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Okay, I am in need of ideas..or any suggestions so far. I understand "Inside Nova" is kind of a more, tensive, dangerous type of tune, but I'm wondering if this took it a little too far on the introduction implemented.. (Picture it this way, By the time Marx finishes his wish, Nova makes his trek towards Pop Star. Progressively, by the time it is very close, Kirby comes in, right inside Nova, and takes it from there.)

Note: Melodic part (Barely started) will change later.. Channel and EQ mastering will be applied in the final product.


(EDIT: Should work now.)

EDIT2: Hmm...samples eh.. DO you have any VSTi's or extra synths to use in FruityLoops?

The link isnt working. Do you have an alternate webspace to upload to?


Ultimately...when it comes to digital music these days, it is highly preferable you become familliar with these terms.

A VST is a plugin system © Steinberg Technologies. Many programs such as FL Studio, Sony ACID, Reason, Cubase etc. incorporate its ability to use such files. A VST is compatible (i think) with both PC and Mac, and depending on what plugin you find, it may be able to either 'alter' how a sound is supposed to output, or sample MIDI playback with its software synthesizer.

In practice, you may find a free alternative, or one which you have to purchase from.. In your case, I suggest start from the basics.

FL's already-included synthesizer generators could give you an idea on how a VSTi would work..though extras mean a possible wider variety of choices. (And if you're game, possibilities of creating your own samples..)

As for samples..i think you ought to stick with looking for extra soundfonts or something..but IMO, the majority are of 'lacklustre' and sound too much of like what a standard MIDI wavetable synth would appear to be..

You could always try looking for new samples on the web.. here's a site:


EDIT (UPD): Latest WIP below this page.


I figured out how to download your song. I had to go to your website then paste the link you posted here. I thought the beginning, though stretched out a bit, was pretty cool. When it gets to the music though, I think it needs some huge rising action going on there. Maybe after that initial phrase repeats twice, replace the electronic chords with something more dramatic (such as an orchestral hit as used in the ost)

By the way, for this project you might want to find a different host for the time being, because 2kb/sec will take nearly a half hour to download a full length mix (conidering it took 8 minutes to download this 1:22 version) I would suggest soundclick for now, for temporary hosting.


Woa, a lot ot stuff for me to catch up on!

First of all, CC, awesome drawing. So that is what you were mentioning to me about. Pretty dang cool. Nice job.

KWarp, I love the introduction to your little thing you created. It gave me a good laugh, in the good way :). Interesting hearing that theme on a Cello.

It seems we have a new remixer on board. If I am right, that means the remixing team is now FULL. That is awesome. Now, just to finish up getting artists and we will be ready! :)

But yes, as Bren said, the link doesn't work :?

Anyhow, with each day, this project goes closer into becoming a reality. Like I said before, very exciting :)

Thanks again guys for all of your hard work.


Hrm, I guess if anyone wants a bit of hosting for their mp3s they can PM me or MSN me and send it to me and I'll upload it to a site.

I forgot what else I was s'pose ta say.. so.. I'll edit it later.

Most of them sound like high quality midi to me.

No way they sound like high quality MIDI (high quality MIDI sounds like all of my entire collection of works I've ever done because I have done everything 100% in MIDI) - but maybe they aren't really bad, they need a fair amount of mastering, I think, mostly EQing to have every instrument cover its distinctive frequency range to make it sound less "soupy". No offense here, just want to help out :)

PS: But I really don't think the flute sounds better than the one I used... I believe it was you who ranted about the bad quality of my flute sound, right? I don't like a flute sound if it gets too "airy" (and even a pan flute doesn't have to sound airy, listen to the one I used)...

Oh yeah, and if you want me to record your track with the instruments I use, I can do it for ya as soon as I'm back in Bern! I got all the General MIDI instruments and thousands more :)


Dude, that's a piccolo in its low register - of course it's airy.

Trust me, I'm a flute player of 6 years, almost concert level. I know my flute stuff.

Alright, well , how do I do the stuff being suggested? I'm not taking any offense, this is great learning stuff I just wanna know how. How do I unmuddy it, etc. etc.?

Most of them sound like high quality midi to me.

No way they sound like high quality MIDI (high quality MIDI sounds like all of my entire collection of works I've ever done because I have done everything 100% in MIDI) - but maybe they aren't really bad, they need a fair amount of mastering, I think, mostly EQing to have every instrument cover its distinctive frequency range to make it sound less "soupy". No offense here, just want to help out :)

PS: But I really don't think the flute sounds better than the one I used... I believe it was you who ranted about the bad quality of my flute sound, right? I don't like a flute sound if it gets too "airy" (and even a pan flute doesn't have to sound airy, listen to the one I used)...

Oh yeah, and if you want me to record your track with the instruments I use, I can do it for ya as soon as I'm back in Bern! I got all the General MIDI instruments and thousands more :)

Hmmm, no I don't think I complained about your flute, I think I said something about you fixing a chord or something in your earlier version of your WIP, but I never said anything about your flute. That was someone else.

Anyway, I guess I was being a bit too gracious in saying light's mix sounded like high quality midi...When I think of quality myself, I think of most raw midi as not-very-good:-the-stuff-you-hear-on-web-pages-that-you-can't-ever-seem-to-turn-off-in-an-endless-loop-of-not-quite-believable-samples-that-make-you-want-to-kill-people kind of music, and for someone as inexperienced in this as him, I am just saying that doesn't help his cause. His was better than normal, from what I am used to hearing at least, which is why I used the phrase "high quality"

Anyway, some good EQing could help, but I think better samples would be easier on him at this point, and better ground to start on. I'm not at all ruling out midi being used, though I tend to stay away from most gm libraries (personal preference, and I hate going through them), they do have their strengths, just like any other type of sample/sound/etc.

As for your samples, Usa...I thought most of them were very nice, and you filled out your ranges nicely as well...It also helps that your mix is so light-hearted, to go with said samples. So huh...so far, I really haven't had any real complaint about yours.

light, I will get back to you...on better suggestions...Though you can try someone who is listed to help you on the front page of this forum...I'm not very good at explaining things like this.

A good tip I can give you though is, you just have to really listen to the samples you use and then listen to some good quality music, and compare...try to get the closest to a "fuller" sound as possible...Then you can go back, and when you EQ, you can take away frequencies from the sample that you don't like/need/or get in the way of other samples. You just really want to balance your song...if you have a bass, it should have a different frequency range than say, that "airy" piccolo. In your song...most of the instruments seem to sound way too much alike, hence why I said there wasn't much depth to it. Hope that helps.


Having MIDI's put through a sampler with sampler-specific controller changes would help too.

If it were something to the case of High quality MIDI, I would say something that is made FOR MIDI and sounds best only on MIDI synths. (eg: M$GS Wavetable, Yamaha S-YXG50/100, Jet-MIDI etc.)

Arek: Thanks for the open space. :)

EDIT 16 JULY 2005: http://s5.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=1CQPH17M9C0YJ36VX93IRW5B2Q (Latest WIP version 2)

Trust me, I'm a flute player of 6 years, almost concert level. I know my flute stuff.

Oh, I am sorry! - I didn't know that, and hearing a sampled piccolo in your mix I thought that you don't play real flute (because I guess someone with that talent would record the flute track himself on his or her instrument). But still I think it sounds too airy, so you might choose a different flute sound because something airy contains almost every frequency and masks out everything else a bit. I am no flute player, but I really thought mine sounded well (here is an example of the lower range of it, I know the MP3 compression is horrible). Yes, well, at least I kinda like it ^-^ But taking the flute in my mix to that low register doesn't sounds as playful anymore. And the "piccolo" of my keyboard doesn't at all sound realistic.

Hmmm, no I don't think I complained about your flute, I think I said something about you fixing a chord or something in your earlier version of your WIP, but I never said anything about your flute. That was someone else.

Yeah, I didn't mean you, I meant lightwarmth (see above), sorry for the misunderstanding.

Anyway, I guess I was being a bit too gracious in saying light's mix sounded like high quality midi...When I think of quality myself, I think of most raw midi as not-very-good:-the-stuff-you-hear-on-web-pages-that-you-can't-ever-seem-to-turn-off-in-an-endless-loop-of-not-quite-believable-samples-that-make-you-want-to-kill-people kind of music, and for someone as inexperienced in this as him, I am just saying that doesn't help his cause. His was better than normal, from what I am used to hearing at least, which is why I used the phrase "high quality"

Oh, OK, now I see why you called it "high quality". When I go to a website where music plays as you described it, it controls my keyboard, as well, and doesn't sound necessarily half bad (except they use the gunshot for drums or use the power kit exceedingly ^-^) But the main quirk about standard MIDI files is that they don't contain any EQ settings for each track. But my keyboard has some standard EQing settings for every instrument, so it doesn't sound THAT bad, like on my Roland SC-8850 ^-^ Using the Roland, it sounds like a musical soup most of the time.

Anyway, some good EQing could help, but I think better samples would be easier on him at this point, and better ground to start on. I'm not at all ruling out midi being used, though I tend to stay away from most gm libraries (personal preference, and I hate going through them), they do have their strengths, just like any other type of sample/sound/etc.

That's a point where we differ a lot. I am always looking for synths that have GM capabilities because I can, for example, listen to every track on VGMusic.com and have a good preview. I am also totally used to the GM drum layout and hate it if a sampler has a different layout because I have to search for the drums I need.

A good tip I can give you though is, you just have to really listen to the samples you use and then listen to some good quality music, and compare...try to get the closest to a "fuller" sound as possible...Then you can go back, and when you EQ, you can take away frequencies from the sample that you don't like/need/or get in the way of other samples. You just really want to balance your song...if you have a bass, it should have a different frequency range than say, that "airy" piccolo. In your song...most of the instruments seem to sound way too much alike, hence why I said there wasn't much depth to it. Hope that helps.

I can only second that. It's a good description of what to do here. The most important thing for a balanced mix is that there are not two or more instruments "fighting" for a specific frequency range. It makes things unpleasant to listen to. Even octaving up or down some tracks can help alleviate this problem.


Allright, as some of you may have noticed, I haven't actually tried incorporating any music into pages in the project yet. Support for music isn't actually covered in the book's sourcecode, so it was something I had to type up myself. It took me two hours and a lot of hassle, but I managed to code it properly. Rant below:

I came up with a plan: find the variable that keeps track of the page numbers, find where I need to put code to start the music, and finally write that code. Everything went along smoothly and eventually I got the music to play in the right place at the right time. I thought to myself, "OMG SWEET I CAN ACTUALY CODE!!! 8O" That's when I started flipping backward in the book and the music started playing 4 pages earlier than before! 8O It turned out that the "page" variable didn't track the pages properly and there was nothing I could do to fix it. I tried a number of alternate methods, but they just didn't work properly. Some time around there I figured out something, the "page" variable may not track pages properly, but the way it does track them is highly predictable. From there it was a matter of determining whether the page was flipping forward or backward and evaluating it accordingly.

function startMusic(){ //this method will start the music on each page
if((page == 4 && isForward) || (page == 8 && !isForward)){ //the page variable doesn't count properly, but it is predictable! =D
trace("play floria");

I'm such a nerd. :roll:

EDIT: Hahaha! I just realized that rant fits my new signature perfectly. :P


Today's your lucky day. I just finished adjusting it. :D (it replaced the older version)


There's a bit of nasty slowdown on it. :? It happens with web browsers sometimes because of the framerate or something. It's nothing to worry about as the final version(s) will be very much not-in-a-web-browser. :P

Today's your lucky day. I just finished adjusting it. :D (it replaced the older version)


There's a bit of nasty slowdown on it. :? It happens with web browsers sometimes because of the framerate or something. It's nothing to worry about as the final version(s) will be very much not-in-a-web-browser. :P

Sweet. One minor gripe: if you go forward past a page that triggers no new sounds and then back to the page that triggered what you're currently listening to, the music restarts. Could you make it check to see which page it came from before starting the music over?

Also, since each chapter is going to be multiple pages, you'll also have to have it check for each border page between chapters, because in the event you go backwards, say, from Aqualiss to the last page of Floria, you'll want to change the music back again.

Easiest way as I see it: have a variable track which chapter you're in by assigning each page a chapter number. If the chapter changes, have your music code handle the song change.


Well, I'm gonna be gone for a week, so, I figured I would post another WIP just so you know I'm still here and progressing (not so much progressing though).

I might restart the whole thing, I dunno. This is still really rough and crappy. The part with the gated strings is just an idea, just seeing if it fit the mood at all, I'm just really into some sweet automated gating.

Rapture In the Aqualiss (crappy WIP ReMix)

Tell me what you think, and, see you all in a week.


Dude, this isn't crappy at all! What you have so far, it does indeed fit in with the theme. Very interesting way of re-arranging the melody..though I'm wondering how exactly it's going to boost into how the original melody would go.. I like the strings in the background, adds to the whole atmosphere of the intended 'child-friendly' landscape.

Don't start all over again man..my ear seems to be loving this a lot!


Wow! It sounds good so far. I can't wait to hear the final version of Aqualiss.

Every day, this project is getting better and better. I can't wait to start writing for this! :D

It's going to be a blast!

Rapture In the Aqualiss (crappy WIP ReMix)

Tell me what you think, and, see you all in a week.

Whoa, that's sweet. I love the direction you took. :D

Sweet. One minor gripe: if you go forward past a page that triggers no new sounds and then back to the page that triggered what you're currently listening to, the music restarts. Could you make it check to see which page it came from before starting the music over?

Also, since each chapter is going to be multiple pages, you'll also have to have it check for each border page between chapters, because in the event you go backwards, say, from Aqualiss to the last page of Floria, you'll want to change the music back again.

Easiest way as I see it: have a variable track which chapter you're in by assigning each page a chapter number. If the chapter changes, have your music code handle the song change.

I wouldn't have it any other way. I'll do everything I can to make the code run exactly as it should be. Just curious, but what kind of progamming background do you have? (I've taken 2 years of JAVA programming.)


Woah, this thread likes to move don'it. K, since I like mystery etc I'm not gonna post a wip just yet, but I would like some info/guidelines about the song I picked: "time to learn"

Depending on where it fits in to the story I could do it different ways, should it be short? like < 2 minutes? or should it be epic like I'm sure the rest of the soundtrack will be and aim for 4-5+?

And should I keep it simple like the original or should I make it as rich and full as possible? I'd like to know where the piece would fit in to the story... it's kind of key. ^^

(I wonder if this should've been pm'ed?)

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