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Compression! That is the way I kept all my flash/music projects and install files down to less than 100 meg each, as these CD's are 700 meg a pop. I had about 1300 meg of stuff though, so I almost couldn't fit it... Trimmed out stuff I COULD get back, the rest I kept.

@De...whatever the hell yer name is =P : Mom is computer illiterate so my brother will hafta walk her through. Besides, I have a job to work, games to play, and at most 11 hours of sleep every day =P The night life is nice though, as no one bugs me around here. And why would you even want to format yer PC that many times? You must have a small capacity or hardly anything on it at all... meager mortal...

Have all MY files backed up on 2 CDs. Hafta wait till mom and my brother finish up and get their crap offa here before the big wipe... Then I can get those things from ya Lazy, as well as watch that vid (since WMP wont work anymore ;-; )

Also, a friend of mine might be dragging me off to her newly found private RO server too. >.< I used up my 15 free days and was like "Private servers only now, since I'm not that crazy about it." At least on here I know I'll have someone to play with and not have to party with strangers like I usually hafta on MapleStory.

My aim may be lower than normal, but I am now sneakier and better with reaction times thanks to Conker! Now I wish my aim was as good as it used to be... Deimos kept taking too long to kill with a BR due to the fact on average only 1 bullet would hit him at a time X_X ::will practice later, eat cheese now::

You act like formatting your hard drive is a monumental and historic event... I could've formatted my hard drive like 8,000,000.23132412 times by now :)

And you're acting like formatting a hard drive is as common as breathing. Whoop de doo.

I'm more concerned about the fact that he could fit all his files onto only 2 CDs.

Next time just set up two separate partitions on the same hard drive. That's what I did. That way when it comes to reformatting you can just move the stuff over and reformat that partition.



I have lost the fight with my RAID card. It simply refuses to work.

I'll just have to get a new one and pray it works.

@decrescendo: seperate partitions? Nah. Just add another hard drive. Its much better to have a huge, relatively slow storage drive compliment a small, fast SATA primary drive.


Having 2 drives, I CAN do that, but then again, if a file is infected with anything malicious and I move it, it'll just hit again. I need to figure out where its at first, and by using 2 CDs then I can at least narrow it down to music or files. =P

@Lazy: thanks fer the 2x team win. I played another game afterwards and left because I got stuck with a n00b who just bought the game -.- Go me and my luck... =P


I have lost the fight with my RAID card. It simply refuses to work.

I'll just have to get a new one and pray it works.

@decrescendo: seperate partitions? Nah. Just add another hard drive. Its much better to have a huge, relatively slow storage drive compliment a small, fast SATA primary drive.

Although one drive kills the other on space... And <3 to cables for reliability! o_o

"You're fighting a grave rober zmobie

This was a grave rober, who was killed by a zmobie while he was stealing stuff from a grave. Then he became a zmobie himself. He's really angry, because he keeps trying to steal stuff from his own grave, which is obviously empty."

KoL fun! Now off to bed and Meteos for awhile...

::needs to build his OWN pc so that it won't fuck up::

"You're fighting a grave rober zmobie

This was a grave rober, who was killed by a zmobie while he was stealing stuff from a grave. Then he became a zmobie himself. He's really angry, because he keeps trying to steal stuff from his own grave, which is obviously empty."

Did I miss something?

"You're fighting a grave rober zmobie

This was a grave rober, who was killed by a zmobie while he was stealing stuff from a grave. Then he became a zmobie himself. He's really angry, because he keeps trying to steal stuff from his own grave, which is obviously empty."

Did I miss something?


Its a pretty funny RPG =P I suggest playing it in free time when yer bored and shooting things is outta the question. Im ascending into a disco bandit next chance I get... Since turtle taming isnt really all too fun =P

Well, here it is! Every one should give this match a download at least for the laughs if not the awesome pwning.

B00bbagging: http://files.filefront.com/B00bbagging/;4019510;4;/fileinfo.html

OMFG!!!!LOLZ!!!! :lmassoff:

I finally got around to watching this vid and I must say it was friggin' hilarious!

In any case, It was a relatively short evening, and Sonic once again proved he is worthy of the Explosives Badge I made for him. Good pwnage, Sonic. Over all it was dull for me as I was not as crisp as I normally am, but there's always tomorrow night. Hope to see some people on.


Someone yesterday asked about Domo-kun. Here is an FAQ about Domo-kun. Also, Dr. Marius, Lazy Leaf and I had were in a lengthy conversation about this and that(mostly it was about Zelda) when I started talking about princess Peach being hotter than princess Zelda. Some stuff was said and will not be repeated(mostly because I forgot) so I'll give you a link to the site that I mentioned.



I'm back from my friends house, got some nice views of RARE items on PSO, also killed him in meteos (too bad he doesnt have it T-T ) I've learned that RE0 is actually quite easy as I made it to the mansion in like an hour, without saving or dying once. Also, we screwed around in Halo on burial mounds, and found the INVISIBLE SLIDE. Yeah, more glitches. Ive learned stuff on relic that you may see me do to screw around... But still, the BM thing was wierd indeed, but I made it onto the "pizza cutter" thing's ledge which would be a nice sniper area...

I'll be on tonight. Need to hook up my xbox again though...

::computer is still not formatted. brother has failed to get mom's shyte offa here -.- ::

ps. Is the site like, warped now or WHAT?! o_o;;;


Hey I got some cables for my Xbox finally. My friend borrowed some from his friend whose Xbox isn't working for some reason. Damn is that new adaptor huge. Must Microsoft make EVERYTHING about Xbox so damn big?? Anyway I'll hopefully be on at some point tomorrow and will finally be able to play some games with you guys.

Fine I voted, Happy?

::been playing PSO for awhile, got tired. after eating will be on. cheers mates::

BLARGLEHAAS!!!!!!! I'm in a very random mood so don't be taunting me now.

-Avatar changed to Megaman's most recognizable maverick (stage theme)- Whoosh!


Vote for Scramble! when it appears on that site as well...


Just pointing this out: Killtrocity!

Jealous, much? I won't be on much now due to school starting next week, so mom's starting with her usual fucking rules again ¬_¬ Ah well, I'll be outta school this year and prolly not goto college if I can live off of freelancing...


I've got bragging to do. And I'll do it here.

So I enter a big team battle game. The "configuring game" screen seems to be taking longer than normal... And alluva sudden, I'm in Burial Mounds. I look at the roster, and I'm the only guy on my team. Against 3 other guys. Battle Rifle Slayer.

I beat 'em. :D

EDIT: FUCK. FUCK FUCK FUCK. XBL must've split the games up or something. It has a game I never played in place of it. Fuck.

View the damage here.

...Fuck. All that hard work. :cry:


Heh, that sucks :)

Sorry I haven't been on lately. If it weren't for working the whole weekend and having to go to Great America (A theme park for those of you who don't live in California :wink: ), I would have been on last night. In any case, I might be on either tonight or tomorrow, it all depends on how badly I want to play. But now that I have my PS2 back in possession, I have been playing Ace Combat 5 like crazy and enjoying every second of it :D .

There is a 35% chance I will play when I get home from work tonight.

Heh, that sucks :)

Sorry I haven't been on lately. If it weren't for working the whole weekend and having to go to Great America (A theme park for those of you who don't live in California :wink: ), I would have been on last night. In any case, I might be on either tonight or tomorrow, it all depends on how badly I want to play. But now that I have my PS2 back in possession, I have been playing Ace Combat 5 like crazy and enjoying every second of it :D .

There is a 35% chance I will play when I get home from work tonight.

And that's where my friend Devin was saying "Yello 13?! I KNOW THAT!!!" =P then we climbed above burial mounds and ontop of the giant invisible slide. Much fun after lunging off of him then onto the "pizza cutter", more like a ledge a little under the top.

I dunno if I'll be on tonight =P I may for a little bit after work but I have a feeling that it's going to be busy again. Isn't rain supposed to keep people from coming into a fast food donut place or something?! ¬_¬

::pets his killtrocity medal:: ^_^

Eh, decent animation. Personally I've seen better on DA and SA... =P

But big time flash people like legendaryfrog are just assholes who never talk to anyone =P So screw them. Stick with the small time guys who actually care about what people think and will make gifts for ya.


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