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Now that we have enough talent in our project for me to realize my vision, I'm able to be more precise and demanding with regards to tone and genre standards.

I went back and listened to Txai's Chun Li's Ending part 3 remix and came to two conclusions.

1) It simpley does not meet our genre guidelines. Nowhere near them. It's well-done, but it's straight-up orchestral, movie-score sounding stuff.

2) It's not Chun Li's Ending Part 3. If the melody is in there, it's so burried that I can't make it out. Can any of you?

I've PMed Txai multiple times on VGmix to talk to him on the subject and have waited over a month for a reply. I'm afraid, at this point in time, I have no choice but to reject his submission and re-open the track.

So, Txai, if you read this, please contact me and please don't take personal offense at my decision to not use your track in its current incarnation. You're more than welcome to revise it to meet our genre guidelines.

I was too busy. But now, I will get some points.

Listen, Shael. My song is an orchestral stuff. But it is also epic. I remember when you said that this was a good example of how and when the mood and genre guidelines can be relaxed for ending themes. If you didn´t noticed, it IS Chun Li's Ending Part 3 (Check the last version of my WIP at 03:16 and in the end at 04:44). Please, consider the spc file. Of course I saw your message at VGMix. But I was busy and a bit confused to answer your question. You said me something about some scratching to my song for a more "urban" concept. Also you didn´t PMed me over a month ago, as you said now. The message was proposed in September 12.

I was working on this mix for almost five months and I haven´t intentions to change the communication of my song. I think it means quality and re-arrangement, so it´s more important. I don´t want to be a n00b, but if my work is really rejected, you never will receive a Chun Li's End 3 as I made.

I am very disappointed.


Now that we have enough talent in our project for me to realize my vision, I'm able to be more precise and demanding with regards to tone and genre standards.

I went back and listened to Txai's Chun Li's Ending part 3 remix and came to two conclusions.

1) It simpley does not meet our genre guidelines. Nowhere near them. It's well-done, but it's straight-up orchestral, movie-score sounding stuff.

2) It's not Chun Li's Ending Part 3. If the melody is in there, it's so burried that I can't make it out. Can any of you?

I've PMed Txai multiple times on VGmix to talk to him on the subject and have waited over a month for a reply. I'm afraid, at this point in time, I have no choice but to reject his submission and re-open the track.

So, Txai, if you read this, please contact me and please don't take personal offense at my decision to not use your track in its current incarnation. You're more than welcome to revise it to meet our genre guidelines.

I was too busy. But now, I will get some points.

Listen, Shael. My song is an orchestral stuff. But it is also epic. I remember when you said that this was a good example of how and when the mood and genre guidelines can be relaxed for ending themes. If you didn´t noticed, it IS Chun Li's Ending Part 3 (Check the last version of my WIP at 03:16 and in the end at 04:44). Please, consider the spc file. Of course I saw your message at VGMix. But I was busy and a bit confused to answer your question. You said me something about some scratching to my song for a more "urban" concept. Also you didn´t PMed me over a month ago, as you said now. The message was proposed in September 12.

I was working on this mix for almost five months and I haven´t intentions to change the communication of my song. I think it means quality and re-arrangement, so it´s more important. I don´t want to be a n00b, but if my work is really rejected, you never will receive a Chun Li's End 3 as I made.

I am very disappointed.


I did say that it was an example of how genre guidelines could be relaxed, and it was a compromise I should not have made, born out of desperation when the project was all but devoid of musicians, one that was hurting my vision and one that I apologize to you for, as it caused me to accept your submission and then reverse my stance; I'd certainly be upset too if I were in your position.

I've listened to the SPC file, which centers around a very short and simple rock motiff with a sort of consistant meandering back to the dominant fifth and I've listened to your submission which is a complicated orchestral composition, in which I simpley cannot recognize the simple motiff of the SPC file, even after multiple and deliberately discerning listens, nor can anyone I've asked. This is a moot point, however, as, though it is a well-done and intricate composition, it would not meet our genre guidelines in the style you composed it in even if the motiff repeated note-for-note with swelling orchestral backup for five minutes. As you said, it's epic, without a doubt. However, it is not evokative of urban imagery and, thus, not congruent with my vision for this project.

If the PM was dated September 12th, which it may well be, all I can say is I've been sending and receiving an average of four PMs a day managing this project and I've certainly gotten dates, names and times mixed up more than a few times. I also suck at estimating. Please trust that it was not my intent to make you look bad by exagerating the amount of time that transpired while I waited for a PM, but note also that the two full weeks that did transpire without a response from you to me, your project director, constitute enough of a non-responsive time period to be considered a problem in and of itself. You should have responded at your earliest convienence, moreso if you were confused by my initial letter.

I'm not asking you to revise your submission if your vision for it didn't match mine. Follow your instincts and make the best music you can. I wish you the best of luck in getting your submission posted on OCR if that is you intention and again, I'm deeply sorry for changing my flexibility on the matter of genre guidelines mid-way through the project. I should never have waivered on them in the first place. It's unfortunate that your song was the only one effected, but I'm thankful that it was only one track out of more than twenty.

For everyone else, please keep in mind that the genre guidelines are not debatable and not expandable at this point, even for a very good piece of music.

Chun Li's Ending Part 3 remains open.


to relax tensions, let me point out that MY remix...is coming along...I guess. I made a short demo and gave it to Shael, but at present I don't have time to do more with it for a few days. As it turns out my guitar amplifier has busted, and I need to get it fixed. I can still record my guitar, but it will lack the ampy goodness it once had.

Oh well. I don't know why I made this post. I can still do the stuff I have to do.


yet more unfortunate news...

I've had my connection blocked by my university's network provider, once again because I went several times over the bandwidth cap (they don't like to just slow you down...they shut you off completely.)

Oh well, I'll be working on my remix, but i won't be making many if any communications.

Sorry I didn't get back to you on the weekend;

I've decided - dibs on Deejay's Stage.

I'll try and get something whipped up.

You want it; you got it.

Also, I've setup a partial mirror for your WIPs at


Hopefully it will be up when you check it. ;)

If your WIP isn't on it and you've sent it to me, let me know. I may have missed a couple.


I'm pretty much done with Hadoken Mix, but not the other stuff. I need some tech help. I posted about it over in the technical assistance forum, and can't really continue unless I get that info. So if any of you guys can help, I'll love you forever. Thanks!


Oh hey look, Joe Cam is on this....


I sorta remember talking about this, but I don't REALLY remember.

Oh well, it'll be fun as long is Shael is there to hold my hand and ease me into this....

Be there for me, Shael. Be there for me....

Be my safety net!

Oh hey look, Joe Cam is on this....


I sorta remember talking about this, but I don't REALLY remember.

Oh well, it'll be fun as long is Shael is there to hold my hand and ease me into this....

Be there for me, Shael. Be there for me....

Be my safety net!

You goof. We're doing Vega. Together. Like we used to. Like a family.


The DJ is sad. He doesn't know how to do anything but scratch, fade and sequence and stuff. He doesn't know how to export only the scratching for post-production. Wanna be awesome and help? I have a thread in the tech help forums, and yeah. You can help there.

Thanks so much. I really want to be able to help this project.



Strings are a bit wetter now, and I added a touch extra multiband compression just to bring the sound 'out' some more.

EDIT: Also added the possible tag standard.

Somebody call a dietician; those beats are phat!

Edit: either my speakers or broken, or this new revision is clipping more than a little. It may, in fact, be too phat.


Strings are a bit wetter now, and I added a touch extra multiband compression just to bring the sound 'out' some more.

EDIT: Also added the possible tag standard.

Somebody call a dietician; those beats are phat!

Edit: either my speakers or broken, or this new revision is clipping more than a little. It may, in fact, be too phat.

Someone better call Peter Pan, cause those beats were off the hook.

The DJ is sad. He doesn't know how to do anything but scratch, fade and sequence and stuff. He doesn't know how to export only the scratching for post-production. Wanna be awesome and help? I have a thread in the tech help forums, and yeah. You can help there.

I'm sad for the DJ. I'm not familiar with the software he uses. Especially sad 'cause I may be in need of the services of one who "cuts/scratch/transforms with finesse," perhaps on this or other projects, because I can only go so far with WaveTraveler, and would rather gain much more credibility through authentic real-time turntablism.

I'm also announcing that I am officially crazy.

Something really, really cool developed while I was playing around with "Vega's Ending," and I felt I should take this opportunity. So put me down for "Vega's Ending" as well. 8O

The DJ is sad. He doesn't know how to do anything but scratch, fade and sequence and stuff. He doesn't know how to export only the scratching for post-production. Wanna be awesome and help? I have a thread in the tech help forums, and yeah. You can help there.

I'm sad for the DJ. I'm not familiar with the software he uses. Especially sad 'cause I may be in need of the services of one who "cuts/scratch/transforms with finesse," perhaps on this or other projects, because I can only go so far with WaveTraveler, and would rather gain much more credibility through authentic real-time turntablism.

I'm also announcing that I am officially crazy.

Something really, really cool developed while I was playing around with "Vega's Ending," and I felt I should take this opportunity. So put me down for "Vega's Ending" as well. 8O

If everybody went crazy like this. The world would be a better place.


Yes... quite indeed. If all went crazy as this fine gentleman,we'd have all the tracks filled out, giggidy giggidy giggidy! By the way, I was messing with fei longer, mostly cause it has this one Cello progression, & made a Rob Dougan (joker style) kinda track for fei long's stage. It's a bit mellow, not a punch in the face per say, but I like it. I'll put up a link later on. So... go ahead & pout me down for that if you will.

Yes... quite indeed. If all went crazy as this fine gentleman,we'd have all the tracks filled out, giggidy giggidy giggidy! By the way, I was messing with fei longer, mostly cause it has this one Cello progression, & made a Rob Dougan (joker style) kinda track for fei long's stage. It's a bit mellow, not a punch in the face per say, but I like it. I'll put up a link later on. So... go ahead & pout me down for that if you will.

YES! Everybody getting crazy!!! This is what this project needs! :wink:

Hey Joker, just make sure it evoques the image of a desolated, battle scared Hong Kong. Do it as if you are doing some B-side Kung Fu version of Pulp Fiction. I think it's more or less what Shael is aiming for.


How is everyone doing? I've noticed a sudden lull in corospondence both in this thread and through direct contact with myself from you kids. Deadline are slowly but surely creeping up on many of you, so make sure you're consistently working on your WIPs. Remember: Good music takes time, so don't expect me, the other mixers involved or yourself to be happy with the results of your work if you put it off until the night before; even if you can do something amazing in one night, you can make something more amazing in one month of consistent and attentive work. And that about meets my quota of condescending paternalism for the year.

Since DJ Sammy has been having technical difficulties that prevent him from isolating his scratch track for post-production, I'm going to be shuffling the big Cammy collab over to Aetherius for producing and mastering next time I catch him on the AIM. You guys have done some amazing things with the original theme and I thank everyone involved for their hard work. DJ Sammy will still be producing a nonstop club mix of the project when it's complete, as well as contributing his own solo track and, if his techincal problems can be solved, a collab with Moose of the OneUps and Red Tailed Fox.

As always, feel free to hit me up on the AIM or with a PM and please leave feedback on this board.

-Your project director

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