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Alrighty chil'uns, enough of that.

I'm going to be on later, as is Deimos.

I warn you now, I'll do HORRIBLE. I haven't played since that drunken night at Mr B's.

Expect me on around 10:30 or so CST.

This is going to hurt.

So will your ass after a night of having hard, kinky buttsex... But that's beside the point. =P

Ok, that's something a friend who read this told me to post, so now onto me own comment.

Umm. Blah. All I hafta say. Some more samples of stuff for FL and I'll have most of my remix done. I have the base for the first section done already, just need the piano sounding thing (Lazy knows what I'm talking about...). After that, I'll make the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th parts to it (one for each "stage" of the level) and then mix it. IF it sounds good, I'll prolly preview it somewheres...

Now off to get me some buttsex! /end inside joke between me and Emily from work


I'm actually on a brief intermission ATM.

Finished a few matches with shmop, but he left to watch FMA...gonna play a few matches with Deimos now.

Well, soon.

I'm disappointed though...I was hoping, based on the comment, to play a few with Deej too. And maybe even Cyanide. Ands..Lazy.

Guess I got on pretty late though.


I'm actually on a brief intermission ATM.

Finished a few matches with shmop, but he left to watch FMA...gonna play a few matches with Deimos now.

Well, soon.

I'm disappointed though...I was hoping, based on the comment, to play a few with Deej too. And maybe even Cyanide. Ands..Lazy.

Guess I got on pretty late though.


I wake up at like 5-6 AM EST almost every day dude... I can't stay up past 11 or I'll be late for school, and I think I've already said: anymore lates and I dont get out of exams.

Weekends I can handle though. Also my days off. Thursday... Ummm... I'm already busy >> So I won't be on for a long while like last week...

(hunting for FL samples for the Meteos remix he has laid out)

-edit- Sytrus addon for FL studio discovered. Now know how some of the guys here and on FFR made their music =) MWAHAHAHA!

Yeah, I still call him Wingles. I'm thinking whenever I do it, people think it's a typo. Bleh.

And yes, you're officially the bastard child of...Satan and a toilet? *shrugs*

And yeah, due to his vast inactivity, Wingles has been demoted to a regular member from his staff position, and Lazy has been promoted to take his place.

And has it really been THAT long since any of us have played together?

My GOD. Time flies.


We need to get together again, Wes.

Oh god, Cyanide...


The memories!

*burts out crying* *sniff* ;_; Bumper hogs all night long..god..I miss those days...but hey we still play..just not as often. I've been really busy at school..and this weekend is teh big JOhn Mayer trio concert! booya. I'll try to get on tonight if I finish this paper in time..so yeah get online every one! I'll record toO!

On another note! I nominate that this song be our Team Ocremix clan theme song! >:D


OMG It's leafy!

Where the FUCK have you been, we were supposed to play through doom 3!

I'm actually on a brief intermission ATM.

Finished a few matches with shmop, but he left to watch FMA...gonna play a few matches with Deimos now.

Well, soon.

I'm disappointed though...I was hoping, based on the comment, to play a few with Deej too. And maybe even Cyanide. Ands..Lazy.

Guess I got on pretty late though.


I wake up at like 5-6 AM EST almost every day dude... I can't stay up past 11 or I'll be late for school, and I think I've already said: anymore lates and I dont get out of exams.

Weekends I can handle though. Also my days off. Thursday... Ummm... I'm already busy >> So I won't be on for a long while like last week...

(hunting for FL samples for the Meteos remix he has laid out)

-edit- Sytrus addon for FL studio discovered. Now know how some of the guys here and on FFR made their music =) MWAHAHAHA!

deej is never on ¬_¬

i get up at the same time and i still stay up late, and i'm quite sure i'm younger than you too, so i need more sleep


The fact that I actually got him (Wespip) to play last night was a complete miracle. He's actually on right now, so as soon as my dad stops playing MotoGP, I'll be rushing on to compete with him (or against him).


Sorry for all the lag!!! :(

I had a great time, and I'll probably be on this weekend, and hopefully it won't be so bad. (Tomorrow's "Thirsty Thursday," nobody's gonna be at their computers :P )

OMG It's leafy!

Where the FUCK have you been, we were supposed to play through doom 3!

Ooooh! Count me in! CHAINSAWS!

Also... I'm never on because I'm always tired after work. Later today after doing chores and homework and something else... >> I'll be on.

Be prepared... FOR RALPH NADER!


Tomorrow I only have high school (since my ride to the career center, Joe, is getting his senior pics done) so I will most likely be on for a vast majority of the day. Hope at least one person is on to party with...

Oh, and my shirt I made today is awsome! You won't understand if you don't read Girly though. Look it up, great webcomic. I still have the screen since I'll make a few more at least then I gotta reclaim it and blast the image areas off.

Besides, I need more people to participate in the whole clan shirt thing... Remember, 6 color max, no gradient (unless you dot them off, but remember, the ink runs a bit out more than shown) and front/back. I'm working on my own design which is our clan logo thing but heavily revamped. Pretty much the Elite head on a shield, with Team OCRemix / Halo 2 wrapped around it. I have to add in the headphones though... Or just draw another picture of an elite/spartan with headphones on and use that. I need ideas people! Send them to me to help it along!

New Weebl toon is very good btw. Check it out!


Had some fun games with Magic last night... (right thumbstick click animation)"Let's Hump (your gamertag here)"(left thumbstick click animation) was obviously hacked, as no starter weapons and the game name being like that... Other than that, the Assault match me and him won in Team Training by ourselves was sweet =) When hardcore comes out, that's what I shall be playing. Long-range stickies! Woo!

::eats pizza::

I'ma get on there now. See yas on there if you ARE able to...

Oh, and Lazy, what map on Advance Wars are you on now? I have 2 volcanoes to deal with! Yay!


If I'm gonna be on at all it'll be late tomorrow-night. But since I work both my jobs on Saturday, I'll probably be too wiped out to play. Then again, I'll probably be so frustrated I'll have no choice but to play :P . In anycase if I'm gonna be on at all tomorrow, expect me on around 10:30-11:00 PM WST (I know it's late, but oh well).

In anycase if I'm gonna be on at all tomorrow, expect me on around 10:30-11:00 PM WST (I know it's late, but oh well).

Curse you and your timezones!!! I never see a lot of you guys on because of the time differences, and Live currently has trouble getting me into parties with clan members and vice versa (it's happened with a group of people I play with in times past, so it should resolve itself eventually).

I'm beat tonight, hopefully on a bit tomorrow in the afternoon and evening...Eastern Time. CURSES!

oi deej, show us this shirt based off of girly ^^

oh and check this out: http://keithschofield.com/pi/hard-n-phirm-pi.mov it's a somewhat demonic video about pi (listen closely to the wizards and rapping kid) making fun of the show zoom.

also, has anyone herd of www.orb.com? it's an awesome media streaming servic and tis free! works great too ^^

Oh yeah... Forgot I got you on that webcomic due to the marshmallow cat =) I luff that little fellow... FIND KITTY EUPHORIA!
i thought you meant that the cat got sick from being left in the rain... meh...


Nuuu! That's when he got all poofy dude! And then Winter wrung him out...

(one the last Advance Wars mission) WOO! But its... All... GOOPY! EWWWW! AAAAAAAH! RUN AWAY!

Must... find... decent... people... to... play... with...

Random people suck at halo and are fkn assholes. Someone get on, please... For me =(

Might be on later today if I'm not doin' anything else. I just have to do some housework and I'll be good to go for the rest of the day.

Must... find... decent... people... to... play... with...

Random people suck at halo and are fkn assholes. Someone get on, please... For me =(

Might be on later today if I'm not doin' anything else. I just have to do some housework and I'll be good to go for the rest of the day.


Now we just need Lazy and Marius to join us once more... Since Sonic doesnt have his connection up, we hafta play Rocketswordball at least once per night to honor his not being there ness... Or something like that.

Ok, I got the elite head drawn up in flash. After getting the headphones on him, I'll post a lineart of it here. Then I'll work my magic on it and make it look awsome!

Awsome with a 6 color max though. Maybe I'll do another, better one for viewing online only.

Must... find... decent... people... to... play... with...

Random people suck at halo and are fkn assholes. Someone get on, please... For me =(

Might be on later today if I'm not doin' anything else. I just have to do some housework and I'll be good to go for the rest of the day.


.... um actually, I've been on a lot relatively in the past couple of weeks, you were just never on when I was :P

I might play tomorrow-night after work or maybe even before work.

Must... find... decent... people... to... play... with...

Random people suck at halo and are fkn assholes. Someone get on, please... For me =(

Might be on later today if I'm not doin' anything else. I just have to do some housework and I'll be good to go for the rest of the day.


you're one to talk ェ_ェ

you're one to talk ?_?
Just because I am tired after work and can't think well enough to play doesn't give you right to poke fun at me =P

Ok, preview time for the clan shirt thing... Ask me for it =P Meaning email or AIM (if I'm on) I have it done (mostly) and need to just touch it up a little bit more and then burn a screen.


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