djpretzel Posted May 13, 2005 Posted May 13, 2005 Very smooth - need the original. Our first Marathon mix to be posted? - djp Edit: Title needs to be changed. Apparently it's the same as the original title link to remix: Contact Info: remixer name: tycho real name: Craig Hardgrove email: website: Remix Info: game remixed: Marathon song remixed: New Pacific (Reprise) original available at: original composer: Alex Seropian, Bungie, 1994 additional info: my attempt with these remakes is to enhance the original, not totally reinvent them
Liontamer Posted May 17, 2005 Posted May 17, 2005 Like I said in my vote for your previous Marathon submission, "Leela", the upgrade here is definitely very good, but more would need to be done in an interpretive context to either rearrange the theme or expand the ideas more substantially. I wanna stress that I thought this was a very stylish remake, and some cover tracks have the merit to pass based on criteria I mentioned just now, but in this case this isn't a significant-enough upgrade to me. It was hard to vote on this objectively, as we clearly (OMG CLEARLY) have a disgusting groove and chill bias. :guffaw: I encourage anyone that may want the track to check it out at VGMix. NO
Harmony Posted May 25, 2005 Posted May 25, 2005 Hopefully the source sounds a lot better in the game because what we have here is pretty weak. That being said, this remix represents a significant improvement over the original as Larry says. So significant that I’m going to yes this. The groove is not only very cool but it changes constantly which is something that many groove based tracks fail to achieve. I love the transition out of the intro swing beat at 0:10 and the dynamic drum processing which helps them remain integrated with the great background ambient synths and effects. The Rhodes that chimes in with both the background chords and the subtle improve riffs (0:46, 0:54, 2:15,…) is a great addition to the source as well. Sections like 1:30-1:51 and 2:34-2:55 break up potential monotony without sounding like that was their only purpose, and before you know it, the track is over. This mix is not so full of it’s own groove-love that it thinks it can keep us engaged for 6 mins or something. Repetitive, yes, but much less so than the source. I can see the NO vote on this but what I’m hearing is creative enough, interpretative enough, and well executed. Good stuff. Groove bias. YES
analoq Posted June 1, 2005 Posted June 1, 2005 must... overcome.... groovebias..... no! it's too powerful! this is tough one for me, because while it follows the general structure of the original identically, it has a very different feel to it. the drums, bass, synth sfx are all additive, yet they reserve subtlety. i really like the ep improvisation that's going on, i wish it wasn't so subtle. this is very well put together overall and the additions fit like a glove. that's gotta count for something... yes
DarkeSword Posted June 2, 2005 Posted June 2, 2005 Nice flow, excellent sounds, great production. The interpretation is pretty expansive in terms of texture; the original is so sparse; this really adds a lot of meat to the song. It's similar, but different enough. YES
Sam Ascher-Weiss Posted June 22, 2005 Posted June 22, 2005 TASTY OH SO TASTY! There is a ton of great stuff in this song. The source tune is simple but you used it very well. I would have liked to hear some more harmonic variation but It is not a necessity. I love the range in the percussive instruments. While the rhythmic patterns don't really change that often, the sounds themsevles are switched up just enough to keep me interested The effects starting at 1:30 are used tastefully and work very well in the context of this mix. That stuff keeps me from missing the drums when they become subdued and then when they return in full force they feel fresh and sexy again! I really like the sixteenth note white/pink noise stuff that starts at 2:45 [Even though that stuff first comes in at 2:15 it's not really audible untill 2:45]. You showed alot of restraint up untill that point so when we finally get some rhythmic excitement it's all the more satisfying! YES
zykO Posted June 22, 2005 Posted June 22, 2005 the groove bias is unavoidable... this grooves out really mellow; plenty of good shit goin on with it once it picks up. reminds me of early moby work, very sleak and groovy. drums are DUG (good use of distortion.. not overkill), the piano is key, the bass is subtle and bumps if you want it to and not against your will. the interpretation is essentially as good as the source and while that was sparse, clocking in at 3:24 also ensures that it does not get old. i'm all about that white noise addition, it gives it a decidedly spacey, i've-just-intercepted-a-radio-wave-and-ate-it feel. transporting, calming and SCORE YES
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