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xbl :grumbles:

do any of you use nexbc? I'd really like to have a preplanned match.

i used to use that with halo1 and when i didn't have xbl yet... but I can't get it to work now with my connection somehow.-_-'... I can use xlink though, do you use that one?


I have about another hour and a half here at work (I'm taking a quick breather). I might play some when I get home but I can't say for sure, I'm pretty tired since I had to wake up at about 6AM to see my sister off to England. I've fallen asleep at the desk a couple times already :P

So yeah, I might be on, but no guarentees.

xbl :grumbles:

do any of you use nexbc? I'd really like to have a preplanned match.

XBL can do the same thing. And a bunch more. Why people are so against it I'll never know. And why people bitch about not having a "decent starting weapon" (aka, the BR) I'll never know either.

That's 'cause this forum doesn't allow Flash and HTML in signatures.

It's a good stats reader, though, as I implemented it on my website about a year ago. However, I recently ditched it in favor of showing off my Gamercard, and promptly lost my password, so I can't tweak that.


Here I thought he was some random guy who was like...bot-esque.


Also, where's that list Deej?

And, for that matter, MY POGO NINJA?

Here I thought he was some random guy who was like...bot-esque.


Also, where's that list Deej?

And, for that matter, MY POGO NINJA?

:lol: I WAS going to finish that, but then my computer decided to explode and I lost that project AND Flash MX :lol:

I might be able to make a GIF sometime but... WAIT!!!... If you're so good with graphics, why don't YOU just make one? :P

Here I thought he was some random guy who was like...bot-esque.


Also, where's that list Deej?

And, for that matter, MY POGO NINJA?

Working on both still... Can't get my SNES emu to display the sprite sheets for a GOOD ninja (not that naruto shit) and also a pogo stick...

And page 30 and counting on the list x-x;; If you want what I've got so far I can send that to ya in a PM.


I haven't been on lately, becuase I found this place called "The Gamer's Lounge" in Bowling Green, and it's fucking amazing. You can go there, and they have PC's, game systems, Magic the Gathering Tournaments, Tabletop RPG's, boardgames (rare), comics, everything. And blaring out over the speakers? Game music. About 70% of which is OCR stuff. I was like, whoa you guys play OCR! And they were like, yeah, we're the gamer's lounge, we kind of have to.

Anyway, they have an NES challenge every month, and this month is Ninja Gaiden. Today was my day off workd (that's right, I have a job again!!!) and I got there when they opened at 2, at 7:30 I had beaten it!!! I had a crowd gathered once I beat THAT FUCKING JAQUIO!!!! , and then beat the third part on the first goddamned try. I'm soooo psyched, that means I get a month free there. Normally it's 2 bucks an hour if you use the electronic equipment, (free to lounge, or play magic, or anything else), but now I have a FREE MONTH and actual celebrity status. WHOO!!!!


Today was fun, if short. Ewok's new girlfriend showed up half-unexpected, and 2 other people quit, and it was only 3. I left, 'cuase 3's no fun.


Oh, and uh... W00t on hitting 100 hundred pages, fellas. Kick ass.


i was on yesterday. but i wont be on for awhile again cuz i'm going out of town!:)... itwas fun playing with deej, doc and ewok though lol!>... dont miss me too much, guys.... we should get another game of TROY up

I haven't been on lately, becuase I found this place called "The Gamer's Lounge" in Bowling Green, and it's fucking amazing. You can go there, and they have PC's, game systems, Magic the Gathering Tournaments, Tabletop RPG's, boardgames (rare), comics, everything. And blaring out over the speakers? Game music. About 70% of which is OCR stuff. I was like, whoa you guys play OCR! And they were like, yeah, we're the gamer's lounge, we kind of have to.

Anyway, they have an NES challenge every month, and this month is Ninja Gaiden. Today was my day off workd (that's right, I have a job again!!!) and I got there when they opened at 2, at 7:30 I had beaten it!!! I had a crowd gathered once I beat THAT FUCKING JAQUIO!!!! , and then beat the third part on the first goddamned try. I'm soooo psyched, that means I get a month free there. Normally it's 2 bucks an hour if you use the electronic equipment, (free to lounge, or play magic, or anything else), but now I have a FREE MONTH and actual celebrity status. WHOO!!!!

sounds like my local gaming place, gameforce, only a helluva lot better... they only have PCs and Consoles... but there are tables for lounging and magic. and it's like $6 an hour for PCs and $3 i think for consoles :/ but still fun cuz it's the only place like it in town XD (and my pc sucks for games >.> )

i'll try to get on tonight and hopefully i'll have a friend with me so extra fun :D

I'm on right now. Quit yer bitching and play :P
7 hours AFTER I posted that and was busy with things...

The point is I still played :P

I might play a little later tonight if I have nothing else going on.

i see deimos online, i'll go join him shortly i guess

I played for a couple hours (My eyes hurt like hell now) and Metrion joined me for the last couple games I played.

Meh, I had fun regardless.

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