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League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!

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Been playing this stupid game almost since it released, and I finally, FINALLY got my first pentakill. :D

I am exceedingly pleased with myself.

(It was with Fiora on Murderbridge.)

(Shut up, it still counts.)


i have recently started playing nasus on summoner's rift. i am REALLY enjoying him. i would have thought that a farmchamp like that would not be my strength since i suck at last-hitting, but i've really been enjoying him and his little farming meta. i also love being able to just get so freaking big and ignore people for extended periods of time in teamfights. any time when you can get 250+ on your resists, 3200 hp, and still deal a lot of damage is pretty darn cool.

i also survived and was able to still be effective against a gp/teemo lane, which was super cool...i figured he'd get slaughtered but i was still able to get some farm and keep up.

hey guyz I am almost level 11, pretty soon I can get flash! ^___________^

one day you will look back on the time when everyone didn't have a free teleport and think "fuck this game"

  • 4 weeks later...

because i hate you all and want you to be unhappy...

to fuel the 'elo hell' discussion, i've been steadily advancing the past few weeks, from s4 to s2, about to be in s1.

it is a MILLION TIMES EASIER to win games in higher ranks. rarely ever do i have people in my games who have decided to troll before it starts. if you're doing well people will let you lead the game. not as often do people wander off and die facechecking baron. (though it does happen)

winning games has become so much easier because when you play well, it's not ruined by someone trolling bottom lane, or afking because someone called them stupid. i'm in a promo right now after going undefeated through silver 2; it took me MONTHS to get from bronze 3 to bronze 2 because my play had no bearing on whether or not i would win.

am i better than before? probably. so much better that i've won ~70% of my games in the last few weeks? not likely.

because i hate you all and want you to be unhappy...

to fuel the 'elo hell' discussion, i've been steadily advancing the past few weeks, from s4 to s2, about to be in s1.

it is a MILLION TIMES EASIER to win games in higher ranks. rarely ever do i have people in my games who have decided to troll before it starts. if you're doing well people will let you lead the game. not as often do people wander off and die facechecking baron. (though it does happen)

winning games has become so much easier because when you play well, it's not ruined by someone trolling bottom lane, or afking because someone called them stupid. i'm in a promo right now after going undefeated through silver 2; it took me MONTHS to get from bronze 3 to bronze 2 because my play had no bearing on whether or not i would win.

am i better than before? probably. so much better that i've won ~70% of my games in the last few weeks? not likely.

a thousand times this.

Posted (edited)

lol because obviously the system targets you in isolation and expressly makes sure that YOU lose your games by matching you with bad people and matching your enemies with competent people

never mind the fact that the ranking system is so flawless that it's actually capable of doing such a thing

The easy way to get out of Bronze is be better than Bronze players. Climbing doesn't happen over night but if you're as good as you say, you will normalize your rank and it'll climb through playing more games. Even Diamonds lose a couple games smurfing out of Bronze.

Edited by Neblix

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