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Now, can someone PLEASE pick up Marble Garden? :P
I have some nice ideas about arrangements that can be made upon this tune, but (you all already know) I'm not a remixer so I need at least one experienced partner.



On another unrelated note, it's good to be back on the project.

That being said, I'm redoing my song from scratch, and, I have a cool WIP going. If anyone from the project wants to help a brotha out and listen to my WIP, just PM me or AIM me. It would be appreciated, as well as help make sure this project is just that much more of a success.


Ïðîäàæà íåäâèæèìîñòè â ×åðíîãîðèè: http://cernis.cz


"Sale to real estate in Montenegro: http://cernis.cz"

Can you say SPAM???

I'm glad to see that we actually have a tentative release date...

Anyway, to the point:


DISC II - Special Themes

9. Endless Mine Competition - jeffreymroberts *DONE*

10. Desert Palace Competition - foxhound_ *CLOSED*

Tracks 9 & 10 are STILL in the wrong order... DESERT PALACE comes before ENDLESS MINE. (Again, the compitition level names follow an A-B-C-D-E pattern)


Flying Battery Zone WIP

Just wanted to get an idea down. Not sure what instruments I want to go with yet. With this one, obviously, I'll be leaning more towards guitars than synths. :wink:

EDIT - don't post links my friend. keep it between the project members eyes.

Too heavy? Not heavy enough? Comments and suggestions, please. :)


The first version of the site is about a week away. There have been some very big changes (ie - everything) since the demo I posted a while back, but i'm sure you'll all like what I have... provided I make the deadline. If people want, they can each submit a short paragraph about their song which will go up as a song description on the site. I only need a few for now (just as placeholders), but would like to eventually have something written by each artist. You can pm me with what you want to say about your track.




It's like... sorta presented by OCR, I guess...

But, regardless, Im excited to see how its looking (I wanst on the project when you first showed it). And yeah, after I finish the arrangement of my track, I'd love to write something up for you.


Well, I registered my E-mail address at MSN, so I could use MSN messenger (I have trillian), thinking that I could better communicate with the rest of this project. It's not really working at the moment, but, you can try me if you'd like, just warning you that if I dont respond, that is why.

And, my track is nearly completed KFC. I just need to write the ending and master it. Get me on AIM.

EDIT - Scratch that. My song IS done. I'm still gonna do some tweaks KFC told me to do, but, otherwise, if anybody wants to PM me or get me on AIM and help me out, I'd be very appreciative.


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