metrion Posted August 29, 2005 Posted August 29, 2005 hmm, a second halo shirt would be nice yesterday i went to get some shirts and see a movie with a couple friends we each got a halo shirt that has the legendary symbol on the front and the description of legendary on the back. we're all gonna wear it on monday ^^ Quote
Deej Valen Posted August 29, 2005 Posted August 29, 2005 hmm, a second halo shirt would be niceyesterday i went to get some shirts and see a movie with a couple friends we each got a halo shirt that has the legendary symbol on the front and the description of legendary on the back. we're all gonna wear it on monday ^^ Someone at my school had to turn that one inside out due to "violent suggestions"As that states, the people running my school are DOUCHEBAGS!!! Quote
KG Posted August 29, 2005 Posted August 29, 2005 been looking for a clan for a while tag is: "RtHandOfGod" Quote
redchlorine Posted August 29, 2005 Posted August 29, 2005 Fate has decided that the mall shall close about 7 minutes before I get there, locking me away from a possible svideo->vga adapter. Then, a nearby radioshack yields a similar situation. I shall have to hope that tomorrow the fates smile upon me. If you're wondering why this matters, do this simple problem. Broken couch + lamp glare on tv screen - spare tvs + (one spare moniter + next to the router) - one svideo->vga adapter = my situation. On to something completely different.[but still clan related] Messing around in photoshop and I've thought of a few things. 1, Valen, how many colors do you have available for shirts? Which leads to 2, how does one reduce the number of colors in a picture in PS? 3, Anybody else notice that our badge is lying? Technically we aren't 'clan ocremix', we're 'team ocremix'. All complaints about that particular issue should be directed to me. Should I redisign it, even just for the shirts? Quote
sgx Posted August 29, 2005 Posted August 29, 2005 Does anyone play Unreal Championship 2? That game rox sox. And it costs $20. Quote
Sonic Posted August 29, 2005 Posted August 29, 2005 hmm, a second halo shirt would be niceyesterday i went to get some shirts and see a movie with a couple friends we each got a halo shirt that has the legendary symbol on the front and the description of legendary on the back. we're all gonna wear it on monday ^^ I have that shirt. Maybe when I go to the SoCal OCR meetup i should wear that shirt and repazent.Sorry about not being on recently. School has been an Absolut Bitch. Quote
WesPip Posted August 30, 2005 Author Posted August 30, 2005 3, Anybody else notice that our badge is lying? Technically we aren't 'clan ocremix', we're 'team ocremix'. All complaints about that particular issue should be directed to me. Should I redisign it, even just for the shirts? Yeah, I noticed that when I first touched up the badges, but it was just easier to ignore than to fix. Whee. Quote
KonohaNinja Posted August 30, 2005 Posted August 30, 2005 Ohh t-shirts....hmmm..neat :] Well, not that any one cares..but I'm sorry I have been gone. I've been really busy with school starting. I like college though. Its different..but better than highschool. Anyways..I'll try to be on more..I just dunno when every ones playing. I check online and I never see any one online :[ So either I check at the wrong times or every one else is busy too. Maybe we should re-establish a time or something. To make up for my abscence I've uploaded 2 new videos. Hope you guys enjoy em'. Also.. if any one knows of a decent video editing software..please let me know! I would like to try some stuff with these videos but I don't have anything decent.:[ Video 1:;4079072;4;/fileinfo.html Video 2: Check back in the morning.... @Cyanide: FINALLY! YAY!! @Marius: WHERE ARE YOU!? :[ Quote
Deej Valen Posted August 30, 2005 Posted August 30, 2005 Messing around in photoshop and I've thought of a few things.1, Deej, how many colors do you have available for shirts? Which leads to 2, how does one reduce the number of colors in a picture in PS? 3, Anybody else notice that our badge is lying? Technically we aren't 'clan ocremix', we're 'team ocremix'. All complaints about that particular issue should be directed to me. Should I redisign it, even just for the shirts? Well, you could always filter out the other colors, or just grab the brush tool and trace an outline and details of it, making it white on a black tee or black on a white or something... I'm learning how to use photoshop which isn't very fun at all since I like fireworks better T_T Also, a redesign could be nice in case Cresendo (or however you spell it) decides to "sue" "us" for "taking" "his" "clan" "name". (am I the only one finding that humorous?) And I dunno about my color selection range for the tshirt ink stuff... ::will take a picture of the Tails scratchpad he made later, once it's printed and ready:: @Lazy: School is easy for me! 2 classes, then I come home for awhile until my friend Joe gets out of his classes. then we have some free time until we go up to graphic arts which is getting better everyday =) Norris, our instructor, likes adultswim and games so its more fun. PLUS! WE GET TO SWEAR! HOLY SHIT! At highschool they'd be like OMG!!!!one GO TO OFFICE NOW!1 =P I GRADUATE ON MAY 26th AND MAY HAVE A HUGE PARTY FOR MY FRIENDS!!!!!1 So tell me if ya can come, prolly have a big Halo match going on or something =P And pizza... >.> Quote
KonohaNinja Posted August 30, 2005 Posted August 30, 2005 @Lazy: School is easy for me! 2 classes, then I come home for awhile until my friend Joe gets out of his classes. then we have some free time until we go up to graphic arts which is getting better everyday =) Norris, our instructor, likes adultswim and games so its more fun. PLUS! WE GET TO SWEAR! HOLY SHIT! At highschool they'd be like OMG!!!!one GO TO OFFICE NOW!1 =P I GRADUATE ON MAY 26th AND MAY HAVE A HUGE PARTY FOR MY FRIENDS!!!!!1 So tell me if ya can come, prolly have a big Halo match going on or something =P And pizza... >.> Quote
Deej Valen Posted August 31, 2005 Posted August 31, 2005 I never said it was hard! XD I said it was keeping me busy The work is just time consuming..reading..more reading..XD I like college much more than highschool. The way schedules work and stuff. More time in between..more time to work..socialize blah blah...My bro is in college, doesn't go back for a week =P So I've heard already... ::no pizza for you unless you come =P :: Quote
metrion Posted August 31, 2005 Posted August 31, 2005 i'm gonna get on for a game or two or 3 or more if any of you are on @deej: heh, if teachers actually paid attention at my school they'd probably tell me to do that, i know that we're not supposed to wear plain white shirts because it's a gang sign or something like that me and my friends are trying to find a teacher who will sponsor a halo club for our school. i dunno if anyone has asked any teacher yet but we have a few possible candidates... no more talk... halo! Quote
PartTimeShinobi Posted September 1, 2005 Posted September 1, 2005 Maybe we should re-establish a time or something. I agree. Since Labor Day weekend is coming up, and lots of us won't have work/school, we should all try to get on a couple of nights. I can do Fri. Sat. and Sun., but only a bit on Sat. night cuz the Cowboy Bebop movie comes on [adultswim] <3 Quote
WesPip Posted September 1, 2005 Author Posted September 1, 2005 Actually saw Schmop on yesterday night. The madness! 'Course he's not in the clan anymore, but nevertheless...[and he's now just as mic-less as lasakon. tsk]. Played a few games with metrion though. Woo? Quote
The wingless Posted September 1, 2005 Posted September 1, 2005 All I know is that you guys were so bad, you made Icy Guy cry Quote
Deej Valen Posted September 1, 2005 Posted September 1, 2005 Ok, my PC is working again! I'll be reinstalling my 2 CD's worth of music, and software later when I feel like it. Lazy, you can FINALLY send me those meteos things later now that I have AIM working and all. Now I'm off to get all my bookmarks back... Quote
Deej Valen Posted September 1, 2005 Posted September 1, 2005 New time is now 8 for me then... MIGHT be able to get on then! Unless I'm at work, which is till 10 o.o Quote
Yellow 13 Posted September 2, 2005 Posted September 2, 2005 Please excuse my long absence, I've just been incredibly busy for the past few days. That's what happens when you leave yourself available everyday of the week with two jobs. But I might play Saturday night if I have enough time. Quote
53phy Posted September 2, 2005 Posted September 2, 2005 I was on from 10:40ish to around midnight. Eastern, that is. ...Where was everybody? We had quite a crowd last night. Or did I just miss it? Quote
Deej Valen Posted September 2, 2005 Posted September 2, 2005 I have seen ze Lazy... And she has seen me. Apparently her dog doesnt like us too much or something amongst those lines... Quote
PartTimeShinobi Posted September 3, 2005 Posted September 3, 2005 I think Saturday night will work well. 10 eastern, or did we change it? Also, is it just me, or does The wingless pop up every few pages just to insult us? Quote
metrion Posted September 3, 2005 Posted September 3, 2005 i'm gonna get on halo 2 for a bit if anyone wants to join me. please? so lonely ;_; Quote
Deej Valen Posted September 3, 2005 Posted September 3, 2005 Wingless may be on Unreal... =P Remember his first post in this thread? I may be on tonight or tomorrow night. No school monday! But I hafta work X_X Oh well, off tuesday night in return. Quote
53phy Posted September 4, 2005 Posted September 4, 2005 I'm getting online soon. Be there or be square. Quote
WesPip Posted September 4, 2005 Author Posted September 4, 2005 .. Sorry guys, I bought Xenosaga the other day. I'm an RPG whore, so that's taking priority over Halo2 ATM. Eh, i'll be back eventually. And easier to kill than ever before. Woo-hoo! [maybe by then I'll have my nice little pogo ninja? hmm?] Quote
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