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On the Breath of the Wind - Wind Waker Project - Breaking News: SkyRiderX Co-Director!!!!


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Looking forward to hearing it :-D

Okay guys, May is but a MONTH away. I hope your all working hard. Looking forward to your finished mixes.

If anyone is having any troubles mastering their finished tracks get in touch; Argle's offered to lend a hand there. Otherwise I'm just waiting for some awesome tunes.

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So I'm tentatively dropping my track - I haven't come up with anything past my initial concept WIP, and I think it's selfish to have this as claimed if I'm not devoting enough time to this.

I'll keep working with it and if I get something substantial I'll let everyone know, but I wanna give someone else a shot if they've been waiting.

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RexAsaurus - Sorry to hear that.

I might tentatively PM you with an idea soon, however wait and see... If anyone else is out there chomping at the bit to get Grandma's theme in the album let me know.

Also I wasn't particularly clear on last post. Argle has offered to Master the entire album to ensure even quality across all tracks. That's what I meant to write - he's reminded me that there is a difference between that and helping people finish their tracks :tomatoface:

Sorry :razz:

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So yeah, just a heads-up guys, render a version of your mix without any limiting or clipping on it. If you mixed through a bus compressor, it's ok to keep that since that affected all your mix decisions. But if you put a compressor on at the end I would say take that off as well.

I mix everything by putting limiter on first and then I mix. Limiter is more than just keeping things from clipping and letting everything be loud.

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Welp, let's put it this way, if you smash your track to smithereens I can't master it. I need a version where the transients haven't been crushed.

I really wish you could see the argument about this referring to mastering the Sonic CD ReMix project. I don't mean to get into an argument or anything, but c'mon, brah.

I have been taught in the past by my good ol' dad, who was and is a professional producer and mixer, to mix with a limiter. Most pro producers and mixers mix with the limiter and THEN take it to get it mastered, and they will take care of other things needed, most importantly volume and lots of times EQ, and occasionally stereo control. And these are professional mastering places.

I know this because I've witnessed it time and time again and have even been a part of this process a few times.

I'm not trying to make anyone mad here or begin a horrific argument, but I'm just trying to get my point across.

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I really wish you could see the argument about this referring to mastering the Sonic CD ReMix project. I don't mean to get into an argument or anything, but c'mon, brah.

I have been taught in the past by my good ol' dad, who was and is a professional producer and mixer, to mix with a limiter. Most pro producers and mixers mix with the limiter and THEN take it to get it mastered, and they will take care of other things needed, most importantly volume and lots of times EQ, and occasionally stereo control. And these are professional mastering places.

I know this because I've witnessed it time and time again and have even been a part of this process a few times.

I'm not trying to make anyone mad here or begin a horrific argument, but I'm just trying to get my point across.

So. You're not going to send me a non-volume inflated track, that's what you're saying.

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Wuh-oh. Double posting. I'm so totally busted.

I'd like to echo what someone else did indeed ask. You said May is the deadline. But when specifically?

I can probably get something to you by the end of May. School has just been pulling me back quite a bit, with the addition of other projects I've committed myself to.

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If it takes to the end of May that's fine, as long as it is BY the end of May. :razz:

I'd appreciate them earlier but on the collab. front it looks like I won't be finished entirely myself by then. My recommendation is for everyone to aim for mid-may and then slipping back a fortnight isn't an issue :grin:

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's May everybody :mrgreen:

I have received two final, complete, utterly finished tracks so far which in addition to the one I am happy with from myself brings our wav count currently up to 3.

Also proud to say I've had two more WIPs in the last 12 hours.

Everyone else please check in if you get the chance and let me know if your on target or not. Can everyone aim to get their tracks done and dusted by the end of THIS MONTH.

No worries :-)

Anyone else out there with a burning desire to get on the album, contact me AT ONCE. All our welcome, provided you bring awesome tunes with you.

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I will try my very hardest to get my stuff done by the end of May. Got a lot of projects--both my own and other people's--that I'm trying to deal with.

Does someone want to collab with my on mine? Can I just lay down the track and someone else can do all the fancy work on top of it? Like all the leads and stuff? :D

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All those looking for a trailer, we're a little delayed but I am so happy to put this out there :mrgreen:

This was designed a while ago and only includes a 'few' songs from the album, and only a 'few' of the artists; at that point in time people who had submitted final wavs or substantial enough WIPs that I was 99% sure they'd make it to the end.

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Shoot, well now that ZI has been talking about it, I have no choice but to get this done. :P

Ok, so I have an idea that goes with what I showed you Swift, along with some new stuff.

I need a guitar player, and a decently good one at that. I have an idea but it's gonna require Argle's violin and some guitar and my programming skills.

Anyone here sexy with guitars?

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I'm definitely not going to be done by the end of May. I'll do my best, but really don't count on it.

Anyway, everybody who's contributing needs to make sure to do an excellent job. Find some of the best remixers on here and work closely with them to get your music up to snuff if you don't feel ready yet to publish a stellar remix to OCR. The goal is to get the album finished, yes, but the more important goal is to make sure each track is good enough to make its way to the main site here. Quality over punctuality, folks. We can do this!

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I've updated the first post with a breakdown of where everyone is with their tracks. Apparently naming and shaming is the way to make sure everyone is working hard


Please let me know if you have news I don't know about. And if you will miss the end of may deadline let me know in advance, and let me know how long a delay it might be. In short, just talk to me :)

And do your best to make some seriously rocking music:

Latest Update: 03/05/2013

Confirmed songs (passed 1st WIP):

0. Title - Tom Swift - Final wav

1. The Legendary Hero - Pokemoneinstien - 60% done

2. Outset Island - Argle - 30% done

3. Aryll's Theme - Mark Jackson - 80% done

4. Grandma's Song - TheRex - ?

5. Forest Haven - Skyrider X - 80% done

6. Pirate Theme - PizelPanic - 80% done

7. Cursed Ocean - Tom Swift - 90% done

9. Ocean - ????

10. Hyrule Castle - Amphibious - 80% done

11. Legendary Hero - Argle - 80% done

12. Ocean - Tuberz McGee

13. Miniboss theme - Skyrider X - 30% done

14. Molgera - HoboKa - 50% done

15. Jalhalla - Chernabogue - Final Wav

16. Final Battle - Tom Swift - 80% done

17. Hyrule King - Tom swift - 80% done

18. Hyrule King - Mark of Two - Final Wav

19. Staff Credits - Tom Swift, Mangaman, Mark Jackson - 30% done

Name and shame section:

Least complete track: Staff Credits, Outset Island and Miniboss Theme

Which to be fair to Argle and Skyrider X they took on these themes in the last month, whereas the final song has been sitting on my desk for AGES.

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