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Ooh, new person to this project :D

Oh btw sithlord, i'm asking again because i think you haven't seen the question last time, but have you recieved any news of MusicallyInspired? For those who don't know him, go listen to his mix in the WIP forum :wink:


I'm about to post a very rough WIP of my current work. It'll be like maybe a half hour. I realize this has been covered, but exactly where would you say the best place to have it hosted is? I'd rather not use vgmix.

Ooh, new person to this project :D

Oh btw sithlord, i'm asking again because i think you haven't seen the question last time, but have you recieved any news of MusicallyInspired? For those who don't know him, go listen to his mix in the WIP forum :wink:

Nope, and for the record, I said something to him

I saw the post you made right after me in his WIP thread, that's why i was wondering if he gave you any feedback :o He doesn't see to show up so often though. Too bad =/

I'm about to post a very rough WIP of my current work. It'll be like maybe a half hour. I realize this has been covered, but exactly where would you say the best place to have it hosted is? I'd rather not use vgmix.

how 'bout here?


it's free and I don't think there's a limit to the space

Well DCT and I officially got in contact about the Carnival theme and he essentially said I could have it.

So I present you with, my first piece of musical somethingorother since my 3 month reprive from music, my carnival wip.

It's interesting... if a little bit overly mechanized.

And, I believe, flat in some points. Though that may be intentional.

So I present you with, my first piece of musical somethingorother since my 3 month reprive from music, my carnival wip.

I quite like what is going on so far, the idea seems promissing and different.

Some of the synths indeed sound very flat, perheaps some reverb (very little, tough) would fix that up.

I don't really have too much to comment for now, this song could go everywhere from a hard rocking trance electro track, to a funky psicodelic (and quite strange actually) song... I have to wait to see... But nice job so far!



Thanks guys, I agree that I like where it's going but it's funny... with my burn-your-bridges style that that'll probably be about a 10th of the material used in the actual finished package... I'll probably go in a few different directions with a very eccentric and disjointed feel.

As for whether or not DCT is still game for his other song; I'm afraid you'll have to ask him. :D

I'm assuming he is still working on his other remix.

Indeed he is.

Special Stage is coming along cool, but Carnival Night Zone was kicking my ass; I think LAOS will go a good job with it, as evidenced from that WIP. Don't worry, I'll have something by the deadline to show my progress.


I'm about to post a very rough WIP of my current work. It'll be like maybe a half hour. I realize this has been covered, but exactly where would you say the best place to have it hosted is? I'd rather not use vgmix.

how 'bout here?


it's free and I don't think there's a limit to the space

I would, it's just that, uh, one of their rules states that WIPs aren't allowed, and also anything using samples or melodies from copyrighted material is disallowed. So, that pretty much rules me out...any other ideas?

EDIT: Oh and one more thing - my WIP is actually complete. Getting it hosted somewhere is all I need.

Ooops sorry... Dind't mean to do that :oops:

I kinda rushed into this without knowing really what's going on... I apologise! :wink:

To tell the truth, As I didn't know about the project, I was doing the song mostly beacause it was DAMN fun, i had plans of submitting it in VGMix or something, but someone actually told me to come and participate so I kinda rushed into things...

Again, im sorry for that...

Im gonna leave the song in this thread... It's not finished yet, and has some room to grow... If you guys come up with something better, great!! :)

PS.: Since Holy Warrior Azar is jumping off the boat, can I have a try at Sky Sanctuary? (if there's nobody doing it, i can leave Hydro City to Gman and yoshi_84 and try it, on the contrary, I keep my version of Hydro City Here)

PS.: Is there any song, not yet being covered by someone?

Hey, you don't need to apologize. :) It's all good. It seems like Gman and I are the ones getting in the way of you since we haven't produced a WIP (disregard that lame first one that was just by me back on page five or something) and since everyone loves yours. Who knows what's gonna happen, though.


End of Days: Doomsday Zone Remix, 1/4 completed. I apologize for the cut-off from hell, along with the interlude of bore (I'm still trying to think of a good techno lead to go with the drum solo). Thanks ahead for your help.

The music you've written is excellent, but the qaulity of production drags it down a lot. The stings sound fake and lifeless, and when everything comes together it's just like a blur of sound (I think it even clips?). It's good, but you need to work on that production stuff. I'd be more specific, but i'm in a bit of a hurry. Keep working at it though, other than production, it's good so far!

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