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Hey, at least it's less cheesy than Hedgehog Heaven ;) Besides, Sonic gamers know that they go after the Chaos Emeralds, so it'll all fit. k?

Haha. I don't know, Headgehog Heaven seems ok to me. I don't mind the name Project Chaos, but was thinking a thread title like "Sonic: Project Chaos" would have made more sense and get more people aware; like they have for Doom, Kirby, Dragon Warrior, etc. I didn't know about Chaos Emeralds, I don't read magazines on games when I play them, but alot of games have chaos; so I'd still say it's not a very distinctive title. Most games are about shooting things and blowing things/people up (eg. chaos), so that would only narrow it down to like a million games... right? Sounds like a fun project anyway, can I expect to hear alot of people causing havoc and blowing instruments up in the tracklist? ;)


And dude, we have SONIC arrangement project for the longest as the thread title AND it's on the first page, and when it gets a spotlight there will be a huge Sonic picture or logo, right on OCR. kthxbye.

Yea, whats with some of the tracks having titles?

Uh, maybe cuz some people nammed them? Oh and Rexy, that Saka... whatever Bar title doesn't fit. It doesn't feel right. No offense.

Even though the title is a reference to Michael Schumacher, Formula 1 race car driver and world-renown competitor and champion? I think that the title works for a song called Competition Menu, in a mode where you race each other. :P

Why isn't "Sonic" part of the thread title? Who actually associates "Project Chaos" with Sonic automatically? Anyone who likes Sonic probably won't even realize that this thread has anything to do with the game. Though I guess if you're trying to keep the project a secret, this could be a good idea. :?

Are your other 1570 posts as uninformed and idiotic as this one? :)

Why isn't "Sonic" part of the thread title? Who actually associates "Project Chaos" with Sonic automatically? Anyone who likes Sonic probably won't even realize that this thread has anything to do with the game. Though I guess if you're trying to keep the project a secret, this could be a good idea. :?

Probably for the same reason "Tales" isn't part of the Summoning of Spirits thread title (Sometimes): It's too loooooooong.

Yea, whats with some of the tracks having titles?

Uh, maybe cuz some people nammed them? Oh and Rexy, that Saka... whatever Bar title doesn't fit. It doesn't feel right. No offense.

Even though the title is a reference to Michael Schumacher, Formula 1 race car driver and world-renown competitor and champion? I think that the title works for a song called Competition Menu, in a mode where you race each other. :P

That's quite the original title actually. :wink: That's pretty cool.


I'm going to be doing the downloads pages within the next month or two, and I want to do it with cold fusion... But first, I need a server that has cold fusion enabled.

KFC, could you please check if the current server has CF, and if it doesn't could you please try to organise one that does. It'll enable me to do a lot of cool things with the site, and it also fits in to one of my assignments, so it's good on both levels.



Why isn't "Sonic" part of the thread title? Who actually associates "Project Chaos" with Sonic automatically? Anyone who likes Sonic probably won't even realize that this thread has anything to do with the game. Though I guess if you're trying to keep the project a secret, this could be a good idea. :?

Are your other 1570 posts as uninformed and idiotic as this one? :)

Definately. You have the Chokster guarantee that your IQ will drop by atleast 10 points after reading each of my posts.


Regardless of whether Sonic 3 & Knuckles needs to be in this thread's topic or not, I think chokster's point is worth considering.

When this project gets released, and makes ocremix's front page, it had probably better have the phrase "Sonic 3 & Knuckles" somewhere in the announcement.

Regardless of whether Sonic 3 & Knuckles needs to be in this thread's topic or not, I think chokster's point is worth considering.

When this project gets released, and makes ocremix's front page, it had probably better have the phrase "Sonic 3 & Knuckles" somewhere in the announcement.

I think that's pretty much a given.


I am sure that it will get mentioned. The closest project I know that doesn't have much relating to the game specifically in its title is "Rise of the Star"; while it does indeed fit well for Kirby, the use of rising stars could fall under various other game categories too.

And yet when that got released there definitely was a giant picture of Kirby and a mention of it being a Kirby's Adventure project. So I am sure that when Project Chaos gets release, there will be a big picture of Sonic and/or Knuckles and a mention of Sonic 3 & Knuckles.

ok now? :)

I'm going to be doing the downloads pages within the next month or two, and I want to do it with cold fusion... But first, I need a server that has cold fusion enabled.

KFC, could you please check if the current server has CF, and if it doesn't could you please try to organise one that does. It'll enable me to do a lot of cool things with the site, and it also fits in to one of my assignments, so it's good on both levels.



incase it was missed

Regardless of whether Sonic 3 & Knuckles needs to be in this thread's topic or not, I think chokster's point is worth considering.

When this project gets released, and makes ocremix's front page, it had probably better have the phrase "Sonic 3 & Knuckles" somewhere in the announcement.

I think that's pretty much a given.

Well, y'know, I tend to operate on the principle that just because something is insanely, completely, blindingly obvious to me doesn't mean the other guy will have thought of it. Doubly so for large groups.


Some bad news. Last night my PC somehow caught some really bad spyware that downloade nasty bugs to my PC. Everything was lost, including my work on this project.

I'll look for an old backup CD that should have some older versions of a couple of the songs, and I'll have to redo many things.

Anyway, I'll need to re-download some tracks from Rexy and a couple others, so expect PMs from me soon.


While I may not guarantee the MP3 that you finalised (as you had the wav files I gave to you to help balance out the bass levels), I can still be able to bring back the couple of wavs needed if the procedure in the brackets had to be redone.

Nonetheless, sorry to hear about the crash, dude. :(

I'll mirror this when it's finished.

Don't supposed you have a Cold Fusion enabled server?

We're looking for one to host the project site.

ColdFusion? Let me check...

Nope, doesn't look like it. I wouldn't know what to do with it anyway.


It's a language like asp, php or cgi. Kind of.

Well I'm not really sure, I don't know any of the other languages, thus the reason I'm looking for a cold fusion server.

"Cold Fusion

Cold Fusion is another server-side scripting language used to develop dynamic web pages.

Cold Fusion is developed by Macromedia." - W3schools

Essentially it lets me put stuff on the site such as a shoutbox, a guestbook and an administrative section where the project directors can login and update news articles, update download mirrors or alter information for each track, or add new media like cd covers and stuff, all through the site (no html scripting required!).

The basic way it works is by connecting a database to the website, and letting the site add, remove, edit and display the information from the database by running a series of scripts that I program.

The reason I want to use it is because of the sheer amount of information that's going into the site, I want to make an easy and more enjoyable way for the project directors to alter the info without screwing up my beautiful html. And stuff like shoutboxes and guestbooks are always cool too.

Oh yeah, and it's also an assignment I have to do. Two birds, one stone.


As far as i know, cold fusion isnt commonly supported, i guess you have to install it yourself on the server. But i know you can use MySQL with flash, (and with html using PHP as a server scripting language for example, the code looks pretty much identical to regular java code, simple programming), maybe you should look into that. As its probably the most commonly used database it will also be more valuable to learn how to use these together (flash and MySQL or html/PHP/MySQL). MySQL is a piece of cake to learn really, just google for tutorials, its all out there, and PHPmyAdmin is an easy way to create and manage your database tables, its a webb interface that you log in to on your server. (i guess you know this already, just tryin to be helpful... )


Sounds good, but with all the work at school I'd rather not have to learn a new language right now, if it's possible.

But yeah, I've thought about php as an alternative, and your advice is appreciated there, but I have to do CF for an assignment anyways, so I wanted to kill two birds with one stone and get it going for the project chaos site. I have a lot of assignments in the last two months of my course, so not much spare time.

Knowing that you can use SQL with flash is AWESOME. That makes me very happy. I'm hoping to work mainly with flash websites in the future (for my job), and having databases connected would definitely be a cool feature, plus it would allow me to increase my price just a little...

As for PHP - is it pretty similar in scripting to CF? If it is, maybe you could help me convert the site over to php once I've done it all, if you have some time? The databases would all be the same I imagine, and the query's and all wouldn't change much so it'd just be a bit of scripting here and there.

And yeah, it'd help me get a faster understanding of php, too, so benefits all around I guess. But only if you have time/we can't find a php server.

Well, thanks again for the advice,



Decided to read up on PHP at W3schools. You weren't lying when you said it was similar to the other languages! As long as I can figure out how to use sql to import the right info from the databases and all, I should be okay to do most of the php-ing on my own - though obviously some help would still be appreciated if you were willing. But yeah, not for another week or two atleast, gotta finish other stuff first ^^

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