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So even while being mostly wide-eyed and drooling all over the place at MAGFest this year(remember going to Toys R Us as a kid? Yeah, just like that.), I managed to catch some video of a jam in Will's room. Lots o' music was played and much fun was had! Unfortunately, I ran out of space before the 90s covers but I've spared you my horrible singing... well most of it. Anywhoozle, enjoy!

Hope to see more of you guys at MAGFest XI!


That looks like it was awesome and tons of fun. I have no musical talent but it'd have been fun to sit in and listen. XD I wish I knew who was who! I recognize pixietricks and DrumUltima but that's about it. :\

And at the risk of public humiliation, can someone tell me what the song in Part 4 was?

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