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Today Kate and I started the first part of the process of making our first batch of homemade brew. It's not nearly as expensive or time consuming as I thought it would be. It also doesn't take up a lot of room in your house to do.

The link above goes to a post that chronicles what we did today and I'll be updating my site with more stuff as we go through the process. The Mr. Beer kit is pretty easy to use so far and it seems pretty popular with a lot of home brewers. Here's their website: http://www.mrbeer.com

I think it'd be awesome if we had a little crew of OCR folks who brewed their own beer and maybe next MAGfest (or some such gathering) we could have a little competition. Either way, Kate and I had a lot of fun with what we've done so far. I'm looking forward to seeing how it tastes!

I thgouth about making alcool about 3 weeks ago. I'm a big beer lover, ma favourite is made here in my town at a local bar, it won an award and it's 10%. Mail me a beer I'll mail you one lol

10%, sounds great. I'd take one and mail you a real german beer. I think german beer is the best in the world, especially some of the bavarian ones. But there is good beer from all around Germany which would take too long to write them all down.

But my favorites are:

Hochstift (the beer from my hometown)

Wiesenmühle Pils (it's from a small brewery in my hometown and you can only get it in their Biergarten/Restaurant)

Diebels (it's something like an ale called Altbier from Düsseldorf)

and of course Kreuzbergbier which is from a monastery in the north-west of Bavaria and you can get it (almost) only there

I thought about brewing my own beer too, but not until I'm back in my hometown, where I have more space to do it

I've only ever had 1 can of bud light and I thought it was horrible. I'd love to know if good beer exists, and give it a try.. I ain't the beer brewing type though, i brew tea. :-D


They make a raspberry flavoured one if you want a delicious drink that isn't really a beer anymore.


i just came back from a party where i made my own drink which consists of half Smirnoff ice and half mountain dew, and i must say it tastes amazing, didn't even taste like it had alcohol in it.

My own drink is the only alcoholic drink i will touch with a ten foot pole and enjoy, was gonna try mountain dew with vodka but there wasn't any at the time.


Today Kate and I started the first part of the process of making our first batch of homemade brew. It's not nearly as expensive or time consuming as I thought it would be. It also doesn't take up a lot of room in your house to do.

The link above goes to a post that chronicles what we did today and I'll be updating my site with more stuff as we go through the process. The Mr. Beer kit is pretty easy to use so far and it seems pretty popular with a lot of home brewers. Here's their website: http://www.mrbeer.com

I think it'd be awesome if we had a little crew of OCR folks who brewed their own beer and maybe next MAGfest (or some such gathering) we could have a little competition. Either way, Kate and I had a lot of fun with what we've done so far. I'm looking forward to seeing how it tastes!

Mr. Beer? Interesting, I've never herd of that. If I bought kits online, I'd go to Midwest Supplies for beer supplies. They have a shit-ton of kits for all kinds of beer. But I normally go to a local "Homebrew" store to get supplies, caps, bottles, etc. in order to support the local brewing industry.

My brother and I are on our 7th or so batch since we started brewing 3-4 years ago. We made a Belgian dubbel this time. Should be good. :) IPAs are my overall favorite to make and drink though. 'tis a man's beer.


My roommate's been into brewing for a couple years. He started with Mr. Beer too, but after the first batch or two he's pretty much gone all-grain. He's now averaging over a batch a month, and literally has more beer than he knows what to do with. I'm still a beer dunce personally, but I can't complain about always having something on tap. :)!!

My roommate's been into brewing for a couple years. He started with Mr. Beer too, but after the first batch or two he's pretty much gone all-grain. He's now averaging over a batch a month, and literally has more beer than he knows what to do with. I'm still a beer dunce personally, but I can't complain about always having something on tap. :)!!

That's hardcore. All-grain is a lot more expensive, takes a LOT more time, and it takes much more room than the regular method. Also, depending on the beer, it's not much different in taste.


Ok, I just got this exact 6-pack at Sheetz. Going to drink one now. Will let you all know if I dig it.

EDIT: well it was easy enough to drink, I remember the Bud being so bad it was tough to drink. I wouldn't say it's tasty but it's definitely different. How many of them would it actually take to get you drunk though with such a puny alc level?


My father RARELY drinks beer (he's more of a martini and wine kind of guy), but his favorite beer has to be Dos Equis or Sam Adams. At least that's what's in the fridge.

I have no inclination to drink beer or any type of alcohol at this point, but once I turn 21 I'll probably buy something my father or friends recommend.


I think it'd be awesome if we had a little crew of OCR folks who brewed their own beer and maybe next MAGfest (or some such gathering) we could have a little competition. Either way, Kate and I had a lot of fun with what we've done so far. I'm looking forward to seeing how it tastes!

This is a great idea.

For those suggesting or looking for other tasty ales, malts, and spirits, don't forget about this thread: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=31856

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