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Uhm... if anyone has seen the anime Mahoraba ~Heartful Days~ you'll see what I'm trying to get at. And if you're willing to stand the wait you could try torrenting it off animesuki. (WARNING: its a cutesie cutsie anime)

WARNING? *instantly downloads everything*


Ok, I am getting tired of people asking me why certain songs aren't involved. Here is one actual PM I got:


seriously, one of the best tracks in the game.

Here is my reply:


seriously, read the topic

Seriously people, please READ THE WHOLE FIRST POST before asking me questions like these. It is getting annoying :?



Artists, I found a pretty good resource for Kirby Superstar character references here:


Also keep the Rainbow Resort sources in mind: http://www.classicgaming.com/kirby/games/superstar/abilities/

Also, KWarp, do you want the artists to draw Kirby in his normal form in the pictures or do you want us to just pick abilities that seem suited to the situation?

In Milky Way Wishes, Kirby finds permanent copy abilites on each planet. I think the ones that go with the planet will also go with the storybook chapters.

How many of the artists for this project know how to make animated gifs? I was thinking that maybe, if you'd be willing to put forth a little more effort, we could maybe use 2-3 frame animated gifs for each picture. KWarp, will animated gifs work with that flash storybook engine you have going?

I could animate jpegs if you ever so desired. :P The problem is that I have to work around the storybook interface. It gets a bit glitchy if I add in animations. You're better off sticking with static images.

Remember, since we're working with storybook pages, all the art is probably going to be at a 3:4 ratio (turn a TV on it's side to get the desired page dimensions). Speaking of which, how big do you guys want the pages to be? I think the demo's 300x400 is way too small for this. (Can anyone with 800x600 computer resolution tell me how much of their screen the demo consumes?)


Concering Flash and Sound Compression

I probably should have talked about this sooner. Here's how it works. Let's say you've made a

30 Meg wav file <goes through mp3 compression> 3 Meg mp3 file <goes through Flash mp3 compression> 300k!!!!

I don't know how Flash does it, but Flash will cut the filesize 10 to 1 without any quality loss from the mp3. Here's the catch: Flash won't compress mp3s with bitrates higher than 160kbps Stereo. Moreover I don't know how it works with variable bitrates (I'm looking into it).

Judging from the bitrates of mp3s from Rise of the Star, this could be a problem. There is an alternative however.

It's called Raw. This option will not compress the sound at all, and naturally, filesize remains pretty big. Options are 5, 11, 22, and 44kHz.

I've been doing some tests for the past hour with Raw compression it seems using it won't impact the project's filesize a much as I feared. At most 20 meg wav files will be 2 megs. I'll continue to look into this.

Bottom line is: if you can make your final song at 160kbps or less, you'll shave off a couple megs (per song) from the final project. At this point it seems a seperate album release is definate.

30 Meg wav file <goes through mp3 compression> 3 Meg mp3 file <goes through Flash mp3 compression> 300k!!!!

I don't know how Flash does it, but Flash will cut the filesize 10 to 1 without any quality loss from the mp3.

I'm sorry to tell you but this is impossible without losing quality...

It's called Raw. This option will not compress the sound at all, and naturally, filesize remains pretty big. Options are 5, 11, 22, and 44kHz.

5 kHz? You must be kidding...anything below 44kHz is absolutely inacceptable... and 5kHz is worse than telephone quality!

I would rather go for 128 or 160kbps ABR MP3s, that should be the best trade-off...


I figured some of you would be skeptical. Heck, I still don't believe it.

EDIT: Link removed. see next page.

EDIT: Image removed. See next page.

EDIT: Ignore the rest of this. See next page.

bLiNd's remix, Blue Vision, runs at 160kbps and should be a heafty 5mb. Yet, this file (it contains the whole song) has a 500k filesize. I'll admit I could detect a slight quality loss in...

... interesting, I just tried exporting it "Raw" at 44kHz Stereo. The quality loss I detected is gone and the filesize is the same. *reuploads the file*

I swear this program is magic. 8O


I'm inherently partially deaf, so yes, that's a possibility. :P Regardless, I literally can not get higher quality than that in a swf file. 16kbps, 44kHz... CD quality.


Let's put it this way: The song on your proof site *WAS* 5 MB and now is compressed with an audio codec flash used and it has a significant quality loss, even instantly recognizable on my notebook speakers :) I just think flash isn't supposed to have real high-quality audio, it automatically compresses it so the flash movies don't take forever to download...

People can also encode their tracks at the higher quality bitrate for distribution (or just provide .wav files), and then encode a seperate, lower quality file for the storybook Flash project.

Does that really make a difference? I think Flash encodes WAV, RAW and MP3 the same, the destination file size is always the same (according to KWarp) - but with prior low bitrate MP3 conversion (ie below 192kbps) you get extra low quality because it is encoded twice with low bitrates, so importing the WAVs to flash should be far better because they are only encoded once.


Is there any way to make the audio stream not directly associated with the Flash video, so that the sound quality isn't reduced? Perhaps, for instance, having two streams, one audio and one video, and then having the viewer cue them up at the beginning? Each page could have its own chapter/song, and you could have a little note that says when to begin the audio, so they work together. That way (and I know this happened to me a lot) if you have a slower download connection and BitTorrent isn't your friend when it comes to albums, you can still listen to the music online without having to DL the songs, and without the video attached.

Just a suggestion.



I like that suggestion. It would be a lot easier on the programming of the flash as well, I think. It would give people the quality of both the music and the book without any loss in the quality.

Also, I am wondering when these things get moved to WIP. I mean....it pretty much served its purpose in Gendisc.

ONE MORE THING: Darkesword, pick a song before they are all taken :wink:

Is there any way to make the audio stream not directly associated with the Flash video, so that the sound quality isn't reduced? Perhaps, for instance, having two streams, one audio and one video, and then having the viewer cue them up at the beginning? Each page could have its own chapter/song, and you could have a little note that says when to begin the audio, so they work together. That way (and I know this happened to me a lot) if you have a slower download connection and BitTorrent isn't your friend when it comes to albums, you can still listen to the music online without having to DL the songs, and without the video attached.

I don't think that's possible, and if it is, it's far beyond something I can program. If I don't put the audio in the Flash file, I really have no idea how to make the songs run.

I have a few FLAC files from the RotS project, I'll test how flash compresses those (as wavs) and get back to you.


I have it sorted out.

It seems that the event sound type displays better quality than the stream sound type. Link

There's now no quality loss at all. I'm certain because the mp3 filesize is almost the same as the swf file (it cuts of 5% of the mp3 or so).

http://www.kwarp.com/storage/proof.html (I didn't edit the text. The file is 5 mb)


Could you program the flash movie to play a song from a directory? Like "c:\...KSS BGM\Song1.mp3"?

I looked around on the 'net, and I found this: http://musicplayer.sourceforge.net/

It's a flash mp3 player. I don't really understand what the documentation says, but from what I get you tell the flash player to play music from a directory on your website. It might be able to play music from a computer.

And I also found this:


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