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Yeah, that was fun. Except those cheap assholes in Beaver Creek...so glad they're getting rid of that. Most annoying team ever.

Oh, and i love how all the clans we were playing against were actually trying, while we were killing each other. Good times.

I hate to quote my own awesomeness, but the move of the night had to have been the Warthog jack i did...

And the quote...

Z-5aber: If you betray me, I'm totally gonna kick you! [to me]

Me[fighting DD]: WHAT? *dies by betrayal by DD*

*kicks DD before he has a chance to boot him*

Z-5aber: uh...wespip...that was ME saying that.


On a related note, go uh...buy Maroon [the album] by Barenaked Ladies so you can listen to Tonight is the Night I Fell Asleep at the Wheel, done right. Well, right-er than me singing it.


My favorite moment of the night was me singing the intro stage music from Mega Man X...

Although I also enjoyed my solo kill!

[/unfunny self-centeredness]


Yeah sorry guys..I have been really busy lately..I haven't had much time..but I will be on TONIGHT for sure! Hopefully I will find some boxes and warthogs to help me! Mowuahaha

O and Icy Guy...all skillz...all skilllzzzz


Yeah sorry guys..I have been really busy lately..I haven't had much time..but I will be on TONIGHT for sure! Hopefully I will find some boxes and warthogs to help me! Mowuahaha

O and Icy Guy...all skillz...all skilllzzzz


You better. Last night we pretty much got owned.


I wouldn't say we got owned, per se...we were against experienced n00bs [anyone who was in that match knows what i mean], then we pwn3d ourselves. Plenty of betrayals for all.

Good times.

Anyways, I'll be on tonight too.


Once again, Comcast looks at me and goes, "Nope. Ur done fer the night, negro!" And yoinks out my connection.

But a good night one and all. Stats are reset, and just in time too. We seem to suck hardcore on Wednesdays. At least, I attribute it to Wednesdays!

The Halo2 Awards!

Most Ego: Icy Guy

Most Backup-able Ego: Icy Guy

Most Petulent: Lazy Leaf

Most Confuzzled: WesPip

Special awards:

Bombsquad: WesPip (blew up a mine as we drove right by it)

Sideswiper: LazyLeaf (nearly de-torsoed us on that capture-the-flag match with the warthogs)

Trojan: IcyGuy (5 people on defense, IcyGuy perpetually on offense)

And just so they don't feel bad

CyanIde: The Golgo13 ... award

Spleen: The Ohnoesmycableconnektion award

Join our Anti-government Clan!


Most Confuzzled: WesPip

Bombsquad: WesPip (blew up a mine as we drove right by it)

Join our Anti-government Clan!

I'm also confuzzled by that...'cause you and Lazy died, but...i didn't. I just kinda sat in the turret, wondering why you both died.

And Anti-Government is SO BAD-ASS!

I wish I could be anti-government.

Wait, wait...i feel it coming on...




Most Confuzzled: WesPip

Bombsquad: WesPip (blew up a mine as we drove right by it)

Join our Anti-government Clan!

I'm also confuzzled by that...'cause you and Lazy died, but...i didn't. I just kinda sat in the turret, wondering why you both died.

And Anti-Government is SO BAD-ASS!

I wish I could be anti-government.

Wait, wait...i feel it coming on...



Hahaha Wespip you shot at the mine..why did you

live!!!? No fair!!! The best part was 5 minutes later you RAN ME OVER in a tank XD! That was great! Good times..good times...though I found there were not enough boxes..;_o


So, I doubt I'll be seeing you guys as often.

John Lennon > Hanniblal Lector

He was in my old sig.

And yeahhhh, since I'm gonna be gone, you clanners should hit me up on the messaging client of your choice, maybe get a little 1v1 going on sometime.


Righty, I've got a few friends that want to join.

They do listen to OC Remixes, [if thats a requirement] so they aren't coming completely out of the blue. One is all around good at the game [and a damn good driver], and the other... uhm... is obedient. Most of the time.[Maybe I'll think of something more, uhm, positive to say of him later]

..so, unless if someone objects, I'm gonna give 'em invites when I get on sometime next week.


I'm also gonna force 'em to register here. No use having non-contributing members of society.

Righty, I've got a few friends that want to join.

They do listen to OC Remixes, [if thats a requirement] so they aren't coming completely out of the blue. One is all around good at the game [and a damn good driver], and the other... uhm... is obedient. Most of the time.[Maybe I'll think of something more, uhm, positive to say of him later]

..so, unless if someone objects, I'm gonna give 'em invites when I get on sometime next week.


I'm also gonna force 'em to register here. No use having non-contributing members of society.

Heh, thats what I did for MrB, but he's been slacking off on his Live lately.

And yeah, NP Deimos :P.

Uh..in case it's not obvious, I'm not on tonight. Too much stuff to do...probly wont be on again 'til Sunday.


Where were you guys last night? :( At around 7-ish PDT, I set my status to "online," and kept it there for an hour or so. When none of the usual crowd showed, I set it to "offline" and played some Team Preview. I thought about trying to get a party going with the members who were on, but it just wouldn't be the same as one of the higher-ups getting a party together.

So which of you bums are actually gonna be on tonight?


um, hello i am one of redchlorine's friends, (the damn

good driver) i im just posting because red told me to

register and post some thing to make myself known. so

hello all and hope to see some of you on.


Oh well...as the Overlord [and one of the less capable PLAYERS], let me be the first [well, second probly, redchlorine..] to welcome you into the clan. So..welcome aboard.


Enjoy your stay.

We should try a weekend gathering time too.

And I still think we need matching emblems! 8)

Weekend time: maybe.

Emblems: no. Just..no.

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