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League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!

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Oh boy. People are all up in arms about this patch. Sivir's finally getting her remake (The removal of dodge kind of forced them to finally look at her). The jungle changes should be interesting, I want to wait and see what exactly they're doing before; I think people are bitching over nothing right now.

The laning changes though, urgh. I really don't think minion damage needs to be lowered. If minions damage is lowered too much, what's the point of even having them, other than meat shields for towers?


Oh boy. People are all up in arms about this patch. Sivir's finally getting her remake (The removal of dodge kind of forced them to finally look at her). The jungle changes should be interesting, I want to wait and see what exactly they're doing before; I think people are bitching over nothing right now.

The laning changes though, urgh. I really don't think minion damage needs to be lowered. If minions damage is lowered too much, what's the point of even having them, other than meat shields for towers?

i think this is smart, you'll still put yourself at a disadvantage if you aggro but if makes it so if you have a chance to go on someone, you won't lose half your life chasing them through minions before level 6. if you're smart, other than that instance minions should never be attacking you, and they do the same damage to towers so there's no big issue

i think this is smart, you'll still put yourself at a disadvantage if you aggro but if makes it so if you have a chance to go on someone, you won't lose half your life chasing them through minions before level 6. if you're smart, other than that instance minions should never be attacking you, and they do the same damage to towers so there's no big issue

Seconding this. The whole point is to encourage early-game aggression and give champions who have a good early game a chance to get an immediate leg up and to remain competitive later on in the team-fight phase.

Aggression is the theme of this patch and the recent changes. They don't want you hanging back just playing coy cat-and-mouse games with your opponent. They want you to play intelligently, but they want to reward intelligent risk-taking, which is pretty much a theme in this whole game.


also i mean seriously. when was the last time you ever let yourself get hit by minions unless you were chasing someone. i don't think anyone counts on the extra damage that the minions will do during a teamfight because that's really dumb

no that's actually a really important part of determining whether or not you're in a safe position

that's my point creep waves determine where on the map you can and can't be most people don't disregard that rule so anyone with a brain shouldn't be getting hit by creeps outside of an engagement


I came across this site and it's pretty darn amusing (might have been linked before).

ReportedPlayer[All] [04:57:42]: im ur worst nightmare

ReportedPlayer[All] [04:57:51]: im....BATMAN

ReportedPlayer[All] [04:57:58]: i. am. the. knight.

*Death here*

Enemy1[All] [04:58:30]: RIDDLE ME THIS BATMAN

ReportedPlayer[All] [05:02:34]: bullshit

ReportedPlayer[All] [05:02:37]: fuck u sandniggers


Had a game, went as Leona with my friend as Blitzcrank, had a bit of a rough start against a Chogath and Veigar combo. The chogath started trash talking, but on one push when we got the Veigar, we saw cho gath chilling under the tower, AFKing. He got pulled out, and killed. He started bitching about how we sucked, always running and only killing AFk people. Then we started getting him more and more, because Leona, she starts weak, but once you got some cool down reduction and defense on her, she's dangerous.

I came across this site and it's pretty darn amusing (might have been linked before).

The tips page there is the best.

"Chasing Singed is easy because he leaves a clear purple trail to follow, so you know where he's gone. "

Green and white buffs from Twisted Treeline in the main map? Yes please. I wonder if the best jungle path will _always_ be a wraith start now, for the increased movespeed...

Edit: Also, 9 points in Utility for buff increase just got a lot better.

no, wraiths will always be last, for the extra speed while ganking.

the whole jungling boost is going to be so much fun though. udyr, gp, amumu, and fiddles all just became completely broken when they're in there, and characters that were poor jungling choices like shen and nunu now are not as bad as they used to be.


is that trist skin supposed to be mega miniman, bastion, or just some elf looking thing? also, tits lux looks better than bored schoolgirl lux.

i think there's some huge changes with this patch. madred's and wriggles reduction to proc damage, baron pushing away wards under his head, and the obvious small camp changes for junglers. the camp exp range reduction will be nice too for idiot leashers.

is that trist skin supposed to be mega miniman, bastion, or just some elf looking thing? also, tits lux looks better than bored schoolgirl lux.

i think there's some huge changes with this patch. madred's and wriggles reduction to proc damage, baron pushing away wards under his head, and the obvious small camp changes for junglers. the camp exp range reduction will be nice too for idiot leashers.

the proc damage on wriggles etc. is a reactionary change based on the fact that jungle camps aren't as hard to clear anymore so it keeps the timing in line with what it used to be instead of making it suuper easy to clear

yeah if a new champ isn't generally overpowered they must be boring

edit: taric buffs what the fu

His abilities are just really bland. He basically has a carbon-copy of Jax's ult passive (ramping attack speed -> bonus damage every few hits) and Singed's fling with a movement buff. Other than that, an AOE damage/slow and an on-hit attack booster. Wow, I've never seen those before.


I don't really think whether or not an ability has existed in some form before has any bearing on whether or not a character would be fun to play

if we removed all arbitrary lines in choosing what is and is not fresh and funky then I could basically say A NEW CHAMP WITH ABILITIES THAT DO DAMAGE, FEH, HOW BORING

and then my monocle twinkles and I go back to playing dota2 and pretending/hoping that it isn't secretly just as shitty a game as dota


and then my monocle twinkles and I go back to playing dota2 and pretending/hoping that it isn't secretly just as shitty a game as dota

And then you play a hero like Tinker, Broodmother or hell, even Nature's Prophet, and a tear appears in your eye as you realize that LoL will never have champions as inventive or unique as them, and will always have to make do with extremely watered down versions of existing DotA heroes.

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