so far (from what I understand, at least) and gave the track to Rellik.

There's no need to get upset about it. From the beginning we said that it was about the music and nothing else. Alot of people are taking our rejections personally, which is understandable, but this is not about who we personally like. It's about who we feel will do the song justice, and make the best possible version.

Ofcourse, this opens up the point of "Personal tastes are different, how do you know what the best version of the song is?" Better is just better. I mean, sure, someone may have an idea that is great, but overall some people are able to produce better quality work. As cold as that sounds, it's the way it has to be done. The main thing we want here, is to retain a good ammount of the original songs feel, while adding your own twist.

We're not doing "music based on Sonic 3" we're arranging the soundtrack. Listen to any professional arranged soundtrack. All of the compositions are close to the original, with a tasteful ammount of arrangement and artists originality.

This is not gonna be another Hedgehog Heaven. The bar is set extremely high. And for those who can make the cut, it'll be a testament to the very best music that OCR has to offer.

What I want to hear from people is complex percussion, flowing melodies, and rhythm that keeps you interested. That means DO NOT loop a 4 note bassline and a one measure long drum section with a pad over it.

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