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Loong intro, and the detuned saw sounds a bit newby. The square lead kind'a draws the track into a more chippy sound, dunno if that's your intention. Beyond that, I think you've got something pretty good here. If you have enough creative juice left to keep things fresh, this could turn out great. I like it, the chords coming in under the square lead add a flavor beyond 4 on the floor with detuned saw, which this otherwise might be leaning too hard towards. Good start, keep it up. :)

And yes, I'll get to your GRMRB tracks.


I agree with much of what was said, especially the part about the intro being too long.The beginning lead seemed a little bare, maybe layer another synth on it? That could be just me though.

Also, I would switch out the clap you use at the beginning to something a little tighter and punchier.

Hope that helps, and great mix!

  • 6 months later...

Those drums sound way better, and i like the extra variation.

I might try boosting the bass JUST A LITTLE BIT in the beginning. it might be my speakers, but it sounds like that bass is supposed to be the main idea and right now its weaker than that. Either that, or tone down the side chaining.

Maybe a little variation with the main melody, but with only 1:40 its hard to tell.

This sounds so much better than the first version. Keep up the improvement!


This is a HUGE improvement on the older versions I heard, I feel like you've really gotten a better hang of mastering. Mixing-wise, I think your leads could stand to come up here a bit, and I feel like the small filter you threw on the percussion in the intro happened too fast to really create an effect. It was just a little bit confusing to me. Overall, I like your writing though, the bass kind of ripped into your melodies but with some rebalancing, the writing will all sound really nice.

However, I still feel like you're limiting yourself by working with such simple synths in pretty much all of your songs. I can understand that being a trademark of your style, and it does make your tunes rather identifiable, but there's a whole world of possibilities you haven't explored that you could accomplish by using more complex synth samples, or alternatively, utilize more automation/articulation on your leads to give them some more personality. Portamento, pitch bends, LFO tweaks... all that stuff can really help give some personality to your melodies, even when working with simpler sounds. Just some food for thought :-)


Hey there, sorry it's been a little while since I've updated this one. Been really trying to make it sound great and after a while this is what I've got...hopefully this is a little better than the last.

Thanks for the large amount of feedback Emu, seriously...I appreciate it a ton, and after trying to create more complex synths...this is what results so...thanks again.

As usual...all feedback is welcome, really wanna make this one great. :)

Update: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3253668/GM%20wip%20%2314.mp3

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