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Any one gonna be on tonight? Cus I sure am..I havn't played all week! I need some HALO!

Me an' Darkflame were on, but by the time we won the match you were gone... ;_;

Me an' Darkflame were on, but by the time we won the match you were gone... ;_;

He speaks da troof. We had fun; kicked ass in Double Team and Big Team, and we also got up on top of Lockout and Foundation just for kicks.

Oh, and this: http://www.bungie.net/Stats/GameStats.aspx?panel=stats&gameid=310250565&player=Darkflame894

No one from the clan there for this, but still.

Yes, it was Lockout with 12 people, and yes, I had a sword, but still.

Ya can't argue with them seven stars. :P

Hooray for bragging fun!


Okay... I WILL MAKE AN EFFORT TO BE ON TONIGHT!!!!! I've had a rough and busy week and I would like to take the time to take out some frustration. I know I haven't been on a lot recently but only due to work and my dad hogging the Xbox so hopefully I can play a little tonight.


Ill be online all day, im sick and really bored. Just pwning all the kids on Team Snipers right now. If I dont accept your party invite, hit me up on AIM and get me in on some OCRemix action, Ive only actually played with the clan like twice.


I played a little yesterday, but I probably wont play tonight as I will be working until 10:00PM. Other than that, I had a few good games with Darkflame, General Ewok, and Dr. Marius.

I ended up playing some team sniper games (and I was always the one with the most points on my team) and no one else joined in for the night. And thanks for not playing last night Wespip, way to be a team player :evil:

Don't know when I'll be on again though, If I'm not too wasted from working and don't end up getting my new game or models, I will play wednesday night and possibly friday.


Actually scratch out Friday because apparently I have TWO WIVES (Don't ask, even I don't know) from work that want me to do something with them :? .... no, not a threesome (although that would be kinda interesting :P ). But I might still play wednesday night and maybe when I get home friday.

I've rented Metal Gear Solid 3 until Friday, so... don't expect me on before then. :wink:

I actually finished playing MGS2 last week for the second time and I actually paid attention to the dialogue and finally understood the story. It's like Evangelion, you have to watch (or play) it a couple times to get the story, because every little thing is important.



I'M BACK! W00T! i returned staruday from evacuating but my power was out ;_;

it came back on yesterday at 5 but i bought burnout legends (which is great) and went to a friend's house for the night

but i dunno if i'll be on halo 2 tonight cuz my drawing tablet is arriving today!

at least with rita (which barely did any damage cept for a bunch of leaves and sitcks on the ground, power outage, and a few big branches down, sadly less than 1 inch of rain! from a HURRICANE! sheesh) i got an awesome 6 day weekend!

I had the best game of my life last night in Team Training playing with a few friends.

Its crazy because im not one of those people who play halo 2 all day every day.

50 kills, 10 deaths, 60 medals, 2 killtaculars, 27 beatdowns. In one standard Assault game. Im a beast!


That's badass. Next time you're gonna do some clanmatches, let me know (I'm Darkflame); I'd be glad to help increase the clan rank.

EDIT: Just gotta post this again.



I had the best game of my life last night in Team Training playing with a few friends.

Its crazy because im not one of those people who play halo 2 all day every day.

50 kills, 10 deaths, 60 medals, 2 killtaculars, 27 beatdowns. In one standard Assault game. Im a beast!


nice, but it was assault....killing is not the objective (but its still naughty fun!)....at least you managed to kill the bomb holder 6 times best on the team, i can certainly see why you're in the 20s, i just wish i were a little better, i'm alright but just that extra lag element always throws me off when people disappear around me, but i love dominating unranked games, it was so much fun to do that in Halo 1 too


jeez what's up with terminal games...it always seems like i start at the opposite side of the wraith and then when i'm at the wraith i'm usually ambushed before i even get to it...its so unbalanced, http://www.bungie.net/Stats/GameStats.aspx?gameID=313505624&player=Zero%20Infiniti the jerk at the top got the majority of his kills from the wraith and i never had a vehichle...damnit i'm pissed that little jerk managed to rack up those kills or we would have won...

jeez i gotta stop playing so late at night, i never seem to catch you guys or when i do want to play i have to study or my roommates have guests over...between job and school i won't be around til at least after 9pm on most days

jeez what's up with terminal games...it always seems like i start at the opposite side of the wraith and then when i'm at the wraith i'm usually ambushed before i even get to it...its so unbalanced, http://www.bungie.net/Stats/GameStats.aspx?gameID=313505624&player=Zero%20Infiniti the jerk at the top got the majority of his kills from the wraith and i never had a vehichle...damnit i'm pissed that little jerk managed to rack up those kills or we would have won...

Terminal is not all about the wraith at all, hop in the gauss hog with a buddy and hit it 2-3 times with the turret and youll kill it. Or you could grab a BR or sniper and stalk your way behind it and kill the driver by boarding.

You just gotta practice I guess.

Welcome back Metrion! It's good to hear that the hurricane didn't do too much damage :D

tahnks, that hurricane was the biggiest waste of time ever, but it was also a good waste of time since school twas gone. today was kinda a goof off day in school since last wednesday was the last day of school before the hurricane and today was the first day after it and every wednesday we only have odd number periods so it wouldn't be fair to learn something new since we have the even periods on thursdays and we get more odd period class time...

jeez what's up with terminal games...it always seems like i start at the opposite side of the wraith and then when i'm at the wraith i'm usually ambushed before i even get to it...its so unbalanced, http://www.bungie.net/Stats/GameStats.aspx?gameID=313505624&player=Zero%20Infiniti the jerk at the top got the majority of his kills from the wraith and i never had a vehichle...damnit i'm pissed that little jerk managed to rack up those kills or we would have won...

Terminal is not all about the wraith at all, hop in the gauss hog with a buddy and hit it 2-3 times with the turret and youll kill it. Or you could grab a BR or sniper and stalk your way behind it and kill the driver by boarding.

You just gotta practice I guess.

yea but if he sees you coming you're boned, and for what ever reason i don't have a buddy that'll hop on...but i'll bring the strategy up to my roomates, they constantly get screwed on that level cause some jerk gets the wraith and their teammates seem to be drawn to being busted up by it and the other team is hiding behind it...but thanks for the tip, we'll try it out next time


sorry metrion, my connection is the suck tonight...dunno what the hell it is but man our room gets some funky connection, one day its good, the next its bad. hell i even pulled the cord from my own room (we normally use my roommates room connection) and it was terrible...i'm not too happy with our ISP but they are all we have here at the dorm because they use a VOIP type setup for the tvs and phones (which i think is totally lame since the tv lags more than it should)...i wish they would just do like last year and have (what i assume was) Comcast with minor traffic monitoring...seriously, a firewall and anti-virus software on peoples computers and just block those with viruses until they clean off their machine as well as block those without norton anti-virus corporate (since that offers the best network monitoring and GSU provides it for free). See that'll keep people in line and hopefully teach them a thing or two about opening bad email or whatever....damn sorry i'm just pissed i can't play tonight :evil: ...

guess i'll just have to study for tomorrow's math test instead...

ugh deej is being the complete suck

second night in a row he didn't get online after i begged and threatened him -_-

i got school too and i still get on

Well, you also dont have monster leg problems going on at the moment either... Oh, or food shortages. There's nothing to eat that has any nutritional value in the house. I can't live off of sugar X_X

I'll be on after I mow the lawn... Maybe... I dunno still.

ugh deej is being the complete suck

second night in a row he didn't get online after i begged and threatened him -_-

i got school too and i still get on

Well, you also dont have monster leg problems going on at the moment either... Oh, or food shortages. There's nothing to eat that has any nutritional value in the house. I can't live off of sugar X_X

I'll be on after I mow the lawn... Maybe... I dunno still.

since when do you need LEGS to play halo? and who needs nutrition? you're excuses keep getting worse ¬_¬

next you'll be saying you have to wash your hair -_-

ugh deej is being the complete suck

second night in a row he didn't get online after i begged and threatened him -_-

i got school too and i still get on

Well, you also dont have monster leg problems going on at the moment either... Oh, or food shortages. There's nothing to eat that has any nutritional value in the house. I can't live off of sugar X_X

I'll be on after I mow the lawn... Maybe... I dunno still.

since when do you need LEGS to play halo? and who needs nutrition? you're excuses keep getting worse ¬_¬

next you'll be saying you have to wash your hair -_-

what you don't shave you're legs before playing HALO? are you stoned!! that's like so bad luck...anyway, we had a guest over tonight who showed us a ton of super bounce glitches and other fun things too do...now i just need to practice and get good at them


I don't hear anyone asking me to play, I feel so insulted :(

If the girls I have to be around today don't keep me for too long, I will play when I get home tonight. If not, the earliest will be sunday.


silly deimos, you don't stop getting on live for weeks at a time...

also on happier news: http://www.suteki-square.com/?media=mp3 w00t! Advent Children soundtrack! time to really test this dlthemall plugin for firefox! seems to be working great too! getting up to 2mb/s ^^

edit: actually that quality is kinda not the best, i'm getting nipponsei's version now: http://www.bitenova.org/download.php?id=b8dcc5e7ce00daf4f0bf27dfee8b6ab6698908d8

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