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Wow thaz like oooooooold.

Anyhow, serious note. I have been coughing up blood recently and it hurts like crazy. My status seems to get worse and worse. I dunno what is in store for me, so....ya. I dont know what to do seriously. I am not going to drop from this, but....I dont know. I just dont want this to get f'ed up if anything were to happen to me...

So ya...just wanted to let you guys know.

Coughing up blood is no fun, especially if you do it during class :?


Arek....I just don't know what to say.

As far as worrying about the project, please don't. I know you're going to say that you can't because it's your project and you really care about it, and I completely understand that, but if you can't perform your duties, I think I can speak for everyone involved when I say that we all understand. Your health is very important. You have already done SO MUCH for this project, and we all appreciate the involvement and dedication you've put in thus far. From my short stay here, and talking in the IRC channel, I can see that there's a good group of fun people here, and I think the setup you've manifested so far is great.

You're a fun person to talk to, even if you cheated on the SGX contest. ;)

Thank you for creating this project, and I hope that whatever is going on is figured out and cured. We're all rooting for you.



Ummm... Ditto?

Seriously Arek, please dont worry. You're probably one of the best project organizers around these parts, and if you have to take leave because of your health, by all means do so. Dont feel at all bad or worried about the project, we all understand and just want you to get better.

To your health


Everyone knows there's an outdated storybook available to the public right? :|

....new password on the book? anyone involved can PM it to me please?

Ummm... Ditto?

Seriously Arek, please dont worry. You're probably one of the best project organizers around these parts, and if you have to take leave because of your health, by all means do so. Dont feel at all bad or worried about the project, we all understand and just want you to get better.

To your health


joah.... I second, erm... third this!

The important thing is...do the things you feel comfortable doing and leave out the things you don't for now until it gets better! I hope the best for you!


Well, on a bit of a happier note, I pretty much just finished my song. Still has a few weird notes and the production needs to be tightened and all that polishing stuff, but, besides that, its done.

{Link Removed)

Tell me what ya think.


Hello everyone, I haven't dropped off the face of the earth yet. Sorry for the absence, but I've managed to get back into working for this project, so I might as well show you what I've got so far in terms of artwork.

First up, Heavy Lobster (Which photobucket decided to resize).


A few sketches that got me to that point.


I had so much difficulty with Heavy Lobster because it's only shown from the side in the game. I only figured out how to do it when a friend got some reference pictures from the anime.

Some more of my stuff should be on the way, but there's no telling when since I don't have power at home yet.


Keep up the good work bud. :)

Now that my hellish week is over I'm jumping back onto the project. Gotta go to sleep early tonight though. <(>_>)>


Hello and thanks to all of you people who made this possible! You are the greatest ever ^-^ Seriously, I really appreciate that you lead such a great project! It will PWN the rest of the projects! I just found out that it's not a standard for a project that remixers are welcome, and yeah, I feel welcome and accepted by all of you. It's a great time working together with you on this project! Just wanted to tell that to you, thanks ^-^


Ha! No problem USA, your an asset to any project! :lol:

Oh, and i read the sunday news, and, should us Remixers get in touch with the artists that are doing the same chapters as we are so they can go off of that? Just curious.

I added in some comments as well. :)


D: What exactly does this entail???!

You just have to show some artwork of some sort. So far you, G-man, and Carefree Captain are in the safe zone. Oltri, Neoforte, and Claude need to show some new stuff by the 12th or face DOOM or something like that. =P

I added in some comments as well. :)


D: What exactly does this entail???!

You just have to show some artwork of some sort. So far you, G-man, and Carefree Captain are in the safe zone. Oltri, Neoforte, and Claude need to show some new stuff by the 12th or face DOOM or something like that. =P


G-man, your coloring style ROCKS!

I've been practice sketching on stuff. I'll try and scan those in by the deadline for some more stuff to show.

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