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4 votes received so far. Uhm..counting Deej, who didn't really vote.

So remember, you've 'til Tuesday [which will technically be Wednesday morning, as I don't go on the comp til after work and...etc], and anyone in the clan can vote.


4 votes received so far. Uhm..counting Deej, who didn't really vote.

So remember, you've 'til Tuesday [which will technically be Wednesday morning, as I don't go on the comp til after work and...etc], and anyone in the clan can vote.


Spanking the e-penis again pip?

AND I DUNNO WHO TO VOTE FOR T_T; There's like... hardly anyone on ever and the ranking system has been flawed the last couple of weeks (up after a loss, down after a win. WTF?)

4 votes received so far. Uhm..counting Deej, who didn't really vote.

So remember, you've 'til Tuesday [which will technically be Wednesday morning, as I don't go on the comp til after work and...etc], and anyone in the clan can vote.


Spanking the e-penis again pip?

AND I DUNNO WHO TO VOTE FOR T_T; There's like... hardly anyone on ever and the ranking system has been flawed the last couple of weeks (up after a loss, down after a win. WTF?)

you can always vote for me, eh? eh?


I've been ckecing evrey night all weekend and I haven't seen any one on. :( So last night I got on for a few hours with some friends who are back for spring break. Don't forget guys I can record the matches and put them up on filefront.. I still have the TV capture card ~.~

Level really shouldn't matter when your voting for an overlord.. it should be based on if there going to be online and what they can conrtibute to the clan

Tonight I will be on starting at 10:30pm EST. I'll hook up my computer so I can record the matches.. Lets play some halo w00t!

Deej: Are you getting Metroid Prime Hunters? :o


Guild Wars has been busy consuming my waking hours, but I'm getting tired of looking for a group and getting spammed by people selling shit on local chat, not in barter where it belongs. I think I'll take a break and get back into Halo. And besides, the computer hooked up to the projector [that I played GW on, ironically] just fried its power supply, so I'll get big screen Halo action!



I forgot that I get on Live through said fried computer.

I'll have to hope my laptop is up to the task...

EDIT:: Nope. SP2 fucked up network sharing beyond recognition. Sorry guys, I'll just have to hope that when I get a new power box GW isn't something I think about.

Level really shouldn't matter when your voting for an overlord.. it should be based on if there going to be online and what they can conrtibute to the clan

What she said.


Umm.. yea i jsut wanted to throw something out here.

Deej and I have a four man team sorta kinda hooked up here... but we always need practice and pointers anything that helps.

So minus Deej if you'd like to assemble some people to play let us know... we would always enjoy the practice.

I've been ckecing evrey night all weekend and I haven't seen any one on. :( So last night I got on for a few hours with some friends who are back for spring break. Don't forget guys I can record the matches and put them up on filefront.. I still have the TV capture card ~.~

Level really shouldn't matter when your voting for an overlord.. it should be based on if there going to be online and what they can conrtibute to the clan

Tonight I will be on starting at 10:30pm EST. I'll hook up my computer so I can record the matches.. Lets play some halo w00t!

Deej: Are you getting Metroid Prime Hunters? :o

you weren't on ;_; which wouldn't have mattered anyways since i left at about 9:45 central... but twas fun... i had my friend on as a guest, he says that if he had internet, live, and his copy of halo 2 back (someone broke into his house and stole it, leaving things such as the tv, surround sound system, and xbox alone and smashing up a bunch of wishbones O.o) he would definately want to join

oh, and i'm getting hunters, you're getting it too, i take it?


I forgot that I get on Live through said fried computer.

first, nice gif XD. second, couldn't you just do a direct connection to the modem?

Only if someone can get me a 150 foot CAT5 cord like, right now. I use wireless for a good reason.

However, I'll see about liberating a long cord from work for a while.

oh, wireless... you could always get that $100 or so wireless bridge...

oh, and lazy, how's your problem coming along? XD


I should be on for the next couple of weeks, my back's out and I can't work until April. The last couple of nights have been fun, I won't be on any Fridays though, the bar across the street has weekly karaoke!!!


Alright everyone, I got a total of 5 votes plus an undecided PM from Deej, and the results are as follows:

Lazy - 1

53phy - 1

Deej - 3

So, Deej is our new Co-Overlord. Once I get online to promote him, anyways. I'll try to do it on or before Saturday.

None of you voted for me!?

I'll be sure the next time we all play to bring you all a very swift death :evil:

Hey Wespip! At least make me staff :puppyeyes:

Eh, I'll take a look at the current staff next time I'm on and see if we actually "need" anyone. ^_^


Woo.? Bah, my net was dead this morning (thank you limewire and your bandwidth eating... needed some music and dreamweaver & CS2 for design purposes) and I couldn't vote. But LAZY HAS/HAD MY VOTE! But that still didn't help really...

Um, thanks I guess ^^; I'll try and come up with something spiffy. Joe needs to help me with flash since he's like... way more experienced with it than I am. Maybe a utility that will read RSS feeds of games and display rank, along with character model & other fancy stuff.

:insert fancy gif of 'penis!' flashing here, created in flash:


ahh, i love this clan :lol:

the only thing keeping me from voting for lazy was her horrible attendance record >.>

so congratz to deej, may he lead this clan into something better than wespip was too lazy to do XD

i won't be on til saturday or sunday, going to visit the grandparents tomorrow til then... gonna miss an uber st. pat's pool party and going to see v for vendetta with some friends ;_; but i do need outta my home town for a couple days... just wish i coulda gone earlier in the week ;_;

:insert fancy gif of 'penis!' flashing here, created in flash MX (need to rip a new copy so I can export in flash 8 though...):



See, I'm just too lazy to get an image hosting account to upload my gif's I make in flash... Otherwise you'd see PENIS! with a little dancing person next to it.

Account is now dead. Card won't work. I'll hafta borrow my grandparents credit card and pay them back and then get my card input in order to keep this from happening again... Anyways, I'll be back hopefully this weekend.

=( Bill Gates must have known I was becoming an overlord just to make me feel bad.

Account is now dead. Card won't work. I'll hafta borrow my grandparents credit card and pay them back and then get my card input in order to keep this from happening again... Anyways, I'll be back hopefully this weekend.

=( Bill Gates must have known I was becoming an overlord just to make me feel bad.


Account is now dead. Card won't work. I'll hafta borrow my grandparents credit card and pay them back and then get my card input in order to keep this from happening again... Anyways, I'll be back hopefully this weekend.

=( Bill Gates must have known I was becoming an overlord just to make me feel bad.


i wouldn't mind getting in on some ocr halo action. my username is I DbX I Bishop (it's my roomie's old account :wink: ) - i'm a lvl 29. i haven't played in ages, but i'm decent at BR and i tend to get REALLY freaking lucky. someone want to send me a clan invite?

:insert fancy gif of 'penis!' flashing here, created in MSPaint:



See, I'm just too lazy to get an image hosting account to upload my gif's I make in flash... Otherwise you'd see PENIS! with a little dancing person next to it.



I hope to borrow a cord from work, so I may be on tonight doing something more useful than making flashing penises(peni?)!

:insert fancy gif of 'penis!' flashing here, created in MSPaint:



See, I'm just too lazy to get an image hosting account to upload my gif's I make in flash... Otherwise you'd see PENIS! with a little dancing person next to it.


I hope to borrow a cord from work, so I may be on tonight doing something more useful than making flashing penises(peni?)!

8O 8O 8O....................Oh my....

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