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On the Breath of the Wind - Wind Waker Project - Breaking News: SkyRiderX Co-Director!!!!

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7 hours ago, Chernabogue said:

I don't even remember how my track sounds. I should check my old files to see if I still have it.

Please do. I was actually going to PM you since we have you down for a final WAV but Swifthom didn't send it to me. If you happen to find it please PM a link so I can add it in.

  • 2 weeks later...

Regarding Name chane - will pm you tomorrow i promise. I guess we should - ive been milling his over since the announcement and dont know whether flattered or horrified.

Sorry again.

Trouble is although i have ibternittant internet access the files are all on a desktop pc that cant travel.

Back at my desk after 2 weeks of criss crossong UK -amongst other othings brexit has ruined my work life balance ... 

I was sure we had chernabogues track as a wav? Need to check.

I do have the other version of the last track and i can send be grandma voice file to you seperately.

Will send you my email later so we can discuss this off forum rather than over pms to speed the process up.


1 hour ago, Swifthom said:

Regarding Name chane - will pm you tomorrow i promise. I guess we should - ive been milling his over since the announcement and dont know whether flattered or horrified.

Sorry again.

Trouble is although i have intermittant internet access the files are all on a desktop pc that cant travel.

Back at my desk after 2 weeks of criss crossong UK -amongst other othings brexit has ruined my work life balance ... 

I was sure we had chernabogues track as a wav? Need to check.

I do have the other version of the last track and i can send be grandma voice file to you seperately.

Will send you my email later so we can discuss this off forum rather than over pms to speed the process up.


Missing wav files are en route to Skyrider after a completely uneccessary, and entirely my fault, delay.

However whilst they are uploading it has given me a chance to update the tracklist to what it was 2 weeks ago.


Latest Update: 07/07/2016

0. Title - Tom Swift - Final wav

1. The Legendary Hero - Pokemoneinstien - Final Wav

2. Outset Island - Argle - Final wav

3. Aryll's Theme - Mark Jackson - Final Wav

4. Grandma's Song - TheRex - Final Wav

5. Pirate Theme - Skyrider X - Final Wav

6. Dragon Roost - TheRex - Final Wav

7. Cursed Ocean - Tom Swift, Asterlius, TheShaggyFreak - Final Wav

8. Forest Haven - Skyrider X - Final Wav

9. Ocean - Rozovian - Final Wav

10. Hyrule Castle - Amphibious - Final Wav

11. Legendary Hero - Argle - Final wav

12. Miniboss theme - Skyrider X - Final Wav

13. Ocean - Tuberz McGee - Final Wav

14. Jalhalla - Chernabogue - Final wav

15. Final Battle - Tom Swift - Final wav

16. Farewell Hyrule King - Tom Swift - Final Wav

17. Farewell Hyrule King - Mark of Two - Final wav

18. Staff Credits - Tom Swift, Mangaman, OrangeDragon, Mark Jackson, Lady Wildfire, Natalya Zarraga, Pixelpanic - 99% done



Big News! We've submitted the form with proper info and tracks to try to get official OCR approval !!! Keep your fingers crossed and hopefully we'll hear back soon and with good news! We're one step closer to getting this album out there for everyone to enjoy xD


Good and bad news here: I found back my old track. Problem is there's a rendering glitch in it (some samples stop playing before they're suposed to) and I don't have the FLP file anymore. I could try to add another layer on top to blend it, but I'm afraid the result won't sound good.


Chernabogue - glad to say we hadn't lost the wav file you sent me. I'll PM you the link to what we had for you to listen - hope your happy hearing it.

SkyriderX - thanks for taking the lead on this despite the last minute confusions. the tracks are ALL on onedrive now.

OCR - Waiting on you. :)

  • 1 month later...
  • 6 months later...

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