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Tales series: Summoning of Spirits - History

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November 18 2006: "Tales Series: Summoning of Spirits - home stretch?"

February 31 2009: "Tails Seriez: OMG, totally out today!

I love how long we've been in the "home stretch?" Reminds me that when I was younger, I had to walk fifteen miles to the nearest arcade. Then I had to wait another 4 hours in line to play a game. Then I used my quarter that I worked all week doing chores to get, only to waste it becasue the old dude playing against me cheated. I believe you call it Hacks now. you young sons of beches.


So, Nintendo and Sony will have formed a partnership again and there will be an official 3D remake of Tales of Phantasia with the dialogue done by DeJap before this comes out, right?

Shouldn't this be removed from the projects forum? I say stick it back in the WIP board where it can die a less embarrassing death... hell, even if you somehow release the thing it'll still fail due to nobody caring anymore :(


You really have no idea what you're talking about, do you? Go back to finishing your Batman or Contra 4 project. Or did they already die because you're a lazy douchebag?


Contra is pretty much done, just needs polishing and printing. Batman has been done for a while but that's gonna get printed onto a CD so I gotta wait till I can afford that (Contra gets first dibs). Also, my projects are personal, non-OCR related, they're done mainly by me and one or two other people, and they haven't been going for 5 years without a release. :3

So yeah, let this thing die already :(

I bet $10 this will be out before Snapple releases Contra 4.

I'll bet your mom this'll be out before Snapple reaches Contra 4.

Besides, why's he got a right to complain when he failed to produce a finished track for this thing anyway? ;)

When VGMix 3 is up, this project will still remain as it is.

Yep, it will in fact still be awesome.

I'll bet your mom this'll be out before Snapple reaches Contra 4.

Besides, why's he got a right to complain when he failed to produce a finished track for this thing anyway? ;)

Yeah, Snapple failed pretty hard with that. But then I expect nothing less. ;-)

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