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I can play tonight! I'll be on around ummm lesse.. 10:00 pm EST. I've been uber bed ridden sick so I haven't been doing much of anyhting so lets play! I wanna play halo!

The person that red, 53phy, Sonic and I were playing with [from my friends list] reminded me rather of you.

Only...worse at the game. Much, much worse.


sweetness. havent had a clan in forever.

I'm gamer tag NeO SaX

I usually play in short periods of time. I'll usually play only one game for about 1 month, and then switch to another one of my games and do the same with that one. Right now i'm on guild wars. Next is halo again. Sorry if that sounds retarded but I tell it like it is :roll: .

  • 2 weeks later...


Well, maybe not so major. But I would like to try to get everyone together for a day of gaming sometime in the near future, just like the good ol' days :) . Because to be perfectly honest, I'm getting a little tired of playing with 10 year old n00bs who just rap and team kill (had a bad experience with one tonight :x ).

But yeah, sometime soon. So I think whoever would like to participate PLEASE give me a list of days and times (with your respectable timezones of course) so we can work something out. I have been itching for a good fun session for weeks now and I haven't played a good game with people I know for almost a month. And frankly I'm getting tired of futily trying to get Wespip to play (And I'm pretty sure he's tired of it too).

But I really want to do this so please join in if you can. But I realize we all have lives (myself included) so if you can't play or make it, then that's fine. But I would prefer a good turnout. I'll also be putting together ideas for team games and such so it will be fun.


FYI everyone, I now work Monday through Friday from 7-close [12 or 1, plus cleanup/cash-out], so if we're to do a big clan deal where you want me around, it'll need to be on a Saturday.

Just FYI.


I'm thinking maybe a sunday since I'm guaranteed not to work on sundays. So make plans for an upcoming sunday, but I haven't decided when it is yet. Probably this weekend, but I may have other things going on. Soon is all I can say.


Well, maybe not so major. But I would like to try to get everyone together for a day of gaming sometime in the near future, just like the good ol' days :) . Because to be perfectly honest, I'm getting a little tired of playing with 10 year old n00bs who just rap and team kill (had a bad experience with one tonight :x ).

But yeah, sometime soon. So I think whoever would like to participate PLEASE give me a list of days and times (with your respectable timezones of course) so we can work something out. I have been itching for a good fun session for weeks now and I haven't played a good game with people I know for almost a month. And frankly I'm getting tired of futily trying to get Wespip to play (And I'm pretty sure he's tired of it too).

But I really want to do this so please join in if you can. But I realize we all have lives (myself included) so if you can't play or make it, then that's fine. But I would prefer a good turnout. I'll also be putting together ideas for team games and such so it will be fun.

Most likely sat. night, since I'm off work. Unless I come up with something to do with my GF Jessi... >>

i did have a really fun session last night with a friend in action sack, mainly because it was a couple gametypes that i really liked and i hadn't played for a few weeks so i almost forgot how much fun i could have...

hmm, for me sunday night past 7 central or any other night after that past 6:30 or 7 is good for me...

i was about to think that this thing had died after going so long with no new posts O.o


So it seems we have a pretty good vibe for this weekend, I'll be around most of the day unless I'm looking for work or get called in (Which is unlikely but possible). I'm thinking maybe Saturday night between 5-10PM PST but that is subject to change. I'll let everyone know on Friday what's going on.


Okay, so I have a strong feeling that we're going to play Saturday night, unless I get called in and have to work (which in my case would actually be a very good thing). In which case it will be moved to Sunday night.

I plan to be on sometime in the evening possibly between 8 - 9 PM PACIFIC STANDARD TIME!!!! I know it's a little late for you guys on the east coast, but anytime earlier than that just doesn't work for me. If you happen to see me on earlier than by all means join in.

See you guys Saturday :)

Lets see... A night of making out with my girlfriend, then halo? Awsome, pure awsome =D


Halo 2.......$39

Xbox Live Subscription.......$50

Royally pwning your friends in a Halo 2 match..........


Royally pwning your friends in a Halo 2 match.
Whose the one who beat you and wespip down in CTF? Yeah, thats right. Me and Mrs. IDon'tMasturbateAlot. Poor Wespip almost had some... (for a change) =)

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