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League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!

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Well...if I'm going to tank in normal (Which is all I play), I'm not going to play a champ who's ZOMG THE BEST in his role, but rather someone I find fun and I like the playstyle of. Ranked is a different story, but I'm going to assume that most people playing normal games are going to feel the same way.

Amumu's playstyle, while highly effective, is....boring. Turn your W on, flash in, ult, then walk around tapping E. Shen on the other hand, is constantly dashing around and throwing out Qs.

Plus, Shen has cooler skins, totally.


They should really nerf Amumu's W. It's one of the very best abilities in all of LoL, bar none. 8 mana per second for a % based AOE. That's way too good. Make the mana cost scaling (like 8/12/16/20/24) so you can't just keep it on forever with basic mana items or blue. Or start the mana cost higher but reduce it with levels, while also nerfing the damage a bit. Or make it like Swain's ult, ramping up mana cost over time.

When I call a Champion bad, I don't mean that he's completely terrible on paper, but given the other options you have to fill that particular role, he just gets completely outperformed.

despite what most people think, some people play video games to have fun

Posted (edited)

that aside even in draft games people can be bad

they don't troll as hard but they're still dumb my last 2 games people have focused leona and singed respectively

didn't work out so great

whats a fun carry to learn i don't really do many carries

Edited by The Derrit
i get that you passive troll here a lot but ok. someone here 'LIKES' playing eve. sorry for not being more specific and i bow to your intelligence which is clearly above all of ours continue. also, please continue to stroke your own epeen for all of us please, everyone loves mental masturbation

for the record i have 12 characters i am confident in, and given i started july of this summer i'm pretty ok with that. and shen isn't really that bad

i laughed so hard at this. let's face it, tensai, while you might not be trying to troll, you are incredibly opinionated in a very passive way. this comes from your extensive experience in 'better' games like HoN and DotA, whereas most of us just play LoL and call it a day. i don't play fiddles because he's the best AP champ - i play him because R-Q-zhonya's is absolutely hilarious, whether you're fed or not. sometimes people just enjoy playing a few characters. i know i can play tryndamere, but i'm terrible at him because my skillset and mindset has me diving in and slapping everyone, and insta-dying.

Amumu's playstyle, while highly effective, is....boring. Turn your W on, flash in, ult, then walk around tapping E. Shen on the other hand, is constantly dashing around and throwing out Qs.

i find amumu to be among the most entertaining of characters i play simply because his skills allow for a wide variety of playstyles. i can initiate, i can chase, i can come in late and win a teamfight, i can save players, i can jungle, i can tank, i can do DPS...he's one of the most varied champs out there. i like that. i also like my 3-3-30 games with him.

Posted (edited)
maybe not many people here care that he is 'bad'

Are you arguing against discussion related to LoL in the LoL thread?

Or are you implying that I somehow don't play for fun? Because this is pretty much the only build I've been doing the last few games:


And I'm still willing to admit that Yi is a shitty champion. Shitty does not equal no fun, just like how overpowered doesn't equal fun.

I also don't think HoN is necessarily a better game, I just often have more fun playing it.

Also, Caitlyn is a fine carry to learn. She has a much easier earlygame than a lot of other carries *cough*ashe*cough* and can still do a shitton of damage later on. Again though, a lot of the AD carries just play very similarly so if you learn how to play Caitlyn, a lot of those skills will carry over to Corki, Miss Fortune, Ashe, etc.

Edited by Tensei
Are you arguing against discussion related to LoL in the LoL thread?

Or are you implying that I somehow don't play for fun?

nope I'm saying that maybe nobody cares if shen is 'bad'

Posted (edited)

Yeah but maybe some people do... you can't really speak for everyone in the thread, and even then, discussing whether Shen is or isn't a bad champion is perfectly fine to post about in this thread. I got some decent counterarguments, which is what I was looking for.


despite what most people think, some people play video games to have fun

You wrote that in response to me talking about how certain champions are plain worse than others. In this context I'm having a very hard time not interpreting that as "You don't play for fun."

Edited by Tensei

whether or not you play for fun doesn't have anything to do with a conversation that goes like this

"hey guys I found this cool thing I can do as shen"

"but why would you play as shen he is so bad???"

regardless of whether or not you play dunk yi, 'talking about lol' is not really the same as 'shitting on somebody's choice of characters'


And you don't think that a team that runs both Shen and Eve is gimping itself severely enough that it will make a noticeable difference? My suggestion was actually to switch out Eve for Twisted Fate/Pantheon/Nocturne to achieve the same gimmick with less of a loss in team utility.

I'm amused that you call it 'shitting on somebody's choice of characters', because that implies I can't call a champion bad, just because somebody happens to 'play' them.

This harkens back to what I touched upon earlier, which is that a lot of people, for some reason, seem to pick only a handful of champions to play and apparently are close enough to their picks that they get insulted if someone says their particular champion is shitty.

Again, I think Yi is a bad champion, and the Dunk Yi build is even worse. That's why I have trouble relating to people who get upset when I call one of their precious babies 'bad'.

This harkens back to what I touched upon earlier, which is that a lot of people, for some reason, seem to pick only a handful of champions to play and apparently are close enough to their picks that they get insulted if someone says their particular champion is shitty.

there's a lot of reasons to only play a few champs. i play rammus, amumu, udyr, and fiddles, and have experience with cho, singed, trundle, warwick, yi, nunu, and a bunch of ranged AD carries that i suck with. i LIKE only playing four heroes as i feel that i can really learn them well and be very strong with them. i can't learn fifty champs and feel i know their skill ranges and little tricks, like amumu tossing to creeps, or knowing the range i can get with R+flash with fiddles. like derrit said, you're kind of trolling those who aren't as 'good' as you because you can pick up and learn a champ quickly, and we (at least i) can't. as i usually wind up saying when we play together, man, sorry i suck :< call it experience, skill, whatever, but i'm not a bad tank, and i feel i am getting a lot better with the characters i play. if i was spreading that stuff out to other characters, i know i wouldn't do as well on the ones i really like.

that said, there are tiers of characters in LoL, and there are specific characters which aren't very functional in many situations, but excel in others. shen is a damned good tank if you have great map awareness and don't mind popping in and out of lanes all the time. i've had shen carry me to victory (not in kills, but in out-tanking and out-playing the other team). he sucks on teams that don't have good burst damage. he is excellent in-lane to babysit a ranged AD or AP carry as he doesn't farm that well and will let the other player get all the last hits. on a team with a ranged AP mid, a ranged AD carry that doesn't have much CC (like tristana or MF), an assassin like xin or akali, and a tanky dps like nunu, morde, sion, or garen, he shines as a character that can taunt a team and blow away their teamfight strategy.


That's a fair point, I'm sorry if I was out of line, but I didn't intend to troll.

I do still feel that picking up new Champions (especially roles you're not comfortable with) and just playing a few games in the knowledge that you'll probably suck it up is ultimately more helpful than sticking with your comfort zone. Like, if you play Annie a bunch you will have a better knowledge of how much burst damage she can put out at various phases of the game, so you can use that to your advantage when you're playing against her the next time. Your experience with Rammus/Amumu won't disappear from playing a few games as different champions. :<

That's a fair point, I'm sorry if I was out of line, but I didn't intend to troll.

I do still feel that picking up new Champions (especially roles you're not comfortable with) and just playing a few games in the knowledge that you'll probably suck it up is ultimately more helpful than sticking with your comfort zone. Like, if you play Annie a bunch you will have a better knowledge of how much burst damage she can put out at various phases of the game, so you can use that to your advantage when you're playing against her the next time. Your experience with Rammus/Amumu won't disappear from playing a few games as different champions. :<

yeah i don't hate your or anything it sounds like that conversation got wrapped up though

i will say that teemo was my second character i picked up and i did really well with him, but i haven't played him in forever and ended up doing so in a game a few days ago and got ROLLED

not to say that its super common or happens fast but characters can be forgotten

That's a fair point, I'm sorry if I was out of line, but I didn't intend to troll.

I do still feel that picking up new Champions (especially roles you're not comfortable with) and just playing a few games in the knowledge that you'll probably suck it up is ultimately more helpful than sticking with your comfort zone. Like, if you play Annie a bunch you will have a better knowledge of how much burst damage she can put out at various phases of the game, so you can use that to your advantage when you're playing against her the next time. Your experience with Rammus/Amumu won't disappear from playing a few games as different champions. :<

I refuse to play Morde but I should because I still have no idea what his skills are like and what they do exactly.

Posted (edited)
I refuse to play Morde but I should because I still have no idea what his skills are like and what they do exactly.

Passive: You can't kill him near minions.

Q: Does a lot of damage.

W: Gives someone a mini-Sunfire Cape.

E: One-shots a minion wave.



Edited by Dexie
Nerfed or not I still hate Morde so much
I do still feel that picking up new Champions (especially roles you're not comfortable with) and just playing a few games in the knowledge that you'll probably suck it up is ultimately more helpful than sticking with your comfort zone. Like, if you play Annie a bunch you will have a better knowledge of how much burst damage she can put out at various phases of the game, so you can use that to your advantage when you're playing against her the next time. Your experience with Rammus/Amumu won't disappear from playing a few games as different champions. :<

i agree with this, which is why i said that i played a bunch of AD champs that i suck balls with. i've also tried other AP champs, and while i felt like i was OK at them, i just don't enjoy them much. that experience was good as a jungler, though, to know that i can't (for example) cacaw from the bush, silence her, and burst her down before she just drops tibbers on my ass and i'm dead in a second.

even though i agree with it, though, i still play my four or five champs most of the time.

I refuse to play Morde but I should because I still have no idea what his skills are like and what they do exactly.

morde post-patch is kind of useless since they've nerfed him to hell. basically, it boils down to the fact that you can gank him hard early and he dies. if you don't, then he doesn't die. much.


Just tossing my two cents in but I personally feel like it's beneficial to be able to play as any hero/champ so you can beat any hero/champ. It's what I think is the best way to get better at this kind of game. There's so much to know and rarely time to think so your instinct and reactions to a situation are much more important.

To be fair I'm currently on a huge Riven kick especially after she got buffs I honestly didn't think she needed so even I get into moods or grooves sometimes but off the top of my head there isn't a single hero that I'd outright refuse to play.

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