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League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!

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So, I was playing a game, everything was fine-ish at first. We got a few kills lead, but early in the laning phase, we often end up going mid to bolster up defense as they focus their attack there. I realize they are turning this into a bit of a baiting game, so they lock us all in one big group so that Lux and Kassadin, the two better player of the other team, can pick us off as we focus on their allies.

I say that and am promptly ignored. The pattern is obvious though, so I propose that we use their plan as a way for us to push top and bot so that we can push back to inner turrets. Remove a bit of leeway as they hid in the jungle. Get called an idiot.

I get tired of being almost farmed with Janna (yeah she's hard to catch) so I simply start pushing the top lane. When others get killed yet again in an obvious trap, I get blamed for trying to change a pattern.

Seriously, what is wrong with games like this where people are so set in a routine strategy that they don't see alternatives. With Alistar and TF, I can grab a lane and blow up one or two turrets using a hit and run strategy, hell, TF is great for that because when they do get split up at the center trying to catch up the top and bot lanes, I can fall back and help the mid push. But if all 5 champions are mid, when we can only see three of theirs, it,s an obvious trap.

Seriously, sometimes, fuck people on that game.

So, I was playing a game, everything was fine-ish at first. We got a few kills lead, but early in the laning phase, we often end up going mid to bolster up defense as they focus their attack there. I realize they are turning this into a bit of a baiting game, so they lock us all in one big group so that Lux and Kassadin, the two better player of the other team, can pick us off as we focus on their allies.

I say that and am promptly ignored. The pattern is obvious though, so I propose that we use their plan as a way for us to push top and bot so that we can push back to inner turrets. Remove a bit of leeway as they hid in the jungle. Get called an idiot.

I get tired of being almost farmed with Janna (yeah she's hard to catch) so I simply start pushing the top lane. When others get killed yet again in an obvious trap, I get blamed for trying to change a pattern.

Seriously, what is wrong with games like this where people are so set in a routine strategy that they don't see alternatives. With Alistar and TF, I can grab a lane and blow up one or two turrets using a hit and run strategy, hell, TF is great for that because when they do get split up at the center trying to catch up the top and bot lanes, I can fall back and help the mid push. But if all 5 champions are mid, when we can only see three of theirs, it,s an obvious trap.

Seriously, sometimes, fuck people on that game.

think about the amount of unintelligent people you see and hear about every day. now imagine them all playing computer games

people are stupid


Worse part is, I have a lot of PvP experience from various games, and given a chance, I can usually come up with a winning strategy. It isn't always perfect, I'm not a master strategist, but I know enough to change the pattern of attack many times, especially if it doesn't work perfectly. Especially when you go from dominating to being dominated. It means they figured out a weakness in the current strategy.

So, I was playing a game, everything was fine-ish at first. We got a few kills lead, but early in the laning phase, we often end up going mid to bolster up defense as they focus their attack there. I realize they are turning this into a bit of a baiting game, so they lock us all in one big group so that Lux and Kassadin, the two better player of the other team, can pick us off as we focus on their allies.

I say that and am promptly ignored. The pattern is obvious though, so I propose that we use their plan as a way for us to push top and bot so that we can push back to inner turrets. Remove a bit of leeway as they hid in the jungle. Get called an idiot.

I get tired of being almost farmed with Janna (yeah she's hard to catch) so I simply start pushing the top lane. When others get killed yet again in an obvious trap, I get blamed for trying to change a pattern.

Seriously, what is wrong with games like this where people are so set in a routine strategy that they don't see alternatives. With Alistar and TF, I can grab a lane and blow up one or two turrets using a hit and run strategy, hell, TF is great for that because when they do get split up at the center trying to catch up the top and bot lanes, I can fall back and help the mid push. But if all 5 champions are mid, when we can only see three of theirs, it,s an obvious trap.

Seriously, sometimes, fuck people on that game.

welcome to the world of dota/hon/lol/dota2/everyothergamethatsgonnabemadethatjacksdota'sstyle

the community is the worst ever. always has been.


Well, I've seen some people be rather nice, really. And when that community shines, it shines. Which makes the bad apples stand out even more.

It's just weird because I had good experiences all around, usually the one whiner is the worse player of the team, but in that case it was just odd, people made no strategic calls, no MIAs, no recommendation, and when you make them you get jumped on...

Oh well.


remember that you'll have games as the worst player there and as the best player there. sometimes the gaps are larger than you anticipate. i know i am not good at certain roles, and good at others, and i often get frustrated when someone instalocks singed or rammus and then does absolutely horrid because i know i can do it better.


Then learn to play other roles? Maybe the guy playing Singed/Alistar is doing bad because he's new to tanking but actually wants to make an effort to learn the role. People don't always play to win, sometimes they play to improve, or just because they enjoy playing a particular champion.


yeah the best thing to do with bad players is try to be helpful because everyone getting pissed off because someone is bad is not going to make them any better

Then learn to play other roles? Maybe the guy playing Singed/Alistar is doing bad because he's new to tanking but actually wants to make an effort to learn the role. People don't always play to win, sometimes they play to improve, or just because they enjoy playing a particular champion.

the more likely situation is that they've been told that those champions are OP and are like 'sweet im gonna pwnZoRsZ.' i don't think you realize how much credit you're giving to people on the internet. i saw this happen yesterday with singed the player had no idea what he was doing, he was autoattacking minions and not using his poison at all and when i asked him why he wasn't using his poison he was like 'stfu i'm singed i wont die anyways'

you see this with jax all the time i haven't played with a jax that didn't think he could burst a champion at level four in a 2v2 lane in weeks. jax should be a good character but the people who play him expect 'oh my char does the most damage, thus why should i not attack all the time' and as such are terrible

Speaking of weakness. When I'm purple, I cannot mid. When I'm blue, no problem, but the flip in camera makes it impossible as a purple.

I need to work on that.

I can mid on purple, it's bot I can't handle.

Then learn to play other roles? Maybe the guy playing Singed/Alistar is doing bad because he's new to tanking but actually wants to make an effort to learn the role. People don't always play to win, sometimes they play to improve, or just because they enjoy playing a particular champion.

oh, i do other roles as well. recently i've been doing a lot of goofy builds to try them out, and some work really well (ap glass cannon malph, ap yorick, etc). i just get frustrated when someone instalocks a tank and then is terrible with them. why not play a few bot games with that character? why instalock if you're shaky about your character?

Posted (edited)

so now that i've been placed at a low ELO from finishing my 10 games i've actually found the players are better. how does that work

edit: and when i say better i mean not rageface 4 seconds into game

Edited by The Derrit

had a solid game as malph where we overcame being 4-15 early to come back to win it, seven or eight kills up. i was 1-3-0 early, but turned it around to 3-6-23 by the end of the game. we were getting hosed early, and i thought for sure we lost it, but a timely baron that helped us prevent losing towers to minions worked out really nicely...and then we aced them hard and got three towers and the nexus right at the end.

then, 13-1-18 malph in a game with ToN and zircon. incredible game. bought a soulstealer as my first big item after merc boots and glacial shroud, maxed it twice before and after my death. we trolled them SO. HARD. it was delicious. i killed tryndamere four times where he'd pop his ult, hit me some, and then spin away as it ran out, using bloodlust to heal...and then i'd ult him and do 700 damage. i wonder why he never got the hint. i left a few other kills out there early too, but we rolled them so hard it didn't matter. easily one of my best malphite games, bots included. even bots weren't this dumb.

until i disconnected and my client crashed at the end of the game? it was disappointing that i got dumped and then couldn't log in because apparently the servers were toast.

as a whole, i'm starting to think that malph's ult is one of the best in the game. huge close-the-gap, dealing tons of damage (200 at 6 is a lot of HP!), and a 1.5s knockup is more than enough for your other characters to hose everything in the pile. works just as well to prevent the entire team from disengaging, as it turns them running away into a bunch of corpses on the ground. amumu, poppy, gp, and karth are the only ones that i can think of that are just as good in terms of viability all the time, and i'm on the edge about karth since it's so dependent on farm most of the time.


i played a game tonight with twitch where 3 of the 5 people playing were trolling hard, like being bad on purpose trolling. somehow or another this didn't upset me at all, and i kinda just played along with it; i was twitch after all.

i could not have been more surprised when we won the game, 15 kills down. 2/9 sivir 3/7 singed and something else really terrible next to me at like 9/7 and swain at something really good. i still don't get how we won


People forget that the game isn't about kills. It's not about your ratio. It's not about how hard you ganked, or how bad your team is feeding. It is about destroying the opponent's nexus. It is possible to pull out games with a 15-20 kill lead, sometimes even worse. It's also possible for the kills to be even but the game to be completely one-sided since one team might be getting all the buffs, pushing towers, getting dragon/baron and farming way harder. Thus I am almost never in favor of surrender.

People forget that the game isn't about kills. It's not about your ratio. It's not about how hard you ganked, or how bad your team is feeding. It is about destroying the opponent's nexus. It is possible to pull out games with a 15-20 kill lead, sometimes even worse. It's also possible for the kills to be even but the game to be completely one-sided since one team might be getting all the buffs, pushing towers, getting dragon/baron and farming way harder. Thus I am almost never in favor of surrender.

haha they were fed though their akali was fed like obese people and so was their xin. their galio also died only twice


That's what I mean though! You won even though they were fed. This can happen because people forget how to actually win the game. Lategame, positioning and map awareness is so important. Their 15-0-10 Akali or Tryndamere getting caught or not being in a teamfight at minute 50 might seal the deal.


How to win Summoner's Rift:

gain advantage - kills (jungle ganks), farm, buffs, turrets

keep pressuring after getting the upper hand - time dragon, baron, force team fights you know you should win, and take opportunities that are advantageous.

control enemy team - wards, CV, champ specific spells, don't let the enemy get on equal footing.

make as few dumb moves as possible so you don't loose your advantage.

My take on SR, might have forgotten something.


I never surrender because CS games can go either way all of the time

I never play SR because why would I play the bad part of the game when I can play the good one

I never surrender because CS games can go either way all of the time

I never play SR because why would I play the bad part of the game when I can play the good one

You know how in Mario Kart when you're in 8th place you always get the lightning and the blue shells and the chain chomp and what not? CS is kinda like that.

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