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Hey all, just letting you know that I finished my track for the Sonic 3 & Knuckles project tonight, and I will be starting on my DeDeDe mix very soon.

Also, I have a question. Will it be alright if I upload the WiP of my track on VGMix, or should I find another means of hosting?

Thanks in advance, and good luck to everyone!



Ditto. I think a few changes in instruments will help a lot though.

Also a reminder, the animation (read: not art) WIP is different from the music ones. It's due on the 28th (the day after I get back) so I can work with things at home.

15 more days...


I loved it! I like how you opened it up with FF9 battle music. Its like if Square/Enix made a Kirby RPG, the battle music would sound like this. I wouldn't change anything about it... then again, I'm no mixer :wink:


Just wanted to inform everyone here that I am back...almost... I had a lot of stress during my three weeks of "vacation", so I need a bit of rest before I can get on with the work for any project.

In addition, a friend of mine, Zak, has started his own project (A Seiken Densetsu 3 ReMix project) and entitled me to being his co-coordinator. This doesn't mean a lot of work, but here and there I need to lend him a helping hand to organize things :)

So you guys and gals have still to be a bit patient before I can get rollin' again :)


Hi all I'm typing from here in Israel. Arriving here was a total f@ing nightmare but now after 3 hours of sleep and 8 hours of driving 6 people and all our stuff in one car we've finally arrived at the hotel. slightly better anyway. I can't wait to get back home and finish outlining the Storybook for the project. 13 days now I think...


Let's get to the point... I need to drop out of this project.


  • 1. My song is alright, but I can't fit the melody in at all, let alone make it connect and make sense.
    2. I'm burnt out on remixing specific games for specific projects. Getting my S3&K track done was pulling teeth itself, and I just want to just be able to do any song that pops into my head.
    3. I don't want to waste time doing a track that I'm not enjoying and give the project a sub-par mix that was only intended for an Easter egg in the first place.
    4. Sounds like the animator has a lot on his hands as well, so it might just be for the better.

Again, I'm really SORRY! Better luck getting my brain to function creatively next time, I guess.


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