Tensei Posted October 2, 2011 Posted October 2, 2011 One thing LoL really got right is to display absolutely no information about stats in the pre-game lobby, or any kind of persistent KDA tracking. It really cuts down on people just playing to pad their KDR and then using it ingame to brag. On the other hand, I think runes and masteries could just completely be removed without the game being much worse for wear. The way its implemented leaves very little room for variation in builds, and I always feel like the only aspect in which it really matters is that you can't really jungle at all when you're low level. Because of the matchmaking, improvements from runes will always cancel each other out because you're playing opponents with a similar level, and I can't help but feel that it's a bit like the stupid level scaling in TES: Oblivion. Quote
BardicKnowledge Posted October 3, 2011 Posted October 3, 2011 I can't help but feel that it's a bit like the stupid level scaling in TES: Oblivion. I agree with this -- I'd rather see everyone get a slight 5% boost in whatever roles Riot wants to push heroes towards (make heroes that "should" jungle capable of it w/o runes, give spellcasters the Ignite bonus, melee heroes the Exhaust bonus, etc) and get rid of runes/masteries. Quote
prophetik music Posted October 3, 2011 Posted October 3, 2011 i think that masteries are awesome because they allow characters to do tons of different things. i know you don't multi-role characters much, bardic, but being able to build ap udyr dps, ad udyr dps, and tank udyr with roughly the same cost of all your items is amazing. it's all from doing 20-0-10, 0-20-10, and 0-21-9, different builds, etc. same flexibility with characters like maokai (21-0-9, 9-21-0, 0-21-9), singed (9-21-0, 0-9-21, 0-21-9), amumu (9-21-0, 0-21-9, 1-13-16), and nunu (same as mumu, but add a 21-0-9) make them so much more fun to play. also, rune setups make a big difference too. do you want 15 ap early, or 75hp initially? do you want armor, mana regen, CDR, etc. runes are what allow fiddles to jungle, whereas i'd use a totally different setup (if i had the pages) to lane with him, going towards early AP, mana regen, and armor. Quote
zircon Posted October 3, 2011 Posted October 3, 2011 Yeah, I think runes & masteries are great. It's simply a balance issue. There is a legitimate choice of runes in most builds, though reds are obviously one-sided (armor pen is basically always better, mpen is a no-brainer for casters.) Masteries are more imbalanced, with the defense tree being sort of underpowered and the utility tree being really strong. Like Brad said, I think it's interesting to try an all-AP/offense Morgana vs. a tanky Morgana with HP/armor/MR runes instead of AP/CDR and mana regen. Quote
Dexie Posted October 3, 2011 Posted October 3, 2011 One thing LoL really got right is to display absolutely no information about stats in the pre-game lobby, or any kind of persistent KDA tracking. It really cuts down on people just playing to pad their KDR and then using it ingame to brag. Fun fact that a lot of people don't know: In both normal and ranked games, the order your team appears on the side of the screen during champion select is based on your elo. I'm glad that more people don't realize it, because there's been a couple times I've been paired up with people saying shit like "I'm higher than you on the list, my elo is higher so shut up and do as I say!" Quote
prophetik music Posted October 3, 2011 Posted October 3, 2011 Yeah, I think runes & masteries are great. It's simply a balance issue. There is a legitimate choice of runes in most builds, though reds are obviously one-sided (armor pen is basically always better, mpen is a no-brainer for casters.) Masteries are more imbalanced, with the defense tree being sort of underpowered and the utility tree being really strong. Like Brad said, I think it's interesting to try an all-AP/offense Morgana vs. a tanky Morgana with HP/armor/MR runes instead of AP/CDR and mana regen. another good example is sona. you can legitimately build her AD, AP, and support. alistar as well - AP/CDR ali is a ridiculously awesome tanky dps character. also, derrit, i got a really nice bottle of bourbon for my next time i'm playing with you guys. just fyi. Quote
Dexie Posted October 3, 2011 Posted October 3, 2011 I just went up against what might be the most annoying team in the game. Kassadin, Soraka, Nidalee, Mundo, and LeBlanc. Two heals (Three if you count Mundo's ult), three silences, three built in Flashes (and of course each one of them had the actual spell)... My team was Olaf, Kayle, Veigar, Tryndamere, and Kat, and there was NOTHING we could do. Every time we tried to initiate a team fight they'd just mass silence us and run off, then come back and start it on their terms. Good grief, I never want to go through that mess again. D: Quote
prophetik music Posted October 3, 2011 Posted October 3, 2011 a soraka/brand lane where soraka had clarity was possibly the worst lane i've ever had. there's simply no way to hit brand ever and have it mean something, and he always can punish you for trying. Quote
The Author Posted October 3, 2011 Posted October 3, 2011 if you keep playing ai games you're going to get even more fed up with humans when you do so don't keep doing that, you'll miss everything you're supposed to be picking up on.in ai games you can just do pretty much whatever but in a pvp setting there are certain tropes that people will expect you to know and if you jump into pvp at say, level 12, people will rage if you don't understand why you don't go mid as taric or something like that edit: i've made up my mind to save up for xerath im not that far away from getting the ip. can't wait to autolock battle with other people So yeah, moving to human adversaries, and I'm doing not that bad. Still trying out some things with Janna, the item selection is kinda rough, probably have to tweak my masteries and runes again. I love Janna, not that I have the highest kill numbers, but in a good game I can rake 10-15 assists. Quote
Tensei Posted October 4, 2011 Posted October 4, 2011 http://ltpigtails.com/Flash/LoLpirateDansen.html Quote
Moomba Posted October 4, 2011 Posted October 4, 2011 http://ltpigtails.com/Flash/LoLpirateDansen.html Wow, I've lost track of how many years it's been since I last saw one of those xD I now have a strange urge to go play as Gangplank or Miss Fortune :3 Quote
The Derrit Posted October 4, 2011 Posted October 4, 2011 so when is this patch coming i thought they always patched on tuesdays Quote
Dexie Posted October 5, 2011 Posted October 5, 2011 It's patching tommorrow. They delayed it a day to work out some issues. Speaking of... Caitlyn's getting a new skin tommorrow! I'm so glad that a champion that never gets a new skin is getting one, and not champions who get one every other patch like Leblanc, Udyr, Sona, Cassiopeia, Urgot, Trundle, and Irelia! Quote
Jamphibious Posted October 5, 2011 Posted October 5, 2011 Yeah, mah gurls Sona and Irelia are definitely due for another skin. Also many other champions. Don't see why they'd make ANOTHER Caitlin skin, but alas. Quote
Dexie Posted October 5, 2011 Posted October 5, 2011 Yeah, mah gurls Sona and Irelia are definitely due for another skin. Also many other champions. Don't see why they'd make ANOTHER Caitlin skin, but alas. Because sex sells. Check it out. http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/attachment.php?attachmentid=287654&d=1317785310 Quote
prophetik music Posted October 5, 2011 Posted October 5, 2011 Because sex sells. Check it out.http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/attachment.php?attachmentid=287654&d=1317785310 what the hell is that? nazi sniper cait? Quote
Tensei Posted October 5, 2011 Posted October 5, 2011 (edited) looks almost exactly the same as Kog'Maws. What the hell Riot. Edited October 5, 2011 by Tensei Quote
The Author Posted October 5, 2011 Posted October 5, 2011 (edited) And that video sounded like it was made by a kid who wanted to kill everyone with his SUPERCOOL NEW CHARACTER!!!! No talk about Xerath's weaknesses, and what you should do to stay alive. And well, he isn't that squishy looking, which may be a balance issue. Not complaining about Malphite's brutal strike range increase however. Been playing with him lately and he's got a lot of potential. Edited October 5, 2011 by The Author Quote
Bleck Posted October 5, 2011 Posted October 5, 2011 looks almost exactly the same as Kog'Maws. no it doesn't Quote
Tensei Posted October 5, 2011 Posted October 5, 2011 (edited) Single-target damage/debuff Damage/Range increasing self-buff Line Skillshot AoE damage Spammable Long Range 'Artillery' skillshot wat Also, @ the Author, they do that with every new champion release. They really play up how awesome the new champion is so that people will buy him on release. Not to mention that most of the engagements shown in the videos are obviously . Edited October 5, 2011 by Tensei Quote
prophetik music Posted October 5, 2011 Posted October 5, 2011 Single-target damage/debuffDamage/Range increasing self-buff Line Skillshot AoE damage Spammable Long Range 'Artillery' skillshot wat Also, @ the Author, they do that with every new champion release. They really play up how awesome the new champion is so that people will buy him on release. Not to mention that most of the engagements shown in the videos are obviously set in scene. except that kog has no stun, doesn't have the cool-looking lockdown ability, and doesn't have the ap-to-armor passive that makes him so interesting...? also, tensai, i haven't seen you online in at least a month. why do you bother trolling this thread and telling everyone that their opinions are wrong if you don't even play the game anymore? go back to the HoN thread. that community fits you better. Quote
Tensei Posted October 5, 2011 Posted October 5, 2011 (edited) How am I trolling? I'm talking about the game aren't I? It's pretty well known that the spotlight footage is faked, because you'll often see Champions running along without doing anything or not using specific skills that would have saved them. I'm getting pretty fucking tired of people perceiving opinions they disagree with as 'trolling'. I actually praised LoL a few posts back for the way they deliberately obscure KDA stats... Also, it's less about the effects on Xeraths skills but more the way they're 'delivered' so to speak. I haven't been playing because nobody will play Summoners Rift with me and I hate Dominion. Regardless, you don't see me telling Bleck to stop posting in the HoN/Dota 2 thread even though he doesn't play HoN (anymore), that would just be rude. Edited October 5, 2011 by Tensei Quote
The Derrit Posted October 5, 2011 Posted October 5, 2011 How am I trolling? I'm talking about the game aren't I? It's pretty well known that the spotlight footage is faked, because you'll often see Champions running along without doing anything or not using specific skills that would have saved them. I'm getting pretty fucking tired of people perceiving opinions they disagree with as 'trolling'. I actually praised LoL a few posts back for the way they deliberately obscure KDA stats...Also, it's less about the effects on Xeraths skills but more the way they're 'delivered' so to speak. I haven't been playing because nobody will play Summoners Rift with me and I hate Dominion. Regardless, you don't see me telling Bleck to stop posting in the HoN/Dota 2 thread even though he doesn't play HoN (anymore), that would just be rude. mostly because a) xerath plays nothing like kog'maw and that's pretty obvious just given the spotlight which you then go on to pan the company about, spotlights are meant to be like that and i think we're all aware thats not what bothers people c) your air of superiority. thats the big one. talking down at the thread like 'oh yeah this worthless game you play is super dumb and riot keeps fucking it up' while we all play and enjoy it pretty consistently is obnoxious. fix C and pretty much no one has a problem with you, but why show up just to rub it around that you think the game is (aside from KDR anonymity) trash? i'll admit i did it with the megaman is canceled OMGWTFBBQ thread but thats because those people were legit crying like pussies over something completely out of their control, or the control of its developers Quote
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