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Tales series: Summoning of Spirits - History


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I can't update the topic, and I'm a bit flu-ridden right now, so I'll just make the announcement here: I'm extending the due date to January 15th. There has been a lot of progress on the remaining songs in the last week or two and I hate to throw out all that work now. That should give people time to work through the rest of their Winter vacations. That's all.

Then let me offer some final cheer to the remixers still working: come on, guys (and possibly girls), you can do it! We're all counting on you, make this project kick the ass out of all the rest of them!

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With Mythril Nazgul strangely absent for the interweb as of late, I have decided to move his song back to Complete status. If he shows up within the next couple weeks with a rework, I'll take it, but I'm not going to wait around. I've also requested that the thread subject be changed, so that won't look so weird anymore.

This is the last week before the pushed-back date, so I'm expecting a lot of work to be done. I know that some songs are very close, so let's get them wrapped up, please?

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Whoa, weird. This thread's on the bottom, yet it's showing as having the newest post. Straaaange.

Anyway, since Darkey's left us, can I get another mod to take the due date out of the thread title? Thanks.

EDIT: I guess Feedback and History threads got stickied or something. Huh.

EDIT 2: Oops! Looks like my thread sorting options were changed. Carry on as normal, nothing important or worthwhile in this post (except what I've bolded)!

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Some of you may remember back when I released a small teaser featuring a pretty good number of the guitar-based songs on the project (and there's a lot, because we're more like the Summoning of Rock Spirits over here :P) called "HAWT LIXX", which I made just for fun. As an apology for the numerous delays, and to keep the public interested, I whipped up another preview in the same vein, featuring new songs that have been completed since the release of the last teaser, as well as reworkings of older stuff you might've heard before. This is almost all of the songs that feature omfg geetar wankery: There'll be a couple more not featured here, though!

May I present: The SoS SHREDDIN' RIFFZ Preview!

Also, if you missed the first one: SoS HAWT LIXX Preview

Note: The lack of crossfading on these intentional. :P

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Oh cool, you're releasing the project in a visual format too?

Summoning of Spirits: The Movie?!

I thought there already were OVA's of the games (well there soon will be for Symphonia aswell).

Sound more like the "Street Fighter official game of the official movie of the official game"-thing:

Summoning of Spirits: The official movie of the official remixes of the official music of the official game...

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Oh man, the variety in production is huge and stands out ridiculously when you play them like that.
Yes, I know. That issue will be worked on in post-production. You'll see. ;)

I will work the post-production. Now although I won't work the tracks individually, the difference will still be noticeable (like, my guitar tone will still suck compared to Sixto's) but, hopefully, not ridiculous.

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It seems like the due date of 2011 still stands then

Really? Now that's being optimistic...:P

Well when its done, its done. Though after taking this much time, it's too bad since Tales of the Abyss has been out and it has some good music. Or at least the music that could be remixed to sound better. Like Meaning of Birth for example. Some guy did a piano version of it and it sounds great! Anyway, I await patiently untill it comes.

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