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Hey Snapple and/or KFC...I see from the front page that KFC has taken over Boss 2. Is that a "for sure" thing, or will you still give someone else a chance if they send one of you a WIP? Just checking, because I could have you a WIP within the next two days if you wanted.

Hey Snapple and/or KFC...I see from the front page that KFC has taken over Boss 2. Is that a "for sure" thing, or will you still give someone else a chance if they send one of you a WIP? Just checking, because I could have you a WIP within the next two days if you wanted.

Present a good WIP and it's all yours my friend :)

You see, KFC is giving you a chance because he knows he sucks.

Hey Snapple and/or KFC...I see from the front page that KFC has taken over Boss 2. Is that a "for sure" thing, or will you still give someone else a chance if they send one of you a WIP? Just checking, because I could have you a WIP within the next two days if you wanted.

Present a good WIP and it's all yours my friend :)

You see, KFC is giving you a chance because he knows he sucks.



*yawn* I've gotten a lot better since I've worked on my song, but if I tweaked it now my FL would probably explode, as my speakers turn into one giant clipping signal the minute I play the project file. Oh well.


Can't wait to see what the finished site looks like.


It'll be good! It'll be done soon, too... maybe. I might be able to finish inserting sound effects as soon as today. Then I'll just need the project leaders to review the site content, and we're all good. The bonus feature won't be done so soon unfortunately, but that's okay. It'll hopefully be worth waiting for.

*yawn* I've gotten a lot better since I've worked on my song, but if I tweaked it now my FL would probably explode, as my speakers turn into one giant clipping signal the minute I play the project file. Oh well.


Can't wait to see what the finished site looks like.

Well duh ichi, everyone gets better, especially in the time you've had your song done (upwards of a month?).

All you can do is be sure that what you made is solid and good work, and the best you could do at the time. I'm sure it rocks anyways, so i wouldnt worry about it. :lol:

Hey Snapple and/or KFC...I see from the front page that KFC has taken over Boss 2. Is that a "for sure" thing, or will you still give someone else a chance if they send one of you a WIP? Just checking, because I could have you a WIP within the next two days if you wanted.

Present a good WIP and it's all yours my friend :)

You see, KFC is giving you a chance because he knows he sucks.

Oh you shall get yours Ross.

Hey Snapple and/or KFC...I see from the front page that KFC has taken over Boss 2. Is that a "for sure" thing, or will you still give someone else a chance if they send one of you a WIP? Just checking, because I could have you a WIP within the next two days if you wanted.

Present a good WIP and it's all yours my friend :)

This project needs some live saxophone. I could try (note the italicized), but I doubt anything good would come out of it.

Since KFC has heard my awful playing from VGF #69.


This project needs some live saxophone. I could try (note the italicized), but I doubt anything good would come out of it.

Since KFC has heard my awful playing from VGF #69.

I very well may need your saxophone playing...I think it would sound very good in the track I'm making. :) I will let you know when/if I need it. Thanks!

Present a good WIP and it's all yours my friend :)

My WIP is almost ready...would you prefer to receive the link to the file in an e-mail, or in a PM?


This project needs some live saxophone. I could try (note the italicized), but I doubt anything good would come out of it.

Since KFC has heard my awful playing from VGF #69.

I very well may need your saxophone playing...I think it would sound very good in the track I'm making. :) I will let you know when/if I need it. Thanks!

No prob. At least I know that Sheal will get a kick out of this track (he loves my playing).


I am excited about this project. Though I do hope it's better than the Sonic 2 remix project. I found that...underwhelming to say the least. A bunch of shitty, boring, unimaginative trance songs. The Metropolis was the only thing memorbale from it, and even that was not specifically composed for that. :(

Please guys. Give this your all.


Well, I'm new to the forums here, though I have downloaded over 900 of the remixes, plus I have a game music playlist over 60 hours long. I am very much looking forward to this project coming out. Sonic 2 was my first game ever, but I've always like S3&K the best. I have played over and over again, and it's gotten to the point that I can beat in in an hour or two, all super emerealds, all the way through, only losing maybe one or two lives along the way, but still I play it. I love it that much, and a large part of that love comes from the music. I have listened to some of the early WIPs posted here, and even those early versions make me wish for a new pair of pants. I will certainly be watching this very carefully.

On another note, if anyone wants, I may be able to help come up with remix titles.


Simply wishing everyone working on the project and its fans a happy thanksgiving.

Im thankfull for Sonic rush (best sonic game since this one!) and shadow! keep up the great work guys, i cant wait to hear it!

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