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Match of the Day: CTF Classic on Warlock. The match started off with a fairly quick capture by the Red team, and I overheard one of them saying that they were "owning" us. A couple of runs and returns later, we scored our first capture. During this flag run (or the second; I forget which), the enemy had our flag, but while they were running to their base, I (or someone else; all I know is I ended up with the flag) stole their flag and, naturally, ran back to ours. Since it was CTF Classic, we couldn't score unless our flag was at our base. So I went up the steam vent and parked myself in the darkness separating the vent landing chamber and our base. I saw a red dot on the Motion Tracker, and thought it was all over. The Blue guy jumped into our base and looked around, hoping to catch a glimpse of whoever had their flag.

While looking around, he stared right at me, but apparently didn't see me.

"I dunno where our flag's at."

He hopped away. Shortly after, Lazy (I think) went to town on the opposing team's flag carrier and the carrier's bodyguard, and returned our flag. Then it was just a quick 15-foot run to our flagstand. Not long after that, we scored the remaning number of flag caps we needed to win.

So much for them "owning" us. Hahahaha.

YEah.. I'm am like pretty sure that was me..becaus eI was walking to there base and I asked somehting like "Why can't we sc...". Then I realized we needed to have our flag...so I picked up the enemies shotgun went up the air vent. they were both standing there out in the open looking across the other way.." OMG what is taking them so..OMG *dead* I was surprised. I was sure they would have thrown a grenade in the corner like most do..but o well..Lesson: Never forget your radar! That was an awesome match overall! Every one did an awesome job kicking ass!


I'm thinking that I'd like to join you guys (my voice isn't that annoying), but I need to know if it costs anything to create a second account (and how much). I don't really want to use my brother's account (although it is technically mine until he pays me back the $40 I lent him for Live)


Well, he joined the clan party. We were getting ready to play a custom game of some sorts. We started the count down ,but Xelah kept delaying it demanding that we play clanmatches. So we told him that we would later..but he still kept delaying it....over and over and over and over. Then he said something really rude and left. So meh..he obviously didn't like us anyways.

Anyways..awesome night this past night. We PWNED in our newest clan match win. It was a slayer on Warlock and boy was that fun :D So congrats to Icy Guy, Dr, Marius and PhantomSky for our job kickass done!


hi. I'm new to Halo2 on XBox live but Ill like to join.

My tag is: o2coolc on XBox live.

However my skills are pretty low (compared to ppl playing it for months) but getting better. My roomate bought halo2 the day it came out but it never had the feel of Halo 1 for me so i stopped playing it. I'm pretty unstoppable on Halo 1 so I've got basic halo 2 skills just still getting used 2 the levels.

anyway I bought XBox Live 2 days (ironically) to play Halo 1 against people on Xbox live only 2 find Halo 1 ISNT on Xbox live so I've been playing halo2 on xbox live and im addicted to it now. anyway what do i need 2 do to add to your clan

P.S. What I created my XBox live account 2 days ago i selectred the name: o2coolc.

thats the name i have in matches. how do I change my name to something else?

Well, he joined the clan party. We were getting ready to play a custom game of some sorts. We started the count down ,but Xelah kept delaying it demanding that we play clanmatches. So we told him that we would later..but he still kept delaying it....over and over and over and over. Then he said something really rude and left. So meh..he obviously didn't like us anyways.

Ahahahaha. He does that. Funny how his story was totally different.


Hey if any of youse guys is going to be on I'll be on here this morning for a little bit. I hafta leave for a family cookout at around 12-1ish so I'll be on till then. Hope to see some of ya there, and hopefully help you guys out with training and Clan ladder climbing.

thats the name i have in matches. how do I change my name to something else?

...you don't.

But I'll send you an invite, as I'll be on later.

Thats right people, I'LL BE ON LATER.

I'm sure you all missed me terribly.


I'mma try to be on.


You're not Piptastic.

Also...i don't suppose you remember that first QotD Wingles, do ya?

Well, here's one from after you left:

Marius: I roxxorz your boxxors.

Me: They..don't look very roxxored.

Marius: Well, mine are. They've got flames on them.

Sonic: So...you're a liar then?

Marius: Huh?

Sonic: 'Cause...your pants are on fire.

Good times.


Few things.

First off, I graduated, and my grandparents are leaving tomorrow :cry:, so I'll have more free time.

Second, however, my internet is acting up again. I might be able to get on tonight, ISP permitting.


Man, yesterday was nuts. We got slaughtered a couple of different times in Team Slayer BR on Beaver Creek, got trash-talked in Assault BR on Burial Mounds, won on Team Pistols on Lockout, played several Fiesta-esque custom games, and brought our clan record up (down?) to 2-34.

Not to mention that I made Marius "sick to [his] stomach," thanks to a "cheap" CTF Classic match on Lockout. :wink: I mean, in multi-flag matches on Lockout, someone has to pick the Red team. It's *cough* not my fault that the Red team can grab the Blue flag and make a few jumps that lead to victory. That strategy is just there to be exploited. Mwahaha.


Yesterday was fun. I introduced a KOTH variant I call Chaotic King. 3 second respawn, random weapons, hill moves 30 seconds, and on Midship. It was chaotic, to say the least. Here is a wrap-up of that game. Later on we spent like 10 minutes trying to get Lazy Leaf and Dr. Marius in the same party. Lazy was having some compy issues but hopefully that'll be resolved soon. I'll be on Live as long as I can today so when you guys are done here we can have some more fun.

See ya later.















.Or rather, I'll see YOUR MOM later.


I gots to get up at 5 tomorrow, so I shouldn't be on tonight. In other words, if you see me on tonight and care about me, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD TELL ME TO GET SOME SLEEP AND BOOT ME!!!! Otherwise, I'll know you just don't care :D

I gots to get up at 5 tomorrow, so I shouldn't be on tonight. In other words, if you see me on tonight and care about me, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD TELL ME TO GET SOME SLEEP AND BOOT ME!!!! Otherwise, I'll know you just don't care :D

*rubs chin thoughtfully*


But yeah, i swear to god, if we play another CTF game as needlessly long as the one last night, I'll boot whoever made it. Any more than 3 rounds/team is way the hell too much.


Had fun this evening with Lazy Leaf, Sonic, and Icy Guy. Playing that team slayer game in Coagulation made for some interesting plays, besides the constant nagging and bitching from the other team (which I must applaud Lazy Leaf for dealing with)

Lazy Leaf: "No! Don't kill me! Lets be friends!"

Me: (Unaware that that's what Lazy Leaf was saying) Snipes Lazy Leaf

almost immediatly after finishing the sentence.


...quite a long nite last nite.

Sorry guys, but Saki, Yellow and I lost our level 4 after everyone else left. We're back to 3. Whoops.

But yeah, I was on til nearly 3. Good times, good times.


Lazy's making porno vids?

I got like three invites last night, but I never joined 'Cause I just bought Karoake Revolution, and THAT is damn fun. Why the hell isn't it online play... That could be damn amusing. I turned off the singer, so when I don't know a song, I'm just trying to follow the 'tone bar', but I can never hit the right tone, so it's me warbling up and down trying to get hit the right note. DAMN fun. Especially with a 6 speaker setup around me.

I did get one video Lazy posted, seems like she's a little too good with those grenades. Could work on headshots just a little bit with the BR and the Carbine, but goddamn those grenades are amazing.

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