starla Posted September 3, 2011 Posted September 3, 2011 YOU HAVE BEEN CHALLENGED!A remix request has been randomly assigned to you. If you accept the request, please respond to this email saying YES. As soon as you decide you would like to accept the challenge, you may begin remixing. The following have accepted: Amphibious - Final Fantasy 3 - The Boundless Ocean Requested by: Gario BlackPanther - Space Station Silicon Valley - Snow Joke Requested by: JH Sounds Bundeslang - Gremlins 2 - Level 1 Requested by: Brandon Strader Chernabogue - King's Quest VII - In The Clouds Requested by: The Mac Attack Cyril the Wolf - Legacy of the Wizard - Any (Recommend: Worzen Family, Preparations, and Warrior's Theme) Requested by: Xarnax42 DJ SymBiotiX - Jazz Jackrabbit - Diamondus Requested by: Sockpuppet Eilios - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Gumshoe's Theme Requested by: The Mac Attack Jacob Diaz - Warlocked - Intro Requested by: Moseph jmr - Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin - The Gears Go Awry Requested by: Chernabogue ladyWildfire - Blast Corps - Cromlech Court Requested by: JH Sounds MetalMan - Crash Bandicoot: Warped - Skull Route Requested by: Rexy Moseph - Terranigma - Elle Requested by: Suzumebachi mv - SaGa Frontier II - Feldschlacht I Requested by: ProjectSpam Neblix - Beatmania IIDX 7th Style - Zero-One Requested by: DJ SymBiotiX prophetik - Super Smash Tv - Circuit 1 Requested by: BlackPanther Rexy - Final Fantasy 10 - Besaid island Requested by: Joseph Wells Sockpuppet - Shin Bokura no Taiyou - Gyakushuu no Sabata - Vanargand Requested by: Taylor Brown Xarnax42 - Golden Sun - Normal Battle Requested by: metalsnakejuice Xarnax42 I fixed your entry, it was 1 character too long and works now without the parentheses, unless you want me to rename it a different way. If you have a late entry or WIP please send it to and I will post them.
Ramaniscence Posted September 3, 2011 Author Posted September 3, 2011 Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I think it’s safe for me to say that this years FBRC, is a complete & utter disaster. Not only we didn’t get any official start of phase 2 of this contest whatsoever What're you talking about? When a mixer accepts their challenge, the challenge STARTS. There's no "hey you can start now" announcement. You start. All the mixers knew that when the accepted their challenges. It's also NOT our responsibility to handhold everyone on the deadline. The deadline never changed. It was always the same. Me and starla both work full-time jobs now and we don't exactly have the time to check up on EVERY mixer and remind them their's a challenge they need to finish. Especially when the majority of mixers never finish anyway. but also we didn’t get a permanent list of who would be remixing what and those who wanted a different song didn’t get one. (as far as I'm aware of) Compared to the past contests, that had 17 to 20 entries, we only had 8 entries this year in a very short amount of time. I hope we get an explanation of what went wrong. Because starla updates the pages with the late entries. (as far as I recall) I’m sorry if this sounds like I’m cross (which I am) and being harsh, but I am seriously disappointed with the end results. You should probably ask the people who entered that question. Though I'm sure having the thread moved to the competitions forum didn't help, but the participants should've all been subscribed to the thread anyway, so who knows.
Dave the Rave Posted September 3, 2011 Posted September 3, 2011 I want to apologise for my behaviour from earlier. I was probably being childish that neither one of my requests make it on the list. Now I feel rather bad about it. I do understand that real-life stuff is more important. In future, if there’s a song I would like to see remixed, I’ll post it in the request section of the forum like everyone else. Even if it won’t get answered, straight away. Starla, Ramaniscence, I am really, really sorry for acting like that. I hope to put this behind us and move on…
Brandon Strader Posted September 4, 2011 Posted September 4, 2011 It would have only taken one post to clarify what was going on when everyone was asking what was going on... A lot of people work full time jobs... it doesn't usually cause them to completely stop doing things that they're interested in doing. I love ya both and no hate, but you can't set the blame squarely on everyone else..
The Mac Attack Posted September 4, 2011 Posted September 4, 2011 Chernabogue, you're awesome not only for getting your entry in first, but for your interesting take on the theme. I gave out a laugh when I read 'Welcome to Hell', with the title foreshadowing what I was going to hear. You did well to create the dark soundscape you were aiming for. It's little difficult to pick out the original melody, but because I know it well I was able to identify the different fragments in there, and how you altered the timing/flow to get your result. Thanks for tackling this. I hope you had fun with it! Eilios: How did you go with Gumshoe's Theme?
Ramaniscence Posted September 4, 2011 Author Posted September 4, 2011 It would have only taken one post to clarify what was going on when everyone was asking what was going on... A lot of people work full time jobs... it doesn't usually cause them to completely stop doing things that they're interested in doing. I love ya both and no hate, but you can't set the blame squarely on everyone else.. Did you not read your email? Or catch starla on IRC at any time? I'm sorry if you felt that things weren't clear, but a simple glance at the email issuing your challenge should've cleared things up for you.
Brandon Strader Posted September 4, 2011 Posted September 4, 2011 Nah I didn't really read that much of the email, because it usually just contains stuff from the thread, I figured I had read it here Also there was some confusion as to whether I would re-roll z_z
prophetik music Posted September 4, 2011 Posted September 4, 2011 guys GUYS i am laughing so hard. remember what happened in 2008? and 2010? and happened this year? everyone was all I WANT IN when it started, everyone put it off until the last weekend, and everyone bitched that they didn't get a memo saying 'sweetiepie, please start now'. if you all want i'll dredge up my post from last year, but i basically said that music isn't hard, it doesn't take forever, and you had three obviously it's rama's fault for starting this! everyone who is complaining, go throw yourself off a bridge. the world needs more people to take responsibility for their actions. you screwed up, don't blame someone else because you didn't bother - over a period of three months - to check when the compo started. honestly. three months. you didn't think to yourself, "hrm, self, i wonder if FBRC started yet"? to be honest, i forgot in 2009 after signing up, and then copped out when i realized i wasn't motivated enough to put in the extra time - and lose sleep - to finish a track on time. if everyone said that, i'd be fine. but these people moaning about no official start can suck a bag of dicks. what a joke. props to the people who did this, or who stepped in and manned up and said that they forgot and couldn't finish it because of their mistake. no props to the people who are blaming the guy who ran the competition for their screwup.
Brandon Strader Posted September 4, 2011 Posted September 4, 2011 guysGUYS i am laughing so hard. remember what happened in 2008? and 2010? and happened this year? everyone was all I WANT IN when it started, everyone put it off until the last weekend, and everyone bitched that they didn't get a memo saying 'sweetiepie, please start now'. if you all want i'll dredge up my post from last year, but i basically said that music isn't hard, it doesn't take forever, and you had three obviously it's rama's fault for starting this! everyone who is complaining, go throw yourself off a bridge. the world needs more people to take responsibility for their actions. you screwed up, don't blame someone else because you didn't bother - over a period of three months - to check when the compo started. honestly. three months. you didn't think to yourself, "hrm, self, i wonder if FBRC started yet"? to be honest, i forgot in 2009 after signing up, and then copped out when i realized i wasn't motivated enough to put in the extra time - and lose sleep - to finish a track on time. if everyone said that, i'd be fine. but these people moaning about no official start can suck a bag of dicks. what a joke. props to the people who did this, or who stepped in and manned up and said that they forgot and couldn't finish it because of their mistake. no props to the people who are blaming the guy who ran the competition for their screwup. yes, please dredg up that post though after jumping off a bridge and dying, we won't be here to read it
Nabeel Ansari Posted September 4, 2011 Posted September 4, 2011 I never thought to check ThaSauce because I thought it was an OCR thing. Cool beans, so it looks like this didn't happen as smoothly as expected but I'll still do the track if my challenger still wants it remixed. I'm not going to lie and say I wasn't waiting for an official start, but I'm not blaming Rama/starla for that.
Gario Posted September 4, 2011 Posted September 4, 2011 I can almost promise that the challenger will still want to hear a remix of his track, even if the contest is over. People made requests to hear the tracks remixed by someone other than themselves, so even without the compo to back it up people will still be happy to hear something done with their tracks. In short, best get started.
Mirby Posted September 4, 2011 Posted September 4, 2011 I really REALLY want to hear my requests filled, considering they both come from games that definitely need more love.
Frederic Petitpas Posted September 5, 2011 Posted September 5, 2011 60 hours a week doesn't matter when you only need two or three for a song. most people spend more time on the crapper in a week. 2 or 3 hours for a song ? lol wow you load up a midi, add midi synth + fake guitars and edit 3-4 little things then load drumloops ? Not my style. And honestly I really hate the source I got.
Gario Posted September 5, 2011 Posted September 5, 2011 Oh hey let's bash someone because they are much better than you at spending their time arranging music. Two or three hours for a song (from scratch to finish) isn't exactly unheard of, you know (JHCompo and OHC should be proof enough for that). Frankly, if midi-ripping was what he was doing he'd probably have been done in less than a half hour. And yeah, a lot of people hated their source (I don't think I've ever gotten a source I really liked yet), but that's what this challenge is about - working with sources you're given whether you like them or not. If you just want to find something new and remix it the remix request board is this way. Listen, hear if there's something new you like, give it a stab. Point is, if you accepted the challenge (that's what this is, make no mistake) and fail to deliver then you fail the challenge. Claiming that you didn't like a source only shows that you didn't understand what you were signing up for in the first place.
HoboKa Posted September 5, 2011 Posted September 5, 2011 2 or 3 hours for a song ? lol wow you load up a midi, add midi synth + fake guitars and edit 3-4 little things then load drumloops ?Not my style. And honestly I really hate the source I got. Actually Metal Man, I know a lot of people who can arrange a remix in 2-3 hours; it's all about the inspiration and intuition. The mastering part is what could take a while. Plus, blame the person who chose the source tune to be remixed, not the competition coordinator. Sounds to me like you're just looking for any good old reason to complain, like all the other punks who can't seem to look at the real picture here... Then again, with a "community" that's all about posturing, narcissistic faggotry and "I cans spell bettar than joo nub!", I guess I shouldn't expect much.
Ramaniscence Posted September 5, 2011 Author Posted September 5, 2011 Ok guys. We all need to chill out. This year's FBRC was run just like every other one in the past, so I'm not sure why tensions are running so high this year. Somehow, I think a lot of you are missing the primary points about the challenge, so I want to go over them again: To show off your talents. By entering the challenge you accept that you're may be challenges to arrange a song that you might not be familiar with, that might stray away from your normal style, that you may not even like. By being able to complete the challenge you show that you are a flexible artist who can perform admirably under time constraints. To help get requests filled. There's a lot of people who'd love to hear a certain song remixed, and this challenge gives them a chance. It's by no means a promise their song will get remixed, or even accepted by the artist, but it is still a better chance than blindly posting it on the requests forums. Everyone gets more music. Whether your particularly request gets filled or not (mine didn't even get accepted), every year we still get at least a handful of mixers who turn out really good mixes. If your challenge didn't get accepted I apologize. I wish I could promise that every song that got requested would get a high quality remix delivered, but that's obviously not plausible. We do take a lot of time making sure that artists get songs that're roughy comparable to their skill level, and we try to make sure that every artist gets a sufficient amount of source material to work with, but that's all we can do. If you didn't finish your request I apologize to you as well. I'm not sure whether or not you knew what you were getting into, or maybe you just lost track of time. I completely understand if you just couldn't get a track done. This is a challenge after all, and as much as I'd love to see every artist finish their song, I can't say I expect it. What I don't want to see is a bunch of people getting all hostile toward one another in this thread. That's just completely unnecessary. We're all a bunch of nerds who like video game music, and not a single one of you should ever forget that <3. We're going to do it all again next year, so everyone will get another chance. In the meantime, just because you didn't finish your challenge on time, or as good as you'd like, doesn't mean you need to stop now! If you like your source, and you felt like you could get something done, keep at it! The person who requested it likely doesn't care WHEN it gets done so like as it DOES get done =P.
DarkeSword Posted September 5, 2011 Posted September 5, 2011 Then again, with a "community" that's all about posturing, narcissistic faggotry and "I cans spell bettar than joo nub!", I guess I shouldn't expect much. You can always leave, you know. Anyway looks like this is done. Gonna close this up because people are just being douches to each other now.
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