The Derrit Posted December 15, 2011 Posted December 15, 2011 someone on my team (anivia) called gg 4 minutes into a game today because the vayne across from her in mid lane got a blue buff i officially agree with bleck dominion is better in lol Quote
The Author Posted December 15, 2011 Posted December 15, 2011 (edited) I'd like to try her, but I'm out of IP, and I have to save as I'm almost level 30, and quintecenses aren't cheap. And I'd love to get Wukong as well. Edited December 15, 2011 by The Author Quote
Diodes Posted December 16, 2011 Posted December 16, 2011 So I guess I play Leauge of Legends now or whatever. I still need to practice against bots before I'm any decent enough to play in a real game. But I did play last night with Bardic and prophet and we got owned by some intermediate bots. It was good times. Hopefully I didn't dissuade you guys from ever wanting to play with me again >_> Quote
SoDoM Posted December 16, 2011 Posted December 16, 2011 The bots on intermediate are a little hard if you dont know how to use your champ pick, i only use bots for training, test builds and the free champions Also any opinion about Viktor? Quote
eternal Zero Posted December 16, 2011 Posted December 16, 2011 Ahri is a blend of Akali and Mirana. I'm in love. I don't care if she's getting nerfed she holds a special place for me cause of the sheer amount of skill shots. Also all of the winter skins this year are awesome. I picked up LeBlanc's and Heimer's. Quote
Dexie Posted December 16, 2011 Posted December 16, 2011 Ahri is a blend of Akali and Mirana. I'm in love. I don't care if she's getting nerfed she holds a special place for me cause of the sheer amount of skill shots.Also all of the winter skins this year are awesome. I picked up LeBlanc's and Heimer's. I picked up Gangplank's skin. The new animations are silly (in a good way!) and I've been waiting for him to get a good skin like this. I'd love to get Leblanc's, but I already have her magician skin and I never play her enough as is. Also any opinion about Viktor? He looks interesting. Riot's casters are usually more interesting and have better mechanics then their melee characters, so he should be pretty fun. Quote
Diodes Posted December 19, 2011 Posted December 19, 2011 Oh yeah OK so I should probably say that I'm diotrans on there. I am so abyssmally horrible at the game that it's comical (at least, I think it is). It's my first RTS experience ever. So you don't necessarily want to play with me. ; But let me know if you want to get together and smash some beginner bots. The intermediate ones pwned me .( Quote
kitty Posted December 19, 2011 Posted December 19, 2011 ^ I added you. (name is Wozza the Walrus) Quote
Dexie Posted December 25, 2011 Posted December 25, 2011 Oh wow. The animation for that is neat, but I'm laughing my ass off at the subtitles. Quote
The Derrit Posted December 25, 2011 Posted December 25, 2011 has anyone else noticed that literally every time a champ comes out the general populous is like "OMG OP" and the only legitimate time it was true was for graves Quote
kitty Posted December 25, 2011 Posted December 25, 2011 I think Graves was a bit imba and I also believe the same of Ahri. Quote
Bleck Posted December 26, 2011 Posted December 26, 2011 it's funny that nobody cried op for xerath even though he's the best mage in the game also ahri is not op people are just stupid Quote
kitty Posted December 26, 2011 Posted December 26, 2011 She literally cannot die if she gets a RoA and Rylai's. She has more natural HP gain than any other AP carry champion except for Vlad. RoA solves her mana "problem." I've escaped from 5-man ganks with her ult even after getting stunned. She can lane in any lane perfectly fine. She doesn't need blue. She has no downsides that traditional AP carries have. Quote
The Derrit Posted December 26, 2011 Posted December 26, 2011 (edited) it's funny that nobody cried op for xerath even though he's the best mage in the gamealso ahri is not op people are just stupid after playing enough of him i've found it's really not true, he's great late game/after he gets a deathcap and does massive damage but midlane he's a hard sell against just about anyone with a stun, which is a lot of mid laners. lux and annie crap on him pretty hard as well as leblanc he's great overall but has some really bad matchups edit: also kitty unless you're terrible you shouldn't be getting hit by her taunt unless she ults in on you, at which point she's already wasted her positioning bonus and should immediately get stunned. what people don't seem to realize is once a new character's style of play is figured out people don't do the dumb things that get them killed. for instance in a 5 man gank against ahri don't all come from the side, have someone set up far behind and spread the group out so she can't just run through a hole. like catching an actual fox. another perfect example is people figuring out that arcanopulse has startup lag that is incredibly exploitable so everyone stopped being like "OMG SO MUCH RANGE OP" Edited December 26, 2011 by The Derrit Quote
Bleck Posted December 26, 2011 Posted December 26, 2011 She literally cannot die if she gets a RoA and Rylai's. just like ryze She has more natural HP gain than any other AP carry champion except for Vlad. so uh not the best RoA solves her mana "problem." just like every single champ in the game I've escaped from 5-man ganks with her ult even after getting stunned. I've done the same with xerath and he's one of the least mobile champs in the game She can lane in any lane perfectly fine. just like 90% of the champs in the game She doesn't need blue. neither does anyone else who isn't jungling She has no downsides that traditional AP carries have. except for being relatively squishy and easy to shut down early game and still really easy to focus down in teamfights and still kind of vague role-wise as she's not really a good jungler and not really a primary damage dealer the thing about ahri (as well as every single new champ) is that she stops being overpowered when you stop feeding her OH SHIT A SKILLSHOT TAUNT WHAT CAN I POSSIBLY DO [OTHER THAN MOVE OUT OF THE WAY OR STAY OUT OF RANGE I GUESS???] after playing enough of him i've found it's really not true, he's great late game/after he gets a deathcap and does massive damage but midlane he's a hard sell against just about anyone with a stun, which is a lot of mid laners. lux and annie crap on him pretty hard as well as leblanche's great overall but has some really bad matchups yeah see the thing about xerath is that he has really bad matchups if you're really bad at playing as him annie vs good xerath is pretty much oh hey look annie is dead because she couldn't even get close enough to do damage Quote
The Derrit Posted December 26, 2011 Posted December 26, 2011 annie vs good xerath is pretty much oh hey look annie is dead because she couldn't even get close enough to do damage i think what you meant to say was good annie vs. xerath just says "oh well i got hit by arcanopulse let me walk through it while i stun you and throw all of my shit on you while you die." if the annie is super aggressive you have two options, staying way far back and letting her farm while getting a couple minions here and there (not ideal) or playing toe to toe getting stunned which you will and getting bursted down because before you have many items early game annie does plenty more damage than you and doesn't have to aim anything (also not ideal) bad annies on the other hand will be afraid of you and you can indeed shit on them the range thing is only effective if you're dealing dangerous damage which you're not at level 4 or 5, meaning you pretty much have to wait it out or get people to gank for you all the time. or have a jungler who will give you blue Quote
Bleck Posted December 26, 2011 Posted December 26, 2011 why would you go near an annie with a stun up Quote
The Derrit Posted December 26, 2011 Posted December 26, 2011 why would you go near an annie with a stun up thats the entire point you either have to wait out her stun and miss farm or not wait out her stun and get hit the only time annie can't jump you when you fire a q is at maximum range when you're in siege shiz, any other time and she can just take it and go in on you. so literally any other time you just have to wait for her to get impatient and use a skill which a good annie just won't annie isn't even the worst offender leblanc has a built in blink to stun that she can hit pretty much from standard q range and lux's snare and slow are just as long as yours are. now if its a malzahar or an ahri or someone without much cc you're pretty much fine but anyone with a stun you're in a bad spot you can't just be like 'range lol' because that range comes at a half second casting time in which just about anyone can walk up on you and stun you before you stun them ESPECIALLY EARLY even with tower e has like no range whatsoever until later levels Quote
Dexie Posted December 26, 2011 Posted December 26, 2011 has anyone else noticed that literally every time a champ comes out the general populous is like "OMG OP" and the only legitimate time it was true was for graves Not entirely true. Fizz was pretty OP on his release and is still really, really strong. Ahri's definately not OP though, just really strong as well and annoying to play against. Riot's getting a lot better at not releasing champions who are completely OP on their release. For a while there, nearly every champion that came out was just nasty. Quote
Bleck Posted December 26, 2011 Posted December 26, 2011 thats the entire point you either have to wait out her stun and miss farm or not wait out her stun and get hit oooooor you can just poke at her with your q????? Quote
kitty Posted December 26, 2011 Posted December 26, 2011 (edited) just like ryzeso uh not the best just like every single champ in the game I've done the same with xerath and he's one of the least mobile champs in the game just like 90% of the champs in the game neither does anyone else who isn't jungling except for being relatively squishy and easy to shut down early game and still really easy to focus down in teamfights and still kind of vague role-wise as she's not really a good jungler and not really a primary damage dealer the thing about ahri (as well as every single new champ) is that she stops being overpowered when you stop feeding her OH SHIT A SKILLSHOT TAUNT WHAT CAN I POSSIBLY DO [OTHER THAN MOVE OUT OF THE WAY OR STAY OUT OF RANGE I GUESS???] yeah see the thing about xerath is that he has really bad matchups if you're really bad at playing as him annie vs good xerath is pretty much oh hey look annie is dead because she couldn't even get close enough to do damage Except Ryze doesn't have mobility or range. Hardly any champion can lane in every lane and still dominate. I suppose I should have clarified this point. Ahri can do it easier than any other AP champ, even Vlad, without flash, while also damaging 3 champions around her. Xerath cannot do this. Champs like Leblanc need voracious amounts of mana while simultaneously needing dicktons of AP to be effective. They need blue. Ahri doesn't have this problem. She's nowhere to being squishy. You addressed this as my first point. So you're contradicting yourself. Being easy to shutdown early game? Not all? Any melee jungler cannot get to her without being charmed point blank rendering any stun they might have moot. Even Amumu needs to get a clear shot to get in and that means Ahri has a clear charm shot. Also she just hits W while running away and does damage without even stopping to cast. Her harass can hit creeps and champs unlike targetable spells. Xerath also shares this trait with her. Yeah it's obvious they aren't a threat if you don't feed. Duh. The point here is that for the champion it's EASIER to get kills. Your point is completely retarded. Ahri's range is also very high. Overall her stats are way above average even if she isn't "the best" at those stats like range. It means that she's a better pick overall than niche AP carries like Ryze or Xerath. Edited December 26, 2011 by kitty Quote
Bleck Posted December 26, 2011 Posted December 26, 2011 She's nowhere to being squishy. You addressed this as my first point. So you're contradicting yourself. she is squishy early game, which is why you shut her down before she can get roa Being easy to shutdown early game? Not all? Any melee jungler cannot get to her without being charmed point blank rendering any stun they might have moot. udyr, trundle and skarner are pretty much not going to care about her charm Yeah it's obvious they aren't a threat if you don't feed. Duh. so why are you complaining about a champ supposedly being op The point here is that for the champion it's EASIER to get kills. oh I see it's because you're bad It means that she's a better pick overall than niche AP carries like Ryze or Xerath. maybe if you're playing with bads yes Quote
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